La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XCIII-103

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XCIII-103 - Definitions

A. As used in this document, the following terms shall have the meaning specified:

8(g) Advisory Council -an advisory council to the BESE which annually makes recommendations on the program, budget, and recommended projects for funding to be allocated by the BESE. The council shall operate in accordance with the BESE policy concerning the operation of advisory councils and shall serve without compensation, except for reasonable and necessary expenses for attending meetings and performing duties.

8(g) Program and Budget -consists of the broad categories of programs within constitutional categories and the total dollars the board proposed to fund in each category.

8(g) Support Fund (Louisiana Quality Education Support Fund) -a special fund in the Louisiana State Treasury, as specified in Article VII, Section 10.1 of the Louisiana Constitution and R.S. 17:3801. Fifty percent of the monies accruing to the support fund will be reimbursed by the treasurer on an annual basis in accordance with legislative appropriation for allocation by the Louisiana state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and the remaining 50 percent by the Louisiana Board of Regents.

Administrative Costs -no more than 3 percent of the average annual amount of actual expenditures by each board for the most recent three previous fiscal years for which actual expenditures are available shall be utilized for employment of personnel and associated travel and other benefits, the operation of the 8(g) Advisory Council activities, costs associated with monitoring and administration of funded activities, and the necessary evaluations, audits, and preparation of the annual program and budget for the allocation process.

Applicant -an eligible agency which submits a proposal for funding in response to a request for projects by the BESE.

Approved Nonpublic School -any nonpublic school which has been certified by the board to meet nonpublic school standards and is approved for state funding under Brumfield vs. Dodd.

Board -Louisiana state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, also referred to as BESE and SBESE.

Budgets -a detailed monetary explanation for proposed expenditures for each project. These must be approved prior to the release of funds.

Equipment -equipment used for day-to-day, direct instruction of students. The term includes all items that are durable (sturdy) in nature and tend to last more than a year. The term does not include equipment used in any manner for administrative purposes, such as copiers, office file cabinets and/or office furniture, and so forth.

Exemplary Program -a model program or project which is worthy of imitation and which provided the following results:

a. there was ample objective evidence of effectiveness;

b. the stated objectives were obtained;

c. the educational needs of the students were met; and

d. there was a clear and attributable connection between treatment and effect.

Excess Costs -funds which may be assessed by an applicant to conduct the activities listed in a proposal for 8(g) funds. All assessments must relate directly to the proposed 8(g) activities and reflect costs to the applicant which are above and beyond costs for normal operating activities.

Fiscal Year (FY) -the fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end June 30.

Foreign Language Instruction -academic instruction in any language other than English. The term does not include instruction in English as a second language.

Library Books -any books to be available for circulation among the general school population, or a specific component of the general school population, for research or enhancement.

Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund (Permanent Trust Fund) -a fund in the Louisiana State Treasury which is derived from settlement with the federal government under 43 USC 1337(g), as specified in Article VII, Section 10.1 of the Louisiana Constitution and R.S. 17:3801. Earnings of the Permanent Trust Fund accrue to the Louisiana Quality Education Support Fund as specified by law.

Other Instructional Materials -any materials used in the direct instruction of students which are not included under the annual per-student allocation for "materials of instruction" through the Department of Education, but not limited to, computer software, art and music supplies, instructional films, records slides, and other materials of a similar nature.

Pilot Program -an educational program which will implement educational procedures, activities, objectives, standards, curricula, methodology, content, and so forth which do not presently exist in the school or school system seeking support funds for the program.

Pre-School Program -any educational program provided for children who have not attained their fifth birthday. The term includes any and all types of educational readiness activities.

Priorities -the areas of focus/need, as established by the BESE, which will be utilized in the determination of the program and budget. Examples of priorities might be programs of statewide impact, regional impact, local impact or reading, discipline, mathematics, foreign languages, textbooks, etc.

Project/Application -the document submitted by an applicant requesting support fund monies which meets the requirements established by the BESE.

Project/Application Deadline/Timeline -the date(s) by which an applicant must submit a project to be considered for funding by the BESE from support fund monies.

Projects -the specific design for activities to be awarded funds under each category in the program and budget. These must be approved prior to release of funds.

Project Year/Term -the project year/term shall be the time established by an applicant/recipient in the project for the accomplishment of activities.

Recipient -an applicant who is awarded funds based upon an approved project.

Remediation Program -program which teaches an educational skill which is normally taught at a lower grade level, such as basic education provided for teenagers or adults, elementary grade level reading instruction provided at middle or secondary levels, and so forth. The term also includes social services provided in alternative school settings, special programs for high risk or potential drop-outs, and other ancillary support services designed to elevate any student or group of students to appropriate grade level performance.

Request for Projects -the document issued to elicit plans from applicants who intend to conduct an activity from 8(g) funds which meets the priorities and program and budget established by the BESE. The document will contain the mandatory components established by the BESE as a basis for funding eligibility, (i.e. project goals, objectives, activities, budget, projected project evaluation and project timelines).

Research -a procedure to investigate conditions existing within specific school populations which is structured in accordance with the accepted standards of the American Educational Research Association.

Scholarships -payment of a specific lump sum of money for a specified period of study at an institution of higher education within this state. The sum of money paid to scholarship recipients may be utilized by recipients to meet any expenses of the said study.

Stipends -payment of specific costs associated with specific course work at institutions of higher education within this state. The term also includes tuition reimbursements.

Superior Textbooks -textbooks approved by the board which are supplementary to regularly approved textbooks or used to enhance instruction.

Supplant/Displace/Replace -legally prohibited types of expenditures for 8(g) funds. For purpose of this policy, supplant, displace, and replace refer to the process whereby 8(g) funds would be utilized in lieu of funds available from a source other than 8(g) funds, or 8(g) funds would be utilized to fund activities previously funded by a source other than 8(g) funds. The prohibition specifically refers to State General Fund (SGF) monies utilized to fund the Minimum Foundation Program in elementary and secondary education and SGF funded activities in vocational-technical education. The terms shall apply to the two fiscal years prior to the effective date of funding.

Technology -any tool that can be used in the school with students to enhance academic achievement (such as local and remote computer-based information, multimedia, calculators, satellite and broadcast resources) or any course or program which employs the use of such technology as it relates to student academic achievement in any of the core curriculum areas undergoing standards reform.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XCIII-103

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 38:3142 (December 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6(A)(10).