La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § LXXXIII-4310

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section LXXXIII-4310 - Subgroup Component AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress)
A. District Subgroup Component Indicators
1. Each district shall be evaluated on the subgroup component at three different levels (grade-clusters); elementary (K-5), middle (6-8), and high school (9-12). A district shall pass the subgroup component provided that each subgroup of students within each grade-cluster meets the passes the subgroup component, and each grade-cluster the district, as a whole, meets the criteria for status or improvement on the additional academic indicator.
a. Passing the Subgroup Component
i. Participation rate test: 95 percent of the students within the each subgroup within each grade-cluster participated in the standards-based assessments; and
ii. Annual measurable objective status test (AMO status test): the subgroup percent proficient score within each grade-cluster is at/or above the annual measurable objective in ELA and mathematics; or
iii. Safe harbor test:
(a). the percentage of non-proficient students within the each subgroup within each grade-cluster reduced declined by at least 10 percent of the previous year's value; and
(b). the subgroup improved or met the criterion on the additional academic indicator (attendance rate for the elementary and middle schools grade-clusters and non-dropout rate for the high schools grade-cluster).
b. 2002-03 will be year one of judging districts based on the subgroup component.
c. 2003-04 will be year two of judging districts based on the subgroup component.
d. For the non-proficient reduction portion of the safe harbor test, a comparison of current year assessment data to the previous year assessment data shall be used. For the additional academic indicator check for the safe harbor test and for the whole grade-cluster check, attendance and dropout data from the prior year will be compared to data from two years prior.
i. For 2005-06 only, the safe harbor comparison of assessment results shall include only English language arts and mathematics results from grades 4, 8, and 10.
ii. Beginning in 2006-07, safe harbor shall be determined using English language arts and mathematics assessment data from grades 3-8 and 10.
e. To ensure high levels of reliability, Louisiana will apply a 99 percent confidence interval to the calculations of subgroup component determinations for:
i. AMO status test;
ii. reduction of non-proficient students (safe harbor test); and
iii. status attendance/non-dropout rate analyses.
f. Louisiana will not apply a confidence interval to improvement analyses for attendance/non-dropout rate.
B. Inclusion of Students in the Subgroup Component
1. Students that meet the following criteria shall be included in all subgroup component analyses for the AMO status test and reduction of non-proficient students (safe harbor test).
a. Enrolled for the Full Academic Year (FAY):
i. at school level enrolled at the school on Oct. 1 and the date of testing;
ii. at district level enrolled in the district on Oct. 1 and the date of testing;
iii. at state level enrolled in a public LEA in the state on Oct. 1 and the date of testing.
b. First administration of the test:
i. only the first test administration will be used for the subgroup status and growth tests;
ii. excludes summer school results and repeaters.
c. Not exempted from testing due to medical illness, death of the student's family member(s), or the student being identified as LEP and in an English-speaking school for less than one full academic year.
2. For analyses involving the additional academic indicator, all students in each subgroup within each grade-cluster in the district shall be included.
3. Each subgroup (African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Hispanic, white, economically disadvantaged, limited English proficient, students with disabilities, and all students) within each district shall be evaluated separately on ELA and mathematics. In calculating the subgroup component for a district:
a. the alternate academic achievement standards for students participating in LAA 1 will be used, provided that the percentage of proficient LAA 1 students does not exceed 1.0 percent of all students in the grades assessed. If the district exceeds the 1.0 percent proficient cap, the district shall request a waiver The students exceeding the cap shall be assigned a zero on the assessment and be considered non-proficient if:
i. the district fails to request the waiver; or
ii. the district requests the waiver but it is determined by LDE that ineligible students were administered LAA 1;
b. students participating in LAA 1 shall be included in the special education subgroup;
c. LEP students shall participate in the statewide assessments;
i. scores shall not be included in AMO or improvement in percent proficient calculations for LEP students who have not been enrolled in an English-speaking school for one full school year;
d. when calculating the 1 percent cap for alternate assessment purposes, all decimals in results shall be rounded to the next highest whole number;
i. 1.0 percent of 1341 students is 13.41 students. The 1.0 percent cap, in this instance, is 14 students.
4. Subgroups shall consist of
a. at least 10 students in order to be evaluated for the subgroup component;
b. at least 40 students in order to be evaluated for the 95 percent participation rate.
5. Subgroups shall pass the participation rate test and either the AMO status test; or the safe harbor test in order to be considered as having passed the subgroup/component.
1. The Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) is the percent of students required to reach the proficient level in a given year on the standards-based assessments, which through 2005 will include English language arts and mathematics tests for 4th, 8th, and 10th grades. Beginning with Spring 2006 test results, proficiency levels shall be determined using English language arts and mathematics assessment data from grades 3-8 and 10.
a. Proficient=a score of basic, mastery or advanced.
2. As required in NCLB, the AMOs have been established based on the baseline percent proficient score (proficient=CRT level of basic, mastery, or advanced) in English-language arts and mathematics in the 20th percentile school, using the 2002 CRT test scores in ELA and mathematics for grades 4, 8, and 10.
3. The AMOs for ELA and math are as follows.

School Year








































4. A 99 percent confidence interval shall be used when evaluating whether subgroups within a grade-cluster within a district have attained the Annual Measurable Objective (AMO).
5. A confidence interval is a statistic that creates a range of scores. Subgroups with a 95 percent participation rate that attain a percent proficient score within or above the confidence interval range for the AMO shall be considered as having passed the subgroup component. Confidence interval ranges are affected by subgroup size. Smaller subgroups will have a wider range and larger subgroups will have a narrower range.
D. Safe Harbor
1. Subgroups that do not pass the AMO status test by attaining a percent proficient score within or above the confidence interval range shall be evaluated for safe harbor.
2. Safe harbor is attained if:
a. the subgroup makes a 10 percent reduction in its non-proficiency rate from the previous year:
i. a 99 percent confidence interval is applied to this reduction check; and
b. the subgroup:
i. achieves a 90 percent non-dropout rate (9-12) or attendance rate (K-5, 6-8) (any LEA without a 12th grade shall use attendance rate). (A 99 percent confidence interval is applied to the 90 percent attendance rate and 90 percent non-dropout rate check); or
ii. makes at least 0.1 percent improvement in non-dropout rate (9-12) or attendance rate (K-5, 6-8) from the previous year (any LEA without a 12th grade shall use attendance rate).
3. The non-dropout rate shall be evaluated for students in grade 9 and above.
4. Subgroups passing the participation rate test and achieving safe harbor shall be considered as having passed the subgroup component.
E. Failing the Subgroup Component
1. A district shall fail the subgroup component if ANY subgroup within that ANY grade-cluster in the district fails the participation rate test, the ELA or math AMO status test and the safe harbor test.
2. A grade-cluster district in which all subgroups have passed the subgroup component must also have the grade-cluster district pass the additional academic indicator:
a. achieved a 90 percent non-dropout rate (9-12) or attendance rate (K-5, 6-8) (any LEA without a 12th grade shall use attendance rate). (A 99 percent confidence interval is applied to the 90 percent non-dropout or attendance rate check.); or
b. made at least 0.1 percent improvement in non-dropout rate (9-12) or attendance rate (K-5, 6-8) from two years prior to the previous year (any LEA without a 12th grade shall use attendance rate).

NOTE: If a grade-cluster district in which all subgroups have passed the subgroup component does not pass the additional academic indicator, it shall not pass the subgroup component.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § LXXXIII-4310

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 30:1447 (July 2004), amended LR 30:2446 (November 2004), LR 31:424 (February 2005), LR 31:633 (March 2005), LR 31:913 (April 2005), LR 32:1029 (June 2006), amended LR 33:635 (April 2007), LR 34:429 (March 2008), LR 34:868 (May 2008), LR 36:1994 (September 2010), LR 40:2509 (12/1/2014).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:10.1.