La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § LXXXI-503

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section LXXXI-503 - Purpose and Requirements
A. Technology Education (TE) is:
1. an instructional program that provides students (grades 6-12) with hands-on exploratory experiences and insights into technology and career opportunities so that they can make meaningful occupational and educational choices;
2. a program that can help the student to:
a. become technologically literate;
b. develop an understanding of economic development; and
c. adjust to the changing environment;
3. an articulated, integral part of the total academic and vocational education program with emphasis in safety and the use of tools, equipment and materials. Technology Education programs in Louisiana follow the standards for Technology Education programs as developed by the United States Department of Education.
B. The instructional content of Technology Education is drawn from the areas of communication; manufacturing; construction; and power, energy, and transportation. The program assists students in developing understanding and application of:
1. academic and technological concepts, processes, and systems;
2. applying tools, materials, machines, processes, and technical concepts safely and efficiently;
3. developing technological skills in technology; and
4. simulated laboratory instruction.
C. A Technology Education program shall be from the job cluster areas of:
1. communication;
2. manufacturing;
3. construction; and
4. power, energy, and transportation.
D. It is the responsibility of the local school system to select the appropriate cluster(s) to be implemented. A minimum of four units is required for each cluster as follows.
1. The first course in each cluster shall be General Technology Education or Basic Technical Drafting. It is recommended that the first course be General Technology Education.
2. The second and third courses shall be a Basic Technology Education course, followed by an Advanced Technology Education course listed in the course options of the cluster.
3. The fourth course shall be an elective from any of the Technology Education offerings.
E. Technology Education shall be integrated at the most appropriate grade level to best serve the needs of the school. A Technology Education teacher has a certification in Industrial Arts. Schools with two or less full-time Technology Education teachers may offer required courses on an alternating basis in order to meet the requirements for program approval.
F. An approved Technology Education program may consist of a combination of two Technology Education courses and one or two Trade and Industrial Education courses. Technology Education courses would articulate with Trade and Industrial Education courses to create a career path program that would lend itself to Trade and Technical career clusters such as:
1. air conditioning and refrigeration;
2. automotive technology;
3. construction;
4. communications;
5. computer technology;
6. drafting and design technology; and
7. etc.
G. Program options for the Trade and Technical career clusters in Technology Education cannot be listed because of the vast range of possibilities within a local system. However, any local education governing agency desiring to offer a combined Technology Education/Trade and Industrial program shall first have the program approved by the Division of Family, Career and Technical Education, State Department of Education (SDE).

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § LXXXI-503

Promulgated by the Department of Education, Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, Career and Technical Education, LR 30:2702 (December 2004).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 6:(A)(10) and R.S. 17:10.