B. An IEP meeting(s) that results in a completed IEP/placement document must be held. The IEP meeting(s) should be a vehicle for communication between parents and school personnel to share formal and informal information about the student's needs, educational projections, and services that will be provided to meet the student's needs. The completed IEP/placement document is a formal record of the IEP team's decisions. The timeline for completion of the document is intended to ensure that there is no undue delay in providing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for the student. The document is "completed" when the form has been completed and signed by the LEA's officially designated representative. Additional Notes About Timelines
Summer Recess. When an initial evaluation report has been completed within the 30 days prior to the summer recess or during the recess, the LEA may request, through written documentation, parental approval to delay the initial IEP meeting until the first week of the next school session. However, if the parents wish to meet during the summer recess, the LEA must ensure that the appropriate IEP team members are present.