La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § LIX-517

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section LIX-517 - Grade 7 Grade-Level Expectations
A. Standard 1. Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
1. Benchmark 1-M-1-describe interrelationships among physical, intellectual, emotional and social health.
a. 1-M-1.1-explain how emotional health (stress) impacts other dimensions of health.
b. 1-M-1.2-describe appropriate ways to express and deal with emotions and how this can impact other areas of personal health.
2. Benchmark 1-M-2-describe the relationship between positive health behaviors and the prevention of injury, illness, disease, and premature death.
a. 1-M-2.1-explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors.
b. 1-M-2.2-define HIV.
c. 1-M-2.3-explain and define abstinence.
3. Benchmark 1-M-3-analyze high risk behaviors to determine their impact on wellness
a. 1-M-3.1 -describe the benefits of and barriers to practicing healthy behaviors (e.g., sexual abstinence, avoiding substance abuse, practicing good nutrition).
b. 1-M-3.2-describe the relationship between using alcohol and other drugs and health risk behaviors. (e.g., sexual activity, driving/riding while intoxicated, violence, etc.).
4. Benchmark 1-M-4-use appropriate strategies to prevent/reduce risk and promote well-being.
a. 1-M-4.1-describe how family history and environment are related to the cause or prevention of disease.
b. 1-M-4.2-explain how abstinence prevents emotional and physical health risks.
5. Benchmark 1-M-5-discuss the basic male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology.
a. 1-M-5.1-describe basic male and female reproductive body parts and their functions.
b. 1-M-5.2-define puberty.
B. Standard 2. Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
1. Benchmark 2-M-1-describe the influence of others on health beliefs, practices and behaviors.
a. 2-M-1.1-describe how peers influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
b. 2-M-1.2-analyze how the community can affect personal health practices and behaviors.
c. 2-M-1.3-define gender stereotypes in social relationship roles.
2. Benchmark 2-M-2-analyze how media and technology influence personal and family health behaviors.
a. 2-M-2.1 -assess ways in which various media influence buying decisions (e.g., health products, medicines, food).
b. 2-M-2.2-discuss the role of the media in supporting gender stereotypes in relationship roles.
3. Benchmark 2-M-3-explain the influence of personal values and beliefs on individual health practices and behaviors.
a. 2-M-3.1-identify the difference between external and internal influences.
b. 2-M-3.2-discuss how individual values and beliefs affect personal decisions to engage in healthy and unhealthy behaviors (e.g., eating and exercising habits, engaging in sexual risk behaviors and choosing abstinence).
c. 2-M-3.3-recognize how external influences can affect an individual's judgment, self-control and behavior (e.g., substance abuse, peer pressure).
C. Standard 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
1. Benchmark 3-M-1 -utilize resources at home, school and community to access valid health information and services.
a. 3-M-1.1 -explore validity, cost and safety of health products and services (e.g., diet pills, tanning beds, energy drinks, generic drugs).
b. 3-M-1.2-describe situations that may require professional health services.
c. 3-M-1.3-engage trusted adults at home, school and community in health issues.
d. 3-M-1.4-identify credible health-related websites.
D. Standard 4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
1. Benchmark 4-M-1-demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, feelings and respect of self and others.
a. 4-M-1.1-use effective listening techniques when communicating with others (active listening).
b. 4-M-1.2-describe healthy ways to express affection, love, friendship and concern.
c. 4-M-1.3-explain the characteristics of a healthy and unhealthy social relationship.
d. 4-M-1.4-analyze the relationship between self-respect and healthy social relationships.
2. Benchmark 4-M-2 -demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.
a. 4-M-2.1-identify techniques for approaching trusted adults.
b. 4-M-2.2-demonstrate skills for requesting assistance with health issues.
3. Benchmark 4-M-3-demonstrate effective conflict management or resolution strategies.
a. 4-M-3.1-compare and contrast the steps for conflict resolution/negotiation.
b. 4-M-3.2-demonstrate skills to effectively resist pressure from peers to engage in unhealthy behaviors.
4. Benchmark 4-M-4-exhibit characteristics needed to be a responsible friend and family member.
a. 4-M-4.1-identify methods for responding to problems of others with empathy and support.
E. Standard 5. Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
1. Benchmark 5-M-1 -discuss how emotional health affects decision-making.
a. 5-M-1.1-analyze the impact of peer pressure on decision-making.
b. 5-M-1.2-determine barriers that can hinder healthy decision-making.
2. Benchmark 5-M-2-determine when health-related situations require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process.
a. 5-M-2.1-apply use of a decision-making model in making a healthy decision (e.g., food choices, substance abuse, relationships, violence and abstinence) through role play and skits.
b. 5-M-2.2-predict the short and long-term consequences of healthy and unhealthy choices (abstinence, sexual risk behaviors, alcohol and tobacco use, exercise, healthy eating).
F. Standard 6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
1. Benchmark 6-M-1 -identify goals to adopt, maintain or improve a personal health practice.
a. 6-M-1.1-identify a health practice to improve.
b. 6-M-1.2 -adopt a goal to maintain and improve a health practice (e.g., increase physical activity, increase time spent with people engaged in positive behaviors, increase healthful eating, practice honest ways to be successful in school, practice abstinence).
c. 6-M-1.3-journal progress to measure accomplishments toward selected goal.
G. Standard 7. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
1. Benchmark 7-M-1 -discuss healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others.
a. 7-M-1.1-identify common barriers to making healthy choices.
b. 7-M-1.2-problem-solve how to overcome obstacles to making healthy choices.
c. 7-M-1.3-explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors.
2. Benchmark 7-M-2 -demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.
a. 7-M-2.1-develop strategies to improve personal and family health (e.g., injury prevention, physical activity).
b. 7-M-2.2-analyze the risk of impulsive behaviors.
H. Standard 8. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
1. Benchmark 8-M-1 -analyze various communication methods to accurately express health ideas and opinions for oneself or others.
a. 8-M-1.1-identify ways that health messages and communication techniques can be altered for different audiences.
2. Benchmark 8-M-2 -demonstrate how to influence and support others to make positive health choices.
a. 8-M-2.1-use accurate information to support a health-enhancing position on a topic (e.g., need for personal hygiene, healthful food choices at school, disease, genetic disorder).

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § LIX-517

Promulgated by the Department of Education, Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 37:2111 (July 2011).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:24.4 et seq.