Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section LIX-507 - Grade 2 Grade-Level ExpectationsA. Standard 1. Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. 1. Benchmark 1-E-1 -identify that healthy behaviors affect personal health. a. 1-E-1.1-describe what it means to be healthy.b. 1-E-1.2-compare healthy and unhealthy behaviors and how they affect one's health (e.g., disease prevention, healthy eating, fitness, safety).c. 1-E-1.3-identify healthy behaviors one can practice.d. 1-E-1.4-list ways to prevent harmful effects of the sun.e. 1-E-1.5-create an individual fitness diary to record physical activity each day (time of day, duration, activity)f. 1-E-1.6-review MyPyramid and identify food groups.2. Benchmark 1-E-2-recognize that there are multiple dimensions of health (social, emotional and physical). a. 1-E-2.1-identify each of the dimensions of health.b. 1-E-2.2-define the concepts of self-image and self-esteem.c. 1-E-2.3-analyze characteristics that impact self-image.d. 1-E-2.4-report the benefits of healthy relationships among family and friends.e. 1-E-2.5-explain ways to reduce or manage stress (e.g., study early for tests, go to bed on time).f. 1-E-2.6-identify negative influences on one's environment and how to avoid them.3. Benchmark 1-E-3-identify the prevention and treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases. a. 1-E-3.1-define communicable and non-communicable diseases.b. 1-E-3.2-list communicable and non-communicable diseases.c. 1-E-3.3-describe healthy behaviors to prevent the spread of germs (e.g., immunizations, vitamins, sanitary food practices, hand washing).4. Benchmark 1-E-4-identify risk behaviors and ways to avoid and reduce them.a. 1-E-4.1-describe how risk behaviors can affect one's personal health.b. 1-E-4.2-identify safety hazards at home, school and in the community.c. 1-E-4.3-apply fire safety rules to various situations.d. 1-E-4.4-explain the importance of using safety belts and car booster seats.e. 1-E-4.5-demonstrate basic traffic safety rules for pedestrians and bicyclists (include crossing a street safely, crossing an intersection, parking lot safety).f. 1-E-4.6-dramatize using good communication skills to defuse a bully or aggressive situation (e.g., listening, observing body language, using assertive communication, I messaging)g. 1-E-4.7-describe eating behaviors that contribute to maintaining healthy weight.B. Standard 2. Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.1. Benchmark 2-E-1-identify how the family influences personal health practices and behaviors. a. 2-E-1.1-report how family health practices can influence personal health practices.b. 2-E-1.2-explain how family can influence food choices.c. 2-E-1.3-describe activities an individual's family can do to increase physical activity.2. Benchmark 2-E-2-describe how culture influences personal health behaviors. a. 2-E-2.1-document how cultural influences impact one's daily life.b. 2-E-2.2-identify how culture affects one's individual choices and behaviors.c. 2-E-2.3-relate how cultural influences impact one's health.3. Benchmark 2-E-3-explain how media influence thoughts, feelings and health behaviors. a. 2-E-3.1-identify television, print or web ads that may influence health.b. 2-E-3.2-summarize how media can influence choices related to health (positively or negatively).C. Standard 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health. 1. Benchmark 3-E-1-identify sources of valid health information.a. 3-E-1.1-identify resources for health information in one's home, community and school.b. 3-E-1.2-select websites and other media that provide valid health information.2. Benchmark 3-E-2-demonstrate the ability to locate resources for health-promoting products and services. a. 3-E-2.1-identify trusted adults who can help one read and follow directions on medicine labels.b. 3-E-2.2-demonstrate how to dial 911 or other emergency numbers and provide appropriate information (knowing what to say).3. Benchmark 3-E-3-explain how media influence the selection of health information, products and services. a. 3-E-3.1-review the variety of health-related information available in the media (television, radio, web).b. 3-E-3.2-question how media messages influence one's health behaviors and the choice of products/services.D. Standard 4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.1. Benchmark 4-E-1-develop effective communication skills. a. 4-E-1.1-define the steps to effective communication (e.g., listening, eye contact, body language).b. 4-E-1.2-practice using effective communication skills with peers.2. Benchmark 4-E-2-demonstrate healthy ways to communicate needs, wants and feelings through verbal and non-verbal communication. a. 4-E-2.1-demonstrate verbal and non-verbal ways to communicate clearly.b. 4-E-2.2-practice expressing feelings in a positive, non-confrontational way.E. Standard 5. Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. 1. Benchmark 5-E-1-discuss the steps of effective decision-making.a. 5-E-1.1-review steps in the decision-making process.b. 5-E-1.2-conclude that every decision has a consequence that may affect one's health.2. Benchmark 5-E-2-identify situations when a health-related decision is needed. a. 5-E-2.1-identify situations that could put one's health or safety at risk.b. 5-E-2.2-describe safe places to go in order to avoid danger.3. Benchmark 5-E-3-apply a decision-making process to address personal health issues and problems. a. 5-E-3.1-use a decision-making model.b. 5-E-3.2-analyze the outcome of using a decision-making model.c. 5-E-3.3-restate how using a decision-making model can improve one's health and safety.4. Benchmark 5-E-4-demonstrate refusal skills to enhance health.a. 5-E-4.1-practice skills to avoid unhealthy behaviors.b. 5-E-4.2-demonstrate refusal skills to avoid unhealthy or unsafe situations.F. Standard 6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting skills to enhance health. 1. Benchmark 6-E-1 -explain how to set a goal and why it is important to enhance health. a. 6-E-1.1-analyze how others have set and reached personal goals (e.g., Olympic athletes set goal, work toward goal, reach Olympics).b. 6-E-1.2-create a list of personal health goals.c. 6-E-1.3-describe how the accomplishment of a personal goal enhances one's health.G. Standard 7. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. 1. Benchmark 7-E-1-demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.a. 7-E-1.1-demonstrate ways to show respect, consideration and caring for classmates.b. 7-E-1.2-demonstrate pride in personal qualities and accomplishments (e.g., self-esteem).c. 7-E-1.3-examine how one's personal choices can positively impact health.d. 7-E-1.4-develop a plan to eat a variety of nutritious foods each day.e. 7-E-1.5-demonstrate ways to be physically active.2. Benchmark 7-E-2-demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks. a. 7-E-2.1-examine personal choices that can affect one's health.b. 7-E-2.2-demonstrate strategies to avoid risks (e.g., social/emotional; violence, intentional/unintentional injury).c. 7-E-2.3-identify behavior choices that can reduce health risks (e.g., physical activity, nutrition, fitness, avoiding tobacco).H. Standard 8. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.1. Benchmark 8-E-1-define advocacy. a. 8-E-1.1-dramatize advocating for a healthy behavior.b. 8-E-1.2-demonstrate ways to support friends and family who are trying to maintain or improve healthy practices.2. Benchmark 8-E-2-demonstrate the ability to communicate information that promotes positive health choices.a. 8-E-2.1-illustrate how one can communicate what one has learned about health to others (e.g., family, friends, peers).3. Benchmark 8-E-3-encourage peers and family to make positive health choices. a. 8-E-3.1-demonstrate the ability to influence health and safety practices of family members (e.g., smoking cessation).b. 8-E-3.2-explain the benefits of positive health choices to family and friends.La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § LIX-507
Promulgated by the Department of Education, Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 37:2103 (July 2011).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:24.4 et seq.