La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § IV-703

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section IV-703 - Establishing Eligibility
A. To establish eligibility for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award, the student applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a. for students graduating in academic year (high school) 2001-2002 and prior, be a United States citizen, provided however, that a student who is not a citizen of the United States but who is eligible to apply for such citizenship shall be deemed to satisfy the citizenship requirement, if within 60 days after the date the student attains the age of majority, the student applies to become a citizen of the United States and obtains such citizenship within one year after the date of the application for citizenship. Those students who are eligible for U.S. citizenship and who otherwise qualify for a TOPS Award, will continue to satisfy the citizenship requirements for a TOPS Award for one year after the date of the student's application for citizenship, at which time, if the student has not provided proof of U.S. citizenship to the Office of Student Financial Assistance, the student's TOPS Award will be suspended until such time as proof of citizenship is provided and canceled if such proof is not provided by May 1 of the following academic year (college). Students cancelled solely due to their failure to become a United States citizen within one year after the date of application shall be reinstated to their award if they are a United States citizen or a permanent resident as defined by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and were eligible to apply for United States citizenship when cancelled and have met the requirements for maintaining eligibility for the award;
b. for students graduating in academic years (high school) 2002-2003 through 2017-2018, be a United States citizen or be a permanent resident as defined by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and be eligible to apply for United States citizenship;
c. for students graduating in academic years (high school) 2018-2019 and later, be a United States citizen or an eligible noncitizen as defined in §301
2. be a resident of Louisiana, as defined in §301; and
3. submit the completed free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) or on-line application in accordance with §501 by the applicable state aid deadline defined in §503 or §505; and
4. initially apply and enroll as a first-time freshman as defined in §301, unless granted an exception for cause by the board, in an eligible college or university defined in §301; and
a. if graduating from an eligible Louisiana public or BESE approved nonpublic high school or an eligible non-Louisiana high school or from an eligible out of country high school, enroll not later than the semester or term, excluding summer semesters or sessions, immediately following the first anniversary of the date that the student graduated from high school; or
b. if the student joins the United States Armed Forces within one year after graduating from an eligible Louisiana or an eligible non-Louisiana high school or from an eligible out of country high school, enroll not later than the semester, quarter or term, excluding summer semesters or sessions immediately following the one-year anniversary of the student's separation from active duty service, including all consecutive periods of reenlistment. Reenlistment at any time during the student's first enlistment shall be considered to be on or prior to the fifth anniversary of the date that the student graduated from high school; or
c. if the student is eligible under the provisions of §703.A.5.d or e, enroll not later than the semester or term, excluding summer semesters or sessions, immediately following the first anniversary of the date the student completes the home study program, which is deemed to be May 31; or
d. if the student is eligible under the provisions of §703.A.5.d or e, and joins the United States Armed Forces within one year of completion of the 12th grade of an approved home study program, enroll not later than the semester, quarter or term, excluding summer semesters or sessions immediately following the one-year anniversary of the student's separation from active duty service, including all consecutive periods of reenlistment. Reenlistment at any time during the student's first enlistment shall be considered to be on or prior to the fifth anniversary of the date that the student graduated from high school; or
e. if a 1996-97 graduate who is an otherwise eligible applicant, enroll as a full-time student during fall, 1998;
f. high school graduates of 1997 and 1998 who are otherwise eligible applicants attending ineligible schools for the 1998-99 academic year, may request a waiver from the board to enroll in an eligible school and accept the award no later than the 1999 fall semester by establishing to the satisfaction of the board that his/her failure to accept the award for the 1998-99 academic year was due to circumstances which could not be changed without the student or his family experiencing a significant, negative financial impact or which establish that it was not otherwise feasible to enroll in an eligible school due to the timing of the notification to the student of his/her eligibility for a TOPS Award. To apply for a waiver from the board, the student must submit a written request addressed to the Office of Student Financial Assistance, Attention: Scholarship and Grant Division, and submit documentation which clearly establishes the hardship which would have resulted had the student not attended the out-of-state college or university;
g. all students must apply for an award by July 1 of the academic year (high school) in which they graduate to establish their initial qualification for an award, except as provided by §503.D For a student entitled to defer acceptance of an award under §703.A.4.b or d that student must apply by July 1 of the academic year (high school) in which the student graduates, except as provided by §503 D:
i. and, if enrolling in an academic program, must also apply by July 1 prior to the academic year (TOPS) in which the student intends to first accept the award, and by July 1 of every year of eligibility thereafter, except as provided in §501 B; or
ii. and, if enrolling in a program for a vocational or technical education certificate or diploma or a non-academic undergraduate degree, must also apply by the July 1 immediately after the start of the academic year (TOPS) in which the student intends to first accept the award, and by July 1 of every year of eligibility thereafter, except as provided in §501 B;
a. graduate from an eligible public or nonpublic Louisiana high school or non-Louisiana high school defined in §1701.A 1, 2, or 3 and complete the core curriculum specified for the applicable graduating class as set forth in §704
b. graduate from an eligible public or nonpublic Louisiana high school or non-Louisiana high school defined in §170LA.3 and have completed the core curriculum defined in §703.A.5.a i, unless the following exceptions apply:
i. for students in graduating classes prior to the year 2004, one or more core units are waived based upon a sworn affidavit by the principal or headmaster or authorized designee that the course was not available to the student at the school attended;
ii. for a disabled student or an exceptional child, as defined in §301, who have met the criteria set forth in §2115, one or more core units are waived; or
c. graduate from an out-of-state public or private high school approved by the chief state and territorial school officer (or the state agency which is the equivalent of Louisiana's Board of Elementary and Secondary Education) of the state in which the school is located (see §1701.A 4); or
i. successfully complete at the 12th grade level a home study program approved by BESE; or
ii. if ever was enrolled in a Louisiana public or nonpublic school approved by BESE, successfully completed at least the 11th and 12th grade levels of a home study program approved by BESE; and
iii. if having previously attended a Louisiana public high school, a Louisiana nonpublic high school, or an approved non-Louisiana high school, has provided the board with certification by the previously attended high school that said student was in good standing at the time the student last attended such school; or
e. graduate from a high school defined in §170LA.5 or successfully complete at the 12th grade level a home study program approved by BESE and conducted outside the United States and its territories; or
i. for students graduating in academic years (high school) 2000-2001 and 2001-2002, successfully complete a minimum of 10 units in honors courses graded on a 5.00 scale and graduate from an eligible public or nonpublic Louisiana high school or non-Louisiana high school defined in §1701.A 1, 2, or 3 and have completed the core curriculum defined in §703.A.5.a i; or
ii. for students graduating academic year (high school) 2002-2003 through 2005-2006, successfully complete a minimum of 10 units in honors curriculum courses used to satisfy the core curriculum requirement and graded on a 4.00 or higher scale and graduate from an eligible public or nonpublic Louisiana high school or non-Louisiana high school defined in §1701.A 1, 2, or 3. and have completed the core curriculum defined in §703.A.5.a i; or
g. beginning with the 2004-2005 award year, eligible non-graduates who meet the following criteria:
(a). through the 2017-2018 academic year high school, be a United States citizen or be a permanent resident as defined by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and be eligible to apply for United States citizenship;
(b). beginning the 2018-2019 academic year (high school) and later, be a United States citizen or an eligible noncitizen as defined in §301;
ii. meet the requirements of §703.A 3, above; and
iii. actually reside in Louisiana for at least two years prior to the student's first enrollment in an eligible college or university; and
iv. as certified by a psychologist or psychiatrist licensed to practice in Louisiana, the student has a score that is at least in the superior range on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Lhird Edition) or revised version of such instrument in accordance with R.S. 17:5029(D); and
v. as certified by a psychologist or psychiatrist licensed to practice in Louisiana, the student has a composite score that is at least at the ninetieth percentile at the 12th grade level in the reading, mathematics, and written language portions of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (Second Edition) or revised version of such test in accordance with R.S. 17:5029(D); and
vi. prior to enrolling for the first time in an eligible college or university, the student's score on the ACL must meet the requirements of §703.A.6 a, as specified for the respective award, or have an equivalent score on the scholastic aptitude test; and
vii. before the student's 19th birthday:
(a). enrolls in an eligible college or university and successfully earns 12 hours of course credits; and
(b). enrolls in an eligible college or university as a full-time student to pursue an academic undergraduate degree at the baccalaureate level; and
viii. after meeting all the requirements in §703.A.5.g.i through vi, the student will qualify for a TOPS Award;
6. have achieved an ACT score, as defined in §301 of at least:
a. if qualifying under the terms of §703.A.5 a, b, or g:
i. the state's reported prior year ACT composite average, truncated to a whole number, but never less than 20 for the Opportunity Award; or
ii. a 23 for the Performance Award; or
iii. a 27 for the Honors Award; or
b. if qualifying under §703.A.5 c:
i. is a Louisiana resident, except as defined in Subparagraph h of the definition of Louisiana resident in §301:
(a). the state's reported prior year average truncated to a whole number plus 3 points, but never less than 23 for the Opportunity Award; or
(b). a 26 for the Performance Award; or
(c). a 30 for the Honors Award; and
ii. is a Louisiana resident as defined in Subparagraph h of the definition of Louisiana resident in §301:
(a). the state's reported prior year average truncated to a whole number plus 2 points, but never less than 22 for the Opportunity Award; or
(b). a 25 for the Performance Award; or
(c). a 29 for the Honors Award; and
i. if completed the 12th grade level of an approved home study program during or before the academic year (high school) 2003-2004 and qualifying under §703.A.5 d;
(a). the state's reported prior year average truncated to a whole number plus 3 points, but never less than 23 for the Opportunity Award; or
(b). a 26 for the Performance Award; or
(c). a 30 for the Honors Award; and
ii. if completed the 12th grade level of an approved home study program during or after academic year (high school) 2004-2005 and through academic year (high school) 2006-2007 and qualifying under §703.A.5 d;
(a). the state's reported prior year average, truncated to a whole number plus 2 points, but never less than 22 for the Opportunity Award; or
(b). a 25 for the Performance Award; or
(c). a 29 for the Honors Award; and
iii. if completed the 12th grade level of an approved home study program during or after the academic year (high school) 2007-2008 and after, and qualifying under §703.A.5 d;
(a). the state's reported prior year average, truncated to a whole number, plus 2 points, but never less than 22 for the Opportunity Award; or
(b). a 24 for the Performance Award; or
(c). a 28 for the Honors Award; and
i. if qualifying under §703.A.5.e by graduating from a high school defined in §1701.A 5; which is limited to the Opportunity Award only; the state's reported prior year average, truncated to a whole number, plus 3 points, but never less than 23;
ii. if qualifying under §703.A.5.e by successfully completing the 12th grade level a home study program approved by BESE and conducted outside the United States and its territories during or before the academic year (high school) 2003-2004 or during or after the academic year (high school) 2008-2009; which is limited to the Opportunity Award only; the state's reported prior year average, truncated to a whole number, plus 3 points, but never less than 23;
iii. if qualifying under §703.A.5.e by successfully completing the 12th grade level a home study program approved by BESE and conducted outside the United States and its territories during or after the academic year (high school) 2004-2005 and through the academic year (high school) 2007-2008; which is limited to the Opportunity Award only; the state's reported prior year average plus 2 points, rounded, but never less than 22;
e. if qualifying under §703.A.5 f; which is limited to the Performance Award only; a 24; and
7. not have a criminal conviction, except for misdemeanor traffic violations, and if the student has been in the United States Armed Forces and has separated from such service, has received an honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable conditions; and
8. agree that awards will be used exclusively for educational expenses.
B. Students qualifying:
1. under §703.A.5.a and b during or before academic year (high school) 2006-2007, must have attained a cumulative high school grade point average, based on a 4.00 maximum scale, of at least:
a. a 2.50 for the Opportunity Award; or
b. a 3.50 for the Performance or Honors Awards;
2. under §703.A.5.a and b during or after academic year (high school) 2007-2008, must have attained a cumulative high school grade point average, based on a 4.00 maximum scale, of at least:
a. a 2.50 for the Opportunity Award; or
b. a 3.00 for the Performance or Honors Awards;
3. under §703.A.5.a and b in academic year (high school) 2021-2022 must have attained a TOPS cumulative high school grade point average, based on a 4.00 maximum scale, of at least:
a. a 2.50 for the Opportunity Award; or
b. a 3.25 for the Performance Award; or
c. a 3.50 for the Honors Award;
4. under §703.A.5.f and graduating in academic year (high school) 2000-2001 through 2005-2006, must have attained a TOPS cumulative high school grade point average, based on a 4.00 maximum scale, of at least a 3.00 for the Performance Award.
C. Students qualifying under §703.A.5.a and b, for the Performance Award only, must be certified as graduating in the top 5 percent of the 1997-98 high school graduating class, as defined in §1703.B 4, in lieu of completing the core curriculum.
D. Students who have qualified academically for more than one of the TOPS Awards, excluding the TOPS Teacher Award, shall receive the award requiring the most rigorous eligibility criteria.
E. Students graduating in academic years 1996-97 and 1997-98 who qualified by reduction of the foreign language requirement must provide the board a copy of their college transcript showing completion of one or more foreign language courses. Eligibility for an award is not established until receipt of the transcript verifying that the foreign language credit was earned and the student shall first be awarded for the semester or term following that in which eligibility was established. Under this provision, eligibility must be established not later than the conclusion of the 1998-99 award year. High school graduates of 1996-97 and 1997-98 who meet the requirements of §703.A.4.b or d or §803.A.4.b or d of these rules and who have not been discharged with an undesirable, bad conduct or dishonorable discharge must meet the foreign language requirement no later than one year after the date of separation from active duty.
F. In the event that a student applicant was determined ineligible by the board for an award under this program or for a higher level award than that initially offered the student and such determination was based upon data that was subsequently found to be in error, then the student's eligibility shall be reevaluated based upon the corrected data and, if found eligible, the student shall be offered the award for which he qualifies. The award shall begin with the academic year during which the reevaluation occurred and eligibility first established. The requirement that a student be a first-time freshman shall be waived for those students who are determined eligible under these circumstances subsequent to the commencement of their post-secondary education.
G. Early Admission to College
1. A student who enters an eligible college or university under an early admissions program prior to high school graduation will be eligible for an appropriate award under the following conditions.
a. The college early admissions program is one that meets the requirements of the Louisiana Department of Education as set forth in the latest edition of Bulletin 741.
b. The student has satisfied all core curriculum requirements not completed in high school by making passing scores on equivalent college courses.
c. The college courses taken to satisfy core curriculum requirements and the grades reported on those courses are reflected in the student's official high school records. The student is awarded a high school diploma and the grade point average and core curriculum are certified to the board by the high school in the same manner as that of other high school graduates.
d. The student's core curriculum requirements are completed no later than the conclusion of the first two semesters or three quarters of college attendance following entrance into the college early admissions program.
2. A student who enters an eligible college or university early admissions program prior to graduation from high school shall be considered a first-time freshman, as defined in §301, not earlier than the first semester following the academic year (high school) in which the student graduated. A student who enters an early admissions program will remain eligible for a TOPS Award until the semester or term, excluding summer semesters or sessions, immediately following the first anniversary of the date that the student actually graduated.
H. Returning Students
1. A returning student, as defined in §301, is eligible for a TOPS Award if:
a. he submits an application to return from an out-of-state college that includes:
i. the name of the Louisiana school in which he has enrolled or will enroll; and
ii. his official transcripts from all out-of-state colleges and universities attended; and
b. he met all the requirements to maintain his award that would have been applicable had the student enrolled in an eligible college or university during the time the student was enrolled in an out-of-state college or university; and
c. he enrolled in an eligible college or university no later than the next semester or term, excluding summer sessions and intersessions, immediately following the last semester he was enrolled in the out-of-state college or university.
2. A returning student who fails to enroll by the deadline established in §703.A.4 or to maintain full-time enrollment or to earn 24 hours during an academic year (TOPS) while enrolled in an out-of-state college or university, shall not be eligible for a TOPS Award unless granted an exception in accordance with §2103
3. The period of eligibility of a returning student shall be reduced by each semester or term the student was enrolled in an out-of-state college or university.
I. Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students. Any student who graduates from high school or completes an approved home study program during and after academic year (high school) 2004-2005 and who is eligible for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance, or Honors Award may use the award at an out-of-state college or university if all the following conditions are met:
1. the college or university is nonpublic; and
2. the college or university is accredited by an institutional accrediting organization recognized by the United States Department of Education; and
3. all programs and services at the college or university are specifically designed to accommodate deaf and hard-of-hearing students; and
4. deaf and hard-of-hearing students comprise the majority of students enrolled at the college or university at the undergraduate level; and
5. the award recipient meets the admission requirements of the college or university that are applicable to deaf and hard-of-hearing students; and
6. the award recipient must enroll as first-time freshman as defined in §301, unless granted an exception for cause by the board, in the out-of-state college or university by the deadlines established in §703.A 4; and
7. the award recipient must meet the requirements of §705 to continue receiving the TOPS Opportunity, Performance or HonorsAwards; and
8. the college or university complies with the requirements for postsecondary institutions provided in §1903
J. 2005 Natural Disaster Initial Eligibility Requirements
1. To establish eligibility for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award, a displaced student graduating from high school or completing a BESE approved home study program at the 12th grade level during the 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 academic years (high school) must meet all of the requirements of §703 A-I.8 above, except as follows.
a. A displaced student who has been certified by the principal or headmaster to have graduated during the 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 school years from an out-of-state high school that meets the criteria of an eligible out-of-state high school as provided in §1701.A.4 shall not be required to have for the respective awards a higher minimum composite score on the ACT or on the scholastic aptitude test than required for a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school provided such student has, for an Opportunity Award, a cumulative high school grade point average on all courses on the high school transcript of at least 2.50 calculated on a 4.00 scale or, for a Performance or Honors Award, a cumulative high school grade point average on all courses on the high school transcript of at least 3.50 calculated on a 4.00 scale.
b. The requirement that a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school during the 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 school years must have successfully completed the applicable core curriculum shall be wiived for a displaced student based upon a sworn affidavit by the student's high school principal or headmaster or authorized designee that failure to comply with such requirement is due solely to the fact that the required course or courses were not available to the student at the school attended.
c. A displaced student shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if:
i. such dependent or independent student actually resided in Louisiana during the entire 2004-2005 academic year (high school) and was enrolled for such time in an eligible Louisiana high school and graduated from high school during the 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, or 2008-2009 academic year (high school); or
ii. such dependent student has a parent or court-ordered custodian who actually resided in a parish listed in §703.J.2.a below for at least the 12 months prior to August 26, 2005, or in a parish listed in §703.J.2.b below for at least the 12 months prior to September 20, 2005.
d. A dependent student who graduated from an eligible out-of-state high school shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if his parent or court-ordered custodian was displaced as a resident from a parish listed:
i. in §703.J.2.a below due to Hurricane Katrina and such parent or court-ordered custodian actually resided in Louisiana for at least the 12 months prior to August 26, 2005; or
ii. in §703.J.2.b below due to Hurricane Rita and such parent or court-ordered custodian actually resided in Louisiana for at least the 12 months prior to September 20, 2005.
e. A displaced student who during the 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 academic years (high school) successfully completes at the 12th grade level a home study program approved by BESE shall not be required to have also completed the 11th grade level of an approved home study course.
2. For the purposes of this Subsection, displaced student means:
a. a student who on August 26, 2005, was actually residing in Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, or Washington Parish and:
i. was enrolled in an eligible Louisiana high school as provided in §170LA.1, 2 and 3; or
ii. was enrolled in a home study program approved by BESE; or
b. a student who on September 20, 2005, was actually residing in Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Iberia, Jefferson Davis, St. Mary, Terrebonne, or Vermilion Parish and:
i. was enrolled in an eligible Louisiana high school as provided in §1701.A.1 and 3; or
ii. was enrolled in a home study program approved by BESE.
3. To establish eligibility for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award, a displaced student graduating from an eligible Louisiana high school or completing a BESE approved home study program at the 12th grade level during the 2006-2007 academic year (high school) must meet all of the requirements of §703 A-I.8 above, except as follows.
a. The requirement that a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school during the 2006-2007 academic year (high school) must have successfully completed the applicable core curriculum shall be waived for a displaced student based upon a sworn affidavit by the student's high school principal or headmaster or authorized designee that failure to comply with such requirement is due solely to the fact that the required course or courses were not available to the student at the school attended.
b. A displaced student shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if:
i. such dependent or independent student actually resided in Louisiana during his entire 10th grade year of high school and was enrolled for such time in an eligible Louisiana high school; or
ii. such dependent student has a parent or court-ordered custodian who actually resided in a parish listed in §703.J.2.a above for at least the 12 months prior to August 26, 2005, or in a parish listed in §703.J.2.b above for at least the 12 months prior to September 20, 2005.
4. To establish eligibility for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award, a displaced student who has been certified by the principal or headmaster to have graduated during the 2006-2007 school year from an out-of-state high school that meets the criteria of an eligible out-of-state high school as provided in §5 and receives a Louisiana distance diploma from the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education must meet all of the requirements of §703 A-1.8 above, except as follows.
a. A displaced student shall not be required to have for the respective awards a higher minimumcomposite score on the ACT or on the scholastic aptitude test than required for a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school provided such student has, for an Opportunity Award, a cumulative high school grade point average on all courses on the high school transcript of at least 2.50 calculated on a 4.00 scale or, for a Performance or Honors Award, a cumulative high school grade point average on all courses on the high school transcript of at least 3.50 calculated on a 4.00 scale.
b. A displaced student shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if:
i. such dependent or independent student actually resided in Louisiana during his entire 10th grade year of high school and was enrolled for such time in an eligible Louisiana high school; or
ii. such dependent student has a parent or court-ordered custodian who actually resided in a parish listed in §703.J.2.a above for at least the 12 months prior to August 26, 2005, or in a parish listed in §703.J.2.b above for at least the 12 months prior to September 20, 2005.
K. Public Health Emergency Initial Eligibility Requirements
1. An affected student shall not be required to meet the home study requirements set forth in §703.A.5.d.i -iii. if it is determined by the administering agency that the student's failure to meet the requirements was, more likely than not, due solely to consequences of measures taken to mitigate the public health emergency.
2. For purposes of this Subsection, an affected student is a student who:
a. was enrolled in a Louisiana public high school during the 2019-2020 academic year (high school);
b. was enrolled in a nonpublic high school in Louisiana having the approval by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education required by Part I of this Chapter for program eligibility purposes during the 2019-2020 academic year (high school);
c. resided in the state of Louisiana and was enrolled in a home study program approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education during the 2019-2020 academic year (high school); or
d. resided out of state during the 2019-2020 academic year but who is able to meet the residency requirements to qualify for an award as provided for in §703.A 2
L. 2020 Natural Disaster Initial Eligibility Requirements
1. To establish eligibility for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award, a displaced student graduating from high school or completing a BESE approved home study program at the 12th grade level during the 2020-2021 academic year (high school) must meet all of the requirements of §703 A-I.8 above, except as follows.
a. A displaced student who has been certified by the principal or headmaster to have graduated during the 20202021 academic year (high school) from an out-of-state high school that meets the criteria of an eligible out-of-state high school as provided in §1701.A.4 shall not be required to have for the respective awards a higher minimum composite score on the ACT or on the scholastic aptitude test than required for a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school.
b. The requirement that a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school during the 2020-2021 academic year (high school) must have successfully completed the applicable core curriculum shall be waived for a displaced student based upon a sworn affidavit by the student's high school principal or headmaster or authorized designee that failure to comply with such requirement is due solely to the fact that the required course or courses were not available to the student at the school attended.
c. A displaced student shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if:
i. such dependent or independent student actually resided in Louisiana during the entire 2019-2020 academic year (high school) and was enrolled for such time in an eligible Louisiana high school and graduated from high school during 2020-2021 academic year (high school); or
ii. such dependent student has a parent or court-ordered custodian who actually resided in a parish listed in §703.L.2.a below for at least the 12 months prior to August 26, 2020, or in a parish listed in §703.L.2.b below for at least the 12 months prior to October 8, 2020, or in a parish listed in §703.L.2.c below for at least the 12 months prior to October 26, 2020.
d. A dependent student who graduated from an eligible out-of-state high school shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if his parent or court-ordered custodian was displaced as a resident from a parish listed:
i. in §703.L.2.a below due to Hurricane Laura and such parent or court-ordered custodian actually resided in Louisiana for at least the 12 months prior to August 26, 2020; or
ii. in §703.L.2.b below due to Hurricane Delta and such parent or court-ordered custodian actually resided in Louisiana for at least the 12 months prior to October 8, 2020.
iii. in §703.L.2.c below due to Hurricane Zeta and such parent or court-ordered custodian actually resided in Louisiana for at least the 12 months prior to October 26, 2020.
e. A displaced student who during the 2020-2021 academic year (high school) successfully completes at the 12th grade level a home study program approved by BESE shall not be required to have also completed the 11th grade level of an approved home study program.
2. For the purposes of this Subsection, displaced student means:
a. a student who on August 26, 2020, was actually residing in Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Caddo, Calcasieu, Cameron, Grant, Jackson, Jefferson Davis, Lasalle, Lincoln, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Ouachita, Rapides, Sabine, St. Landry, Union, Vermilion, Vernon, or Winn Parish, and:
i. was enrolled in an eligible Louisiana high school as provided in §1701.A.1 and 3; or
ii. was enrolled in a home study program approved by BESE; or
b. a student who on October 8, 2020, was actually residing in Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Iberia, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Rapides, St. Landry, St. Martin, or Vermilion Parish, and:
i. was enrolled in an eligible Louisiana high school as provided in §1701.A.1 and 3; or
ii. was enrolled in a home study program approved by BESE.
c. a student who on October 26, 2020, was actually residing in Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, or Terrebonne Parish, and:
i. was enrolled in an eligible Louisiana high school as provided in §2 and 3; or
ii. was enrolled in a home study program approved by BESE.
M. 2021 Natural Disaster Initial Eligibility Requirements
1. To establish eligibility for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award, a displaced student graduating from high school or completing a BESE approved home study program at the 12th grade level during the 2021-2022 academic year (high school) must meet all of the requirements of §803 A, except as follows.
a. A displaced student who has been certified by the principal or headmaster to have graduated during the 20212022 academic year (high school) from an out-of-state high school that meets the criteria of an eligible out-of-state high school as provided in §1701.A.4 shall not be required to have for the respective awards a higher minimum composite score on the ACT or on the scholastic aptitude test than required for a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school.
b. The requirement that a student who graduates from an eligible Louisiana high school during the 2021-2022 academic year (high school) must have successfully completed the applicable core curriculum shall be waived for a displaced student based upon a sworn affidavit by the student's high school principal or headmaster or authorized designee that failure to comply with such requirement is due solely to the fact that the required course or courses were not available to the student at the school attended.
c. A displaced student shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if:
i. such dependent or independent student actually resided in Louisiana during the entire 2020-2021 academic year (high school) and was enrolled for such time in an eligible Louisiana high school and graduated from high school during 2021-2022 academic year (high school); or
ii. such dependent student has a parent or court-ordered custodian who actually resided in a parish listed in §803.F.2 for at least the 12 months prior to August 27, 2021.
d. A dependent student who graduated from an eligible out-of-state high school shall be deemed to meet the Louisiana residency requirement if his parent or court-ordered custodian was displaced as a resident from a parish listed in §703.M.2
e. A displaced student who during the 2021-2022 academic year (high school) successfully completes at the 12th grade level a home study program approved by BESE shall not be required to have also completed the 11th grade level of an approved home study program.
2. For the purposes of this Subsection, displaced student means a student who on August 27, 2021, was actually residing in Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston, Plaquemines, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John the Baptist, Tangipahoa, or Terrebonne Parish, and:
a. was enrolled in an eligible Louisiana high school as provided in §1701.A.1 and 3; or
b. was enrolled in a home study program approved by BESE.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § IV-703

Promulgated by the Student Financial Assistance Commission, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 22:338 (May 1996), repromulgated LR 24:636 (April 1998), amended LR 24:1902 (October 1998), LR 24:2237 (December 1998), LR 25:257 (February 1999), LR 25:655 (April 1999), LR 25:1794 (October 1999), LR 26:64, 67 (January 2000), LR 26:689 (April 2000), LR 26:1262 (June 2000), LR 26:1602 (August 2000), LR 26:1996, 1999, 2001 (September 2000), LR 26:2268 (October 2000), LR 26:2753 (December 2000), LR 27:36 (January 2001), LR 27:702 (May 2001), LR 27:1219, 1219 (August 2001), repromulgated LR 27:1850 (November 2001), amended LR 28:772 (April 2002), LR 28:2330, 2332 (November 2002), LR 29:125 (February 2003), LR 29:2372 (November 2003), LR 30:1162 (June 2004), LR 30:1471 (July 2004), LR 30:2019 (September 2004), LR 31:37 (January 2005), LR 31:2213 (September 2005), LR 31:3112 (December 2005), LR 32:2239 (December 2006), LR 33:435 (March 2007), LR 33:2357 (November 2007), LR 33:2612 (December 2007), LR 34:1389 (July 2008), LR 35:228 (February 2009), LR 36:312 (February 2010), LR 36:490 (March 2010), LR 36:2269 (October 2010), LR 36:2855 (December 2010), LR 37:2987 (October 2011), LR 38:354 (February 2012), LR 38:3158 (December 2012), LR 39:481 (March 2013), LR 39:2485 (September 2013), LR 40:54 (January 2014), Amended by LR 41343 (2/1/2015), Amended by LR 41664 (4/1/2015), Amended by LR 411486 (8/1/2015), Amended LR 412596 (12/1/2015), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 421657 (10/1/2016), Amended LR 421882 (11/1/2016), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 43518 (3/1/2017), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 431346 (7/1/2017), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 44506 (3/1/2018), Amended LR 441004 (6/1/2018), Amended LR 441870 (10/1/2018), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 44:506 (March 2018), LR 46326 (3/1/2020), Amended LR 46, Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 46, Amended LR 4739 (1/1/2021), Amended LR 47, Amended LR 47, Amended LR 47864 (7/1/2021), Amended LR 48484 (3/1/2022), Amended LR 481761 (7/1/2022), Amended LR 482732 (11/1/2022), Amended LR 4946 (1/1/2023), Amended LR 50187 (2/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:3021-3025, R.S. 17:3042.1, and R.S. 17:3048.1.