La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § IV-1903

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section IV-1903 - Responsibilities of Post-Secondary Institutions
A. Certification of Student Data
1. Through the summer term of 2002, upon request by the board, and for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility for a program award, an institution will report the following student data:
a. admission and full-time undergraduate enrollment; and
b. eligibility for, or enrollment in, a course of study leading to initial teacher certification; and
c. enrollment in math or chemistry as a major while pursuing teacher certification; and
d. graduate or undergraduate enrollment in wildlife forestry or marine science; and
e. cumulative college grade point average; and
f. cumulative college credit hours earned; and
g. academic year hours earned.
2. Effective the fall semester of 2002, upon request by the board, and for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility for a program award, an institution shall report the following student data:
a. admission and full-time undergraduate enrollment; and
b. eligibility for, or enrollment in, a course of study leading to initial teacher certification; and
c. enrollment in math or chemistry as a major while pursuing teacher certification; and
d. graduate or undergraduate enrollment in wildlife forestry or marine science; and
e. semester hours attempted; and
f. semester hours earned; and
g. semester quality points earned; and
h. resignation from the institution or withdrawal from all courses.
3. Beginning with the 2013-2014 academic year (TOPS), an institution shall also report:
a. a students completion of a program of study;
b. through the 2015-2016 academic year (TOPS) whether the program of study was academic or technical;
c. type of credential (degree, certificate, diploma, baccalaureate);
d. semester of completion; and
e. beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year (TOPS):
i. the CIP code for the program of study in which the student is enrolled;
ii. the degree level code for the program of study in which the student is enrolled;
iii. the increment key assigned by the board that provides each program a unique key for the program of study in which the student is enrolled.
B. Program Billing. Each term, institutions shall bill the board for students who are eligible for payments under state and federal scholarship, grant and loan programs administered by the board and LOSFA and who have enrolled at the institution in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
a. through the 2016-2017 academic year (college), institutions may only bill for students who have been certified by the board as eligible for a TOPS Award and, in the case of the TOPS Tech Award, enrolled in an eligible technical program of study; and
b. beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year (college), institutions may bill for students who have been certified by the board as eligible for a TOPS Opportunity, Performance, or Honors Award and may only bill for a TOPS-Tech Award if the student is enrolled in an associate's degree or other shorter-term training and education program that is aligned to state workforce priorities as determined by the Louisiana Board of Regents and the Louisiana Workforce Investment Council at that institution;
2. for scholarship, grant or loan programs that require full-time enrollment, institutions will bill the board based on their certification that the recipient is enrolled full-time, as defined in §301:
a. at eligible colleges and universities, except cosmetology and proprietary schools, at the end of the fourteenth class day or later for semester schools and the ninth class day or later for quarter and term schools, and for any qualifying summer sessions at the end of the last day to drop and receive a full refund for the full summer session. Institutions shall not bill for students who are enrolled less than full-time at the end of the fourteenth class day for semester schools or the ninth class day for quarter and term schools, and for any qualifying summer sessions at the end of the last day to drop and receive a full refund for the summer session, unless the student qualifies for payment for less than full-time enrollment as defined in §2103. C Students failing to meet the full-time enrollment requirement are responsible for reimbursing the institution for any awards received. Refunds of awards to students who are not receiving federal title IV aid, for less than full-time enrollment after the fourteenth or ninth class day, as applicable, shall be returned to the state. Refunds to students who are receiving federal title IV aid shall be refunded to the state in accordance with the institution's federal title IV aid refund procedures;
b. at eligible cosmetology or proprietary schools, on a billing date for students who were enrolled full-time on that date. The billing dates are September 1, December 1, March 1 and June 1. Institutions shall not bill for students who are enrolled less than full-time on a billing date, unless the student qualifies for payment for less than full-time enrollment as provided in §2103. C Students failing to meet the full-time enrollment requirement are responsible for reimbursing the institution for any awards received. Refunds of awards to students who are not receiving federal title IV aid, for less than full-time enrollment shall be returned to the state. Refunds to students who are receiving federal title IV aid shall be refunded to the state in accordance with the institution's federal title IV aid refund procedures;
3. in the event the student's total aid, including vocational rehabilitation awards, exceeds the cost of attendance, any federal loan aid included in the total aid package shall be reduced, then institutional and other aid in accordance with institutional practice, then the TOPS Award shall be reduced by the amount of any remaining over award;
4. annually, all institutions are required to provide the board a current fee schedule. The schedule must include an itemized description of the composition of the mandatory fees listed on the fee schedule, including the tuition amount, as those fees will appear on a students fee bill;
5. certify that the institution will reimburse the board for any award funds incorrectly disbursed to ineligible students;
6. through the 2016-2017 academic year (college), upon the school's certification that a recipient of a TOPS Opportunity, Performance or Honors Award is enrolled fulltime, institutions shall bill for and the board will reimburse the institution for each such recipient as follows:
a. public colleges and universities may bill for an amount up to the maximum tuition for that institution, as defined in §301;
b. Louisiana Technical College campuses may bill for an amount up to the tuition for that institution, as defined in §301;
c. LAICU member colleges and universities or an out-of-state college or university if all of the conditions of §703. I are met may bill for students enrolled in academic programs an amount up to the weighted average award amount, as defined in §301;
d. LAICU member colleges and universities may bill for students enrolled in nonacademic programs an amount up to the average award amount (TOPS-Tech), as defined in §301;
e. for recipients of the Performance and Honors Awards, institutions may bill the board for the stipend that accompanies these awards, in the amounts of $200 or $400 per semester, respectively;
f. for students enrolled in a public professional school, institutions may bill the board an amount equal to the tuition charged or the tuition charged a student pursuing a baccalaureate degree at the highest cost public school, whichever is less;
g. for students enrolled in a LAICU professional school, institutions may charge the weighted average award amount;
h. for students enrolled in graduate school, institutions may bill the board an amount equal to the tuition or the tuition charged for a student while pursuing a baccalaureate degree at the highest cost public school in the state, whichever is less;
i. for students enrolled in eligible cosmetology and proprietary schools, institutions may bill for an amount of up to one quarter of the annual average award amount (TOPS-Tech), as defined in §301;
7. through the 2016-2017 academic year (college), upon the school's certification that a recipient of a TOPS-Tech Award is enrolled full-time, institutions shall bill for and the board will reimburse the institution for each such recipient as follows:
a. eligible public colleges and universities that do not offer an academic undergraduate degree at the baccalaureate level may bill for an amount up to the tuition for that institution, as defined in §301;
b. all other eligible colleges and universities, except eligible cosmetology or proprietary schools, may bill for an amount up to the average award amount (TOPS-Tech), as defined in §301;
c. eligible cosmetology and proprietary schools may bill for an amount of up to one quarter of the annual average award amount (TOPS-Tech), as defined in §301;
8. beginning in the 2017-2018 academic year (college), upon the school's certification that a recipient of a TOPS Award is enrolled full-time, institutions shall bill for an amount equal to the TOPS Award amount as defined in §301 and as determined and published by the board for the school and the students program of study, if applicable, and the board shall reimburse the institution for each such recipient;
9. upon the school's certification that a recipient of a GO-Youth ChalleNGe Program Grant is enrolled full-time, institutions shall bill for and the board will reimburse the institution for each such recipient as follows:
a. eligible public community colleges and Louisiana Technical College may bill for an amount up to the tuition for that institution, as defined in §301; and
b. institutionally-accredited independent colleges or universities in the state that are members of LAICU may bill up to an amount equal to the award amount authorized for TOPS-Tech students attending LAICU institutions during the academic year;
10. unless otherwise directed by the student, before applying a TOPS Award to pay a student's tuition, institutions shall first apply the student's "out-of-pocket" payments, including student loans, toward tuition charges. In those cases when a student's tuition as defined in 26 U.S.C. 25A is paid from a source other than the TOPS Award, the institution shall apply the TOPS Award toward payment of expenses other than tuition which are described in the term cost of attendance as that term is defined in 20 U.S.C. 1087ll, as amended, for the purpose of qualifying the student or his parent or custodian for the federal income tax credits provided for under 26 U.S.C. 25A;
a. upon the school's certification that a student who is eligible for a TOPS-Tech Early Start Award is enrolled in an industry-based occupational or vocational education credential program in a top demand occupation, institutions shall bill for and the board will pay the institution for each such recipient according to the following schedule;

Credit HoursPayment

b. the maximum that may be billed is $300 per semester and $600 per academic year (TOPS);
c. institutions may not bill for summer semesters or sessions;
a. beginning with the spring semester of 2014 through the Spring semester of 2016, for a public college or university to be permitted to bill for a TOPS Award amount under the provisions of §1903. B.6 of these rules, the college or university must include on the student fee bill line items entitled:
i. "Tuition Only" that equals the TOPS Award amount listed on the fee bill;
ii. "TOPS Award Amount" as defined in Section 301; and
iii. "TOPS Stipends" for TOPS Honors and Performance Award stipends. These amounts shall not be included in the "Tuition Only" or "TOPS Award Amount" line items;
b. there shall be no reference to a tuition amount on a student's fee bill other than as provided herein.
C. Disbursement of Funds. Upon receipt of award funds and prior to their disbursement to students, the institution shall:
1. for TOPS Teacher Award recipients:
a. verify that the recipient is enrolled full-time in an approved degree program or course of study leading to a degree in education or alternative program leading to regular certification as a teacher at the elementary or secondary level; or
b. if designated as a math or chemistry major, verify enrollment in a course of study leading to certification as a math or chemistry teacher;
2. for Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship recipients, verify undergraduate or graduate enrollment, whichever is applicable to the student, in:
a. wildlife, forestry or marine science; or
b. another major specified by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries as meeting their criteria for receipt of scholarship funds;
3. for Tuition Payment Program for Medical School Students:
a. verify enrollment at one of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center medical schools or at the Tulane University School of Medicine; and
b. verify the recipient is in good standing; and
c. verify the student has continued to make satisfactory progress towards a medical degree in a primary care field;
4. release award funds by crediting the student's account within 14 days of the institution's receipt of funds or disbursing individual award checks to recipients as instructed by the board. Individual award checks for the Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship, TOPS Teacher Award and Tuition Payment Program for Medical School Students must be released to eligible recipients within 30 days of receipt by the school or be returned to the board;
5. for TOPS-Tech Early Start Awards:
a. verify the student is eligible and enrolled in a course in an industry-based occupational or vocational education credential program in a top-demand occupation; and
b. verify the student is in good standing;
6. for TOPS Awards at cosmetology or proprietary schools:
a. verify the student has continued to make steady academic progress; and
b. verify the student is enrolled full-time on the billing date.
D. Reporting of Academic Data. At the conclusion of each term, quarter or semester, the institution will complete and return to the board a college academic grade report including, but not limited to, the following data elements:
1. academic year hours earned; and
2. cumulative hours earned; and
3. cumulative grade point average; and
4. upon graduation, degree date and type and name of degree.
E. Records Retention. Records pertaining to the students listed on the billing certification form will be subject to audit as required by state statute. Such records will be maintained for a minimum of three years and be available upon request to the board and the Louisiana Legislative Auditor.
F. Qualified Summer Session
1. Except for students eligible for TOPS payments while enrolled in an eligible TOPS Tech program of study, students may request payment for a summer session if eligible under these rules and subject to the availability of program funding. Each student requesting payment must sign a form provided by LOSFA:
a. requesting payment for the summer session from the student's remaining TOPS eligibility;
b. stating the student understands that the use of the TOPS Award for the summer session reduces the student's TOPS eligibility by one semester or term;
c. stating the student understands that the hours earned cannot be used to meet the TOPS requirement to earn at least 24 hours each academic year; and
d. stating the student understands that the grades earned during the summer session will be included in the student's cumulative grade point average.
2. The institution's submission of a payment request for a student's enrollment in a summer session will constitute certification of: the student's eligibility for a TOPS Award payment for the summer session; receipt from the student of a signed written acknowledgment and consent that each payment will consume one semester of eligibility; and the student's enrollment in the summer session.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § IV-1903

Promulgated by the Student Financial Assistance Commission, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 22:338 (May 1996), repromulgated LR 24:645 (April 1998), amended LR 24:1914 (October 1998), LR 25:1459 (August 1999), LR 26:1998 and 2002 (September 2000), repromulgated LR 27:1864 (November 2001), amended LR 28:448 (March 2002), LR 28:775 (April 2002), LR 28:1760 (August 2002), LR 28:2333 (November 2002), LR 30:784 (April 2004), LR 30:1166 (June 2004), LR 31:40 (January 2005), LR 31:3111, 3114 (December 2005), LR 33:1340 (July 2007), LR 35:1233 (July 2009), LR 35:1490 (August 2009), LR 35:1491 (August 2009), LR 36:2857 (December 2010), LR 40:282 (February 2014), LR 40:1003 (May 2014), Amended by LR 41667 (4/1/2015), Amended LR 412599 (12/1/2015), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 282333 (3/1/2017), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 44557 (3/1/2018), Amended by the Board of Regents, Office of Student Financial Assistance, LR 451173 (9/1/2019), Amended LR 48487 (3/1/2022).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:3021-3031, R.S. 17:3041.10-3041.15, 17:3041.21-3041.26, R.S. 17:5001 et seq., and R.S. 17:3050.1-3050.4.