La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXXXI-1915

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXXXI-1915 - Standards for Effectiveness
A. A Louisiana educator credential shall be issued or renewed in accordance with LAC 28:CXLVII (Bulletin 130), R.S. 17:3886, and R.S. 17:3902 upon demonstration that the standards for effectiveness, as determined by the board, have been met for three years during the initial or renewal validity period of the credential.
B. A Louisiana educator credential will not be issued or renewed if the educator records demonstrate that the standards for effectiveness, as determined by the board, have not been met for three years during the validity period of the certificate unless evidence of effectiveness is received from the LEA, through a records review request, that justifies the issuance or reinstatement of a credential.
C. The local governing authority may submit records review request and supporting documentation, justifying the issuance or renewal of a credential, on behalf of an educator who has failed to meet the standards for effectiveness in accordance with LAC 28:CXLVII, Bulletin 130- Regulations for the Evaluation and Assessment of School Personnel.
D. Records review documentation requirements:
1. evaluation tool used to determine effectiveness or lack thereof;
2. LDE evaluation report for each year of the validity period of credential;
3. intensive assistance plan and supporting documentation; and
4. LEA and applicant letters requesting a records review and clarifying factors for consideration.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXXXI-1915

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 481753 (7/1/2022).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6(A)(10), (11), and (15), 17:7(6), 17:10, 17:22(6), 17:391.1391.10, and 17:411.