La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXXVII-303

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXXVII-303 - Level Two
A. Module 27201-01. Reading Plans and Elevations
1. Describe the types of drawings usually included in a set of plans and list the information found on each type.
2. Identify the different types of lines used on construction drawings.
3. Identify selected architectural symbols commonly used to represent materials on plans.
4. Identify selected electrical, mechanical, and plumbing symbols commonly used on plans.
5. Identify selected abbreviations commonly used on plans.
6. Read and interpret plans, elevations, schedules, sections, and details contained in basic construction drawings.
7. State the purpose of written specifications.
8. Identify and describe the parts of a specification.
9. Demonstrate or describe how to perform a quantity takeoff for materials.
B. Module 27202-01. Site Layout One: Distance Measurement and Leveling
1. Describe the major responsibilities of the carpenter relative to site layout.
2. Convert measurements stated in feet and inches to equivalent measurements stated in decimal feet, and vice versa.
3. Use and properly maintain tools and equipment associated with taping.
4. Use taping and/or chaining equipment and procedures to make distance measurements and perform site layout tasks.
5. Determine approximate distances by pacing.
6. Recognize, use, and properly care for tools and equipment associated with differential leveling.
7. Use a builder's level or transit and differential leveling procedures to determine site and building elevations.
8. Record site layout data and information in field notes using accepted practices.
9. Check and/or establish 90° angles using the 3/4/5 rule.
C. Module 27203-01. Introduction to Concrete and Reinforcing Materials
1. Identify various types of cement and describe their uses.
2. Identify types and sizes of concrete aggregates.
3. Identify types of concrete admixtures and describe their uses.
4. Identify special types of concrete and describe their uses.
5. Identify concrete curing methods and materials.
6. Identify concrete testing methods.
7. Demonstrate sampling methods used for the testing of concrete.
8. Perform slump testing of concrete.
9. Perform casting of specimens for strength testing of concrete.
10. Perform volume estimates for concrete quantity requirements.
11. Identify types of concrete reinforcement bars and describe their uses.
12. Identify types of reinforcement bar supports and describe their uses.
13. Identify types of welded-wire fabric (WWF) reinforcement material and describe their uses.
D. Module 27204-01. Foundations and Flatwork
1. Identify various kinds of footings, including:
a. continuous or spread;
b. stepped;
c. pier;
d. grade beam.
2. Identify the parts of footing forms and explain their purpose.
3. Identify the parts of pier forms and explain their purpose.
4. Demonstrate the ability to lay out and construct selected footing forms, including:
a. continuous footing;
b. pier footing;
c. pile cap;
d. grade beam.
5. Strip a pier footing form and prepare it for erection at another location.
6. Identify types of concrete structures that require the construction of edge forms:
a. slabs with or without a foundation;
b. parking lots;
c. driveways and streets;
d. sidewalks;
e. approaches.
7. Identify the parts of edge forms and explain their purpose.
8. Demonstrate the ability to construct and disassemble edge forms for:
a. a slab-on-grade with an existing foundation;
b. a slab-on-grade with an integral foundation.
9. Explain the purpose of a screed and identify the different types of screeds.
10. Demonstrate the ability to set screeds on grade.
E. Module 27205-01. Concrete Forms
1. Identify the various types of concrete forms.
2. Identify the components of each type of form.
3. Explain the safety procedures associated with using concrete forms.
4. Erect, plumb, and brace selected concrete forms, including:
a. basic wall form;
b. ganged wall form;
c. radius wall form;
d. column form;
e. beam form and shoring;
f. stair form.
F. Module 27206-01. Reinforcing Concrete
1. Describe the applications of reinforcing bars, the uses of reinforced structural concrete, and the basic processes involved in placing reinforcing bars.
2. Recognize and identify the bar bends standardized by the American Concrete Institute (ACI).
3. Read and interpret bar lists and describe the information found on a bar list.
4. List the types of ties used in securing reinforcing bars.
5. State the tolerances allowed in the fabrication of reinforcing bars.
6. Demonstrate the proper use of common ties for reinforcing bars.
7. Describe methods by which reinforcing bars may be cut and bent in the field.
8. Use the tools and equipment needed for installing reinforcing bars.
9. Demonstrate the ability to safely use selected tools and equipment to cut, bend, and install reinforcing materials.
10. Explain the necessity of concrete cover in placing reinforcing bars.
11. Explain and demonstrate how to place bars in walls, columns, beams, girders, joists, and slabs.
12. Identify lapped and welded splices.
G. Module 27207-01. Handling and Placing Concrete
1. Identify and state the purpose of different types of concrete joints.
2. Recognize the various equipment used to transport and place concrete.
3. Describe the factors that contribute to the quality of concrete placement.
4. Demonstrate and/or describe the correct methods for placing and consolidating concrete into forms.
5. Demonstrate and/or describe how to use a screed to strike off and level concrete to the proper grade in a form.
6. Demonstrate and/or describe how to use a bullfloat and/or darby to level and smooth concrete.
7. Determine when conditions permit the concrete finishing operation to start.
8. Demonstrate and/or describe how to use a hand float and finishing trowel.
9. Demonstrate and/or describe how to use an edger.
10. Demonstrate and/or describe how to use a jointer.
11. Name the factors that affect the curing of concrete and describe the methods used to achieve proper curing.
12. Properly care for and safely use hand and power tools used when working with concrete.
H. Module 27208-01. Manufactured Forms
1. Recognize various types of manufactured forms.
2. Identify the components of manufactured wall-forming systems.
3. State the differences in construction and use among different types of forms.
4. Describe how a flying form system is moved.
5. Erect, plumb, and brace a manufactured wall form.
6. Use a manufactured hardware system to erect forms of lumber and sheathing.
7. Erect, plumb, and brace a manufactured column form.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXXVII-303

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 32:1201 (July 2006).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6(A)(10).