La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXLVII-311

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXLVII-311 - Evaluators
A. LEAs shall establish and maintain an accountability relationships register to clearly define who shall be the evaluator or evaluators within the ranks of teachers and administrators.
B. Evaluators of teachers shall be school principals, assistant principals, or the evaluatee's respective supervisory level designee.
1. Other designees, such as instructional coaches, content leaders, master teachers, and mentor teachers may conduct observations to help inform the evaluator assessment of teacher performance. These designees shall be recorded as additional observers within the accountability relationships register.
C. Evaluators of administrators shall be LEA supervisors, Chief Academic Officers, Superintendents, or the evaluatee's respective supervisory level designee.
D. All evaluators shall be certified to serve as evaluators, according to the minimum requirements provided by the department.
1. The department, its contractors, and LEAs with approved alternate observation tools shall serve as the sole certifiers of evaluators.
2. The evaluator certification process shall include achieving a passing score on an assessment to ensure inter-rater reliability and accuracy of ratings, based on the use of the teacher or leader observational rubric.
3. Evaluators on record must renew certification to evaluate annually by completing training according to guidelines released by LDOE, by achieving a passing score on a renewal assessment, and by completing inter-rater reliability activities as recommended by LDOE.
E. LEAs shall provide training on a continuing basis for all staff involved in the evaluation process. The recommendation is that all training concentrate on fostering the elements listed below:
1. a positive, constructive attitude toward the teacher and administrator evaluation process;
2. a knowledge of state laws and LEA policies governing the evaluation process for teachers and administrators, along with the associated procedures for intensive assistance and due process;
3. an understanding of the Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching or an approved modified set of teacher competencies and performance standards;
4. an understanding of the Performance Expectations and Indicators for Educational Leaders or an approved modified set of leader competencies and performance standards;
5. an understanding of the measures of growth in student learning, as adopted by the board; and
6. an understanding of the process for calculating a composite score to determine final effectiveness ratings for teachers and administrators.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXLVII-311

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 38:1217 (May 2012), amended LR 38:2360 (September 2012), Amended LR 45233 (2/1/2019), Amended LR 50952 (7/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6(A)(10), R.S. 17:391.10, R.S. 17:3881-3886, and R.S. 17:3901-3904, R.S. 17:3997, and R.S. 17:10.1.