La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXIII-903

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXIII-903 - Loading and Unloading
A. Warning Signals
1. As required in R.S. 32:80 and R.S. 32:318, amber and red flashing warning signals must be used for student loading and unloading. At no other time are these lights to be used.
2. Amber and red Eight-Light Flashing Warning System. For buses equipped with an amber and red eightlight flashing warning system, drivers must activate the amber flashing lights at least 100 feet but not more than 500 feet before coming to a stop. Red flashing warning lights, stop signal arms, and the crossing control device must be activated when the bus is stopped and lights must continue flashing while children board, alight, and/or cross roadways.
B. Locations
1. It is the bus drivers responsibility to select a safe stopping point within LEA guidelines for students to load and unload from the school bus, even if this requires students to walk a distance.
2. Students shall be loaded or unloaded on a shoulder unless the LEA determines that loading or unloading on a shoulder is less safe for the student. If there is no shoulder or if the shoulder is determined to be less safe, a bus driver may load or unload a student while the bus is in a lane of traffic but only if the bus is in the lane farthest to the right side of the road so that there is not a lane of traffic between the bus and the right-side curb or other edge of the road.
3. A driver shall not load or unload a student in a location on a divided highway such that a student, in order to walk between the bus and his home or school, would be required to cross a roadway of the highway on which traffic is not controlled by the visual signals on the school bus.
4. Buses shall not stop within intersections to pick up or discharge students.
5. The school bus shall not be operated on school grounds except to pick up and discharge students or during student safety instruction exercises, but then only when students are carefully supervised.
C. Operations: Preparing to Safely Load or Unload Students
1. The bus driver must activate warning lights, stop signal arms, and the crossing control device after the bus has stopped and before students are permitted to board or alight from the bus. When traveling on undivided roadways, the Louisiana "School Bus Stop Law" (R.S. 32:80) requires drivers of vehicles meeting or overtaking school buses stopped on a highway for the purpose of loading or unloading students to stop the vehicle not less than 30 feet from the school bus when flashing warning lights and stop arms have been activated and to remain stopped until the signals have been deactivated and the bus has resumed motion. (Bus drivers must deactivate signals before resuming motion.)
2. The bus driver must ascertain that traffic has stopped and only then open the door for entrance or exit of students.
3. The bus driver assumes a position behind the wheel before the first student boards and remains seated until the last student is discharged, except for approved loading and unloading of students with disabilities, emergencies, and securing pre-school students into occupant restraints.
4. Emergency doors shall not be used for routine student loading and unloading.
D. Operations: Safe Bus Loading and Unloading Students
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2. The bus driver should be especially watchful for clothing, book bags, or other carry-on items that could be caught in the handrail or the bus door, thereby possibly causing student injury. The bus driver should always scan the area around the bus door before placing the bus in motion.
3. During loading of students, the following are required:
a. Students shall remain a safe distance from the loading area in a designated location appropriate for the particular school building. A material or immaterial boundary intended to block passage shall define the area.
b. Students shall remain in the loading area until the bus comes to a complete stop.
c. The bus driver must allow all passengers to reach their respective seats before placing the bus in motion after passengers have boarded the bus.
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5. Signage shall be prominently posted with bus and carpool loading and unloading policy at any school that includes kindergarten through fifth grades.
E. Operations: Safe Carpool Loading and Unloading Students
1. Students shall remain a safe distance from the loading area in a designated location appropriate for the particular school building. A material or immaterial boundary intended to block passage shall define the area.
2. Students shall remain in the loading area until vehicles come to a complete stop.
3. Kindergarten through third grade students shall be accompanied by school personnel when walking to and from vehicles.
4. Students shall remain in appropriate passenger restraint until the vehicle comes to a complete stop prior to exiting the vehicle.
5. Signage shall be prominently posted with bus and carpool loading and unloading policy at any school that includes kindergarten through fifth grades.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXIII-903

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 25:835 (May 1999), amended LR 25:2169 (November 1999), LR 36:1470 (July 2010), LR 37:2123 (July 2011), Amended LR 42231 (2/1/2016), Amended LR 49243 (2/1/2023), Amended LR 50175 (2/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:158, R.S. 17:160-161, R.S. 17:164-166, R.S .32:80, and R.S. 32:318.