La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CI-513

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CI-513 - Evaluation Components
A. All initial evaluations shall include the following documented components (refer to individual exceptionalities for additional evaluation components):
1. a description of each screening activity and a review of the screening results;
2. a review of cumulative records including test scores, discipline records, grade history, attendance records, statewide assessments, etc.;
3. a review of any pertinent reports supplied by the parent or an outside agency;
4. a review of the intervention(s) which includes data-based documentation that:
a. the interventions were scientifically research-based;
b. the interventions were implemented with fidelity as documented by data sheets, computer records or other permanent products;
c. progress monitoring was conducted at reasonable intervals; and
d. the student did not show adequate progress based on local or national norms;
5. a systematic student observation(s) in the environments in which the student is experiencing difficulties;
6. an interview with the student to obtain his/her perceptions of his/her academic, behavioral and social performance;
7. an interview with the student's core subject teacher(s) to obtain information regarding referral concerns and the student's academic performance, behavior, and peer interactions;
8. a family interview conducted by a school social worker or other qualified pupil appraisal staff member to determine the impact of developmental, educational, social/emotional, cultural, and/or health factors on the student's educational performance;
9. an interview with the referral source, if other than the parent or teacher;
10. an educational assessment conducted by an educational diagnostician or other qualified pupil appraisal staff member which includes descriptions of educational strategies, academic and environmental adjustments needed, and curricular modifications necessary to provide accessible instructional materials in order to enable the student to show progress in the general education curriculum;
11. a functional behavior assessment conducted or reviewed by a certified school psychologist, a qualified school social worker, or other appropriately trained personnel, when behavior is noted as a concern; and
12. a review and analysis of any discrepancies between test results or observations and the student's customary behaviors and daily activities, or of any discrepancies among evaluation results.
B. The final written report for initial evaluations must be a compilation of the data gathered during the individual evaluation process. The data collected by pupil appraisal personnel must be integrated and written in language that is clear to the IEP Team and other individuals who will use it.
1. The integrated written report of the initial evaluation of an identified student must contain the following components:
a. the reason(s) for referral;
b. any additional concerns raised by the parents, teachers, or other involved professionals;
c. a description of the evaluation procedures, including interventions, used to address each evaluation concern, the student's response(s) to the intervention(s) and an analysis of the results;
d. a description of the information used to decide that each of the following was not a determinant factor for the suspected disability:
i. lack of appropriate explicit and systematic instruction in reading which includes the essential components of reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary;
ii. lack of appropriate instruction in math;
iii. limited English proficiency;
iv. environmental or economic disadvantage; and
v. cultural factors;
e. a description of the student's present level(s) of functioning in relationship to the general education curriculum;
f. a description of the student's relative strengths and support needs;
g. a description of the educational needs of the student ranked in order of importance;
h. a description of the impairment or condition that enables the student to be classified as eligible for special education and related services;
i. information sufficient to permit a determination of the validity of the evaluation data for the total evaluation process to include the following:
i. compatibility of the student to the examiner(s);
ii. suitability of the evaluation environment;
iii. existence of any extraordinary conditions;
j. a description and explanation of any discrepancies noted during the evaluation process;
k. recommendations for determining the content of the student's IEP including types of services necessary to meet the educational needs of the student and to enable the student to be involved in and progress in the general education curriculum (or for a preschool student, to participate in appropriate activities);
l. a brief summary of the evaluation findings;
m. explanation of all extensions of the evaluation timelines including documentation of parental approval; when necessary;
n. names of assessment personnel participating in the evaluation;
o. signatures of assessment personnel whose conclusions are accurately reflected in the report:
i. if a participating appraisal person disagrees with the conclusion(s) in the integrated report, that person may submit a separate signed dissenting opinion stating the disagreement and giving supporting data and conclusion(s) prior to the IEP meeting; and
p. the documentation of the determination of eligibility including signatures of the evaluation team members and the parents.
C. During the conduct of the evaluation, the team may suspect that a student is non-exceptional based on selected components. The final written report shall be a compilation of all assessments and procedures conducted with supporting data and conclusions.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CI-513

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 35:902 (May 2009), effective July 1, 2009.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:1941 et seq.