La. Admin. Code tit. 25 § IX-331

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section IX-331 - Overnight-Use Facilities
A. General Provisions
1. Any overnight use of a site requires a written permit or payment receipt. Overnight facilities are reserved for the exclusive use of persons properly permitted for the use of overnight facilities and their guests. An exception to this rule will be made for volunteers camping at a state historic site as part of an approved overnight encampment program.
2. Permittee may not transfer or assign any use permit nor sublet any facility or part thereof.
3. The site manager has the authority to require the registration of every person occupying a campsite or overnight facility.
4. Any permit may be terminated by the assistant secretary or by the site manager upon the violation of any established rule, regulation, or any condition of the permit.
5. Lock combinations on entrance gates are issued for the personal use of the permittee, who is prohibited from allowing others to use the lock combination, or otherwise making the facilities open so that others not covered by the permit may enter or leave the facility or area.
6. Established time schedules (check-in and checkout) are strictly enforced. Failure to comply without advanced approval of the park manager may result in additional charges and denial of future use of OSP facilities.
7. Overnight users must observe quiet hours between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Playing music or other loud activities that adversely affect the use and enjoyment of the site by other site users is a violation of quiet hours.
8. Overnight users shall not erect or display unsightly, obscene, or inappropriate structures or features which, in the opinion of the site manager, may create a disturbing or otherwise unpleasant condition detrimental to the general site use.
9. No permittee may repair or install any site equipment or furnishings unless authorized and supervised by the site manager.
10. No person shall be permitted to reside at any OSP site, except for assigned OSP staff and their immediate family.
11. Parking for boat trailers and additional vehicles may be allowed at the discretion of the site manager or his designee, subject to individual site suitability for such purposes.
12. Permittees waive and release all claims against the state of Louisiana for any damage to person or property arising from the privileges granted by any use permit.
13. Upon departure, the user must ensure that the facility is vacated in good repair and in the same condition in which it was occupied. Trash must be disposed of and all fires extinguished. Permittees will be responsible for any and all damages resulting from their use of the facility. Failure to comply may result in denial of future use of OSP facilities.
B. Camping
1. With the exception of a campground host and long term stay campsites, overnight camping and group camp, lodge and cabin use are limited to 15 consecutive days. After 15 consecutive days of occupancy at an OSP site, the visitor must vacate the site for seven consecutive days before occupancy may be resumed. No person shall occupy a campsite for more than 23 days in any 30-day period. However, at the site manager's discretion, and subject to availability, overnight camping may be extended on a weekly basis. No campsite may be vacated for longer than a 24-hour continuous period under any permit agreement.
2. OSP campgrounds are intended for tents and recreational vehicles only.
3. Campsite occupancy is limited to six persons. Day use guests may visit overnight campers at their campsites between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
4. At designated group camping areas occupancy limits are set by the site manager or his designee.
5. Campsite configurations within the system vary in size, length, and surfacing materials. Camping spurs are designed to accommodate one camper/pop-up trailer with tow vehicle or one motorized camper and additional vehicle. Additionally, many sites will have designated tent pads adjacent to the spur. The site manager or his designee will have the authority to evaluate additional possible combinations for on site approval. Due to the numerous possible potential combinations, the following are to be used as general guidelines to define a camping unit by the site manager or his designee:
a. one camper trailer with tow vehicle (may include pickup camper), one large tent or two small tents;
b. one motorized camper with additional vehicle (may include pickup camper), one large tent or two small tents;
c. one pop-up camper with two vehicles (may include pickup camper), one large tent or two small tents;
d. one pickup camper with additional vehicle, one large tent or two small tents;
e. two vehicles and tent combinations not to exceed three tents.
6. Upon termination of any use permit, the facility must be vacated in good repair and in the same condition in which it was occupied. Where applicable, all water taps shut, and all fires extinguished. Permittees will be responsible for any and all damages resulting from their use of the facility. Failure to comply may result in denial of future use of OSP facilities.
C. Cabins, Lodges, Other Overnight Facilities
1. A written inventory of movable equipment and furnishings is posted in each overnight structure or will be furnished to the visitor. It is the visitor's responsibility to check the inventory immediately upon occupancy. The visitor must report to the site manager or his designee any discrepancy between the actual inventory and the printed inventory. The visitor may be assessed the cost of items which, if not reported as missing or damaged upon occupancy, are missing or damaged when the structure is vacated. Failure to reimburse the OSP for any missing property or damage to property may result in denial of future use of OSP facilities.
2. Facility furnishings shall not be moved without the permission of the site manager.
3. Upon termination of any use permit, the facility must be vacated in good repair and in the same condition in which it was occupied. Where applicable, all doors and windows will be closed, all water taps shut, and all fires extinguished. Permittees will be responsible for any and all damages resulting from their use of the facility. Failure to comply may result in denial of future use of OSP facilities.
4. The maximum overnight (9 p.m. to 8 a.m.) capacity for cabins and lodges is the listed bedding accommodations. A $15 fee per person will be charged to the permittee for additional persons up to the listed maximum sleeping capacity of the facility.
5. The maximum overnight (9 p.m. to 8 a.m.) capacity for a group camp is the maximum sleeping capacity of the group camp facility.
6. The maximum daytime (8 a.m. to 9 p.m.) capacity for cabins, lodges and group camps is double the sleeping capacity or posted fire marshal occupancy of the facilities. Exceptions may be granted by the assistant secretary or his designee.

La. Admin. Code tit. 25, § IX-331

Promulgated by the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of State Parks, LR 8:634 (December 1982), amended LR 12:89 (February 1986), LR 14:772 (November 1988), LR 16:1053 (December 1990), LR 19:308 (March 1993), LR 26:28 (January 2000), LR 27:1673 (October 2001), LR 31:1984 (August 2005), LR 36:1227 (June 2010), LR 39:1266 (May 2013), Amended LR 43293 (2/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 56:1681-1690 and R.S. 36:204.