La. Admin. Code tit. 19 § VII-305

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section VII-305 - Application Process
A. Except as may be hereinafter provided, all of the provisions contained in §105 of Chapter 1 of the Small Business Loan and Guaranty Program shall also apply to this Chapter 3 program (except that loan participations will not be utilized in this Chapter 3 program).
B. Loan Purpose Requirements and Prohibitions. In addition to the application process provisions provided in the Section mentioned in the above Subsection A, in connection with each loan to be enrolled under this Chapter 3 program the financial institution lender shall also be responsible for obtaining and providing to LEDC with the lender's application an assurance from each borrower stating that the loan proceeds shall not be used for any impermissible purpose under the SSBCI Program. And additionally, each financial institution lender must also obtain and provide to LEDC with its application under this Chapter 3 program an assurance from the borrower affirming:
1. the loan proceeds must be used for a business purpose. A business purpose includes, but is not limited to, start up costs, working capital, business procurement, franchise fees, equipment, inventory, as well as the purchase, construction renovation or tenant improvements of an eligible place of business that is not for passive real estate investment purposes. The definition of business purpose excludes activities that relate to acquiring or holding passive investments such as commercial real estate ownership, the purchase of securities; and lobbying activities as defined in section 3(7) of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, P.L. 104-65, as amended;
2. the loan proceeds will not be used to:
a. repay a delinquent federal or state income taxes unless the borrower has a payment plan in place with the relevant taxing authority; or
b. repay taxes held in trust or escrow, e.g. payroll or sales taxes; or
c. reimburse funds owed to any owner, including any equity injection or injection of capital for the business' continuance; or
d. purchase any portion of the ownership interest of any owner of the business;
3. the borrower is not:
a. an executive officer, director, or principal shareholder of the financial institution lender; or
b. a member of the immediate family of an executive officer, director, or principal shareholder of the financial institution lenders; or
c. a related interest of an such executive officer, director, principal shareholder, or member of the immediate family;
i. for the purposes of these three borrower restrictions, the terms executive officer, director, principal shareholder, immediate family, and related interest refer to the same relationship to a financial institution lender as the relationship described in part 215 of title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor to such part;
4. the borrower is not:
a. a business engaged in speculative activities that develop profits from fluctuations in price rather than through normal course of trade, such as wildcatting for oil and dealing in commodities futures, unless those activities are incidental to the regular activities of the business and part of a legitimate risk management strategy to guard against price fluctuations related to the regular activities of the business;

NOTE: Permissible borrowers include state-designated charitable, religious, or other non-profit or eleemosynary institutions, government-owned corporations, consumer and marketing cooperatives, and faith-based organizations provided the loan is for a "business purpose" as defined above.

b. a business that earns more than half of its annual net revenue from lending activities; unless the business is a non-bank or non-bank holding company certified as a community development financial institution; or
c. a business engaged in pyramid sales, where a participant's primary incentive is based on the sales made by an ever-increasing number of participants; or
d. a business engaged in activities that are prohibited by federal law or applicable law in the jurisdiction where the business is located or conducted (Included in these activities is the production, servicing, or distribution of otherwise legal products that are to be used in connection with an illegal activity, such as selling drug paraphernalia or operating a motel that knowingly permits illegal prostitution.); or
e. a business engaged in gambling enterprises, unless the business earns less than 33 percent of its annual net revenue from lottery sales;
5. no principal of the borrowing entity has been convicted of a sex offense against a minor [as such terms are defined in section 111 of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (42 U.S.C. 16911) ]. For the purposes of this certification, principal is defined as if a sole proprietorship, the proprietor; if a partnership, each managing partner and each partner who is a natural person and holds a 20 percent or more ownership interest in the partnership; and if a corporation, limited liability company, association or a development company, each director, each of the five most highly compensated executives or officers of the entity, and each natural person who is a direct or indirect holder of 20 percent or more of the ownership stock or stock equivalent of the entity.
C. The financial institution lender must also provide to LEDC with its application, in connection with each loan to be enrolled under this Chapter 3 program, an assurance affirming:
1. he loan has not been made in order to place under the protection of the approved state Capital Access Program (CAP) prior debt that is not covered under the approved state CAP and that is or was owed by the borrower to the financial institution lender or to an affiliate of the financial institution lender;
2. the loan is not a refinancing of a loan previously made to that borrower by the financial institution lender or an affiliate of the financial institution lender;
3. no principal of the financial institution lender has been convicted of a sex offense against a minor [as such terms are defined in section 111 of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (42 U.S.C. 16911) ]. For the purposes of this certification, principal is defined as if a sole proprietorship, the proprietor; if a partnership, each partner; if a corporation, limited liability company, association or a development company, each director, each of the five most highly compensated executives, officers, or employees of the entity, and each direct or indirect holder of 20 percent or more of the ownership stock or stock equivalent of the entity.

La. Admin. Code tit. 19, § VII-305

Promulgated by the Department of Economic Development, Office of the Secretary, Office of Business Development and Louisiana Economic Development Corporation, LR 38:998 (April 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with LA. R.S. 51:2312.