La. Admin. Code tit. 19 § II-911

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section II-911 - Guarantee
A. Amount of Guarantee. Providing collateral in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit to the surety may be posted on an individual project basis, for one or more projects at any one time, at the discretion of the Department of Economic Development.
B. Surety Bond Guarantee Agreement
1. Terms and Conditions
a. The guarantee agreement is made exclusively for the benefit of BAP and the surety; it does not confer any rights or benefits on any other party including any right of action against BAP by any person claiming under the bond. When problems occur on a contract substantive enough to involve the surety, the surety is authorized to take actions it deems necessary. Regardless of the extent or outcome of surety's involvement, the surety's services, including legal fees and other expenses, will be chargeable to the contractor unless otherwise settled.
b. Any agreement by BAP to guarantee a surety bond issued by a surety company shall contain the following terms and conditions:
i. the surety represents that the bond or bonds being issued are appropriate to the contract requiring them;
ii. the surety represents that the terms and conditions of the bond or bonds executed are in accordance with those generally used by the surety for the type of bond or bonds involved;
iii. the surety affirms that without the BAP guarantee to surety, it will not issue the bond or bonds to the principal;
iv. the surety shall take all steps necessary to mitigate any loss resulting from principal's default;
v. the surety shall inform BAP of any suit or claim filed against it on any guaranteed bond within 30 days of surety's receipt of notice thereof. Unless BAP decides otherwise, and so notifies surety within 30 days of BAP's receipt of surety's notice, surety shall take charge of the suit for claim and compromise, settle or defend such suit or claim until so notified. BAP shall be bound by the surety's actions in such matters;
vi. the surety shall not join BAP as a third party in any lawsuit to which surety is a party unless BAP has denied liability in writing or BAP has consented to such joinder.
c. When contractor successfully completes bonded job a status inquiry report is signed by appropriate parties and is forwarded to surety's collateral department. Surety shall release standby letter of credit within 90 days of recordation of acceptance date shown on status inquiry report.
d. Variances. The terms and conditions of BAP's guarantee commitment or actual bond guarantee may vary from surety to surety and contract to contract depending on BAP's experiences with a particular surety and other relevant factors. In determining whether BAP's experience with a surety warrants terms and conditions which may be at variance with terms and conditions applicable to another surety, BAP will consider, among other things, the adequacy of the surety's underwriting; the adequacy of the surety's substantiation and documentation of its claims practice; the surety's loss ratio and its efforts to minimize loss on BAP guaranteed bonds; and other factors. Any surety which deems itself adversely affected by the director's exercise of the foregoing authority may file an appeal with the Secretary of the Department of Economic Development. The secretary will render the final decision.
2. Reinsurance Agreement. In all guarantee situations, BAP agrees to reimburse the participating surety up to the agreed-upon percentage of any and all losses incurred by virtue of default on a particular contract. The participating surety agrees to handle all claims, with recoveries being shared on a pro rata basis with BAP. This includes reinsurance agreements between the surety and any other licensed surety or reinsurance company. In other words, no indemnity agreement can be made to inure solely to the benefit of the surety to recover its exposure on any bond guarantee by BAP without BAP participating in its pro rata share.
3. Default
a. Notice of Default. Surety shall notify BAP if it becomes aware of any circumstances which may cause the contractor to fail to timely complete the project in accordance with the provisions of the contract. Where BAP receives information from other sources indicating a contractor is in potential violation of his contract, the information is to be relayed to the surety for its information and appropriate action.
b. Default Claims, Indemnity Pursuit, and Settlement
i. The sole authority and responsibility in BAP for handling claims arising from a contractor's default on a surety bond guaranteed by the BAP shall remain with the director and undersecretary relative to BAP's guarantee. The director and undersecretary will process and negotiate all claim matters with surety company representatives.
ii. In those situations where BAP's share is $500 or less, the surety shall notify the contractor, by letter, of its outstanding debt with no further active pursuit undertaken by the surety for which BAP would be requested to reimburse.
iii. In those situations where BAP's share is over $500 through $2,500, the surety shall promptly develop financial background information on the debtor contractor. These findings will determine whether it is economically justified to further pursue indemnity recovery or to close the file.
iv. In those situations where BAP's share is over $2,500, the surety shall pursue recovery through its normal method, assessing and comparing the estimated cost of recovery efforts with the probable monetary gain from the effort prior to exercising its rights under LC.
v. The surety shall advise BAP of attempts made to contact indemnitor or to attach other assets, and the outcome of these attempts. The surety shall insure that BAP is credited with its respective apportionment of all recovery within 90 days of the recovery.
vi. At the culmination of subrogation and indemnity recovery efforts, the surety shall notify the obligor of the total amount outstanding. A copy of the notice sent to the contractor shall be promptly forwarded to the BAP. After recovery efforts have been exhausted, the surety and BAP will make final reconciliation on the defaulted case, and close the file on that particular contractor's project. Prior to closing the file, surety shall conduct a recapitulation of the account to assure that BAP has been correctly credited with all funds recovered from any and all sources.
vii. Under the terms and conditions of the surety bond guarantee agreement, the authority to act upon proposed settlement offers in connection with defaulted surety bonds lies with the surety, not with the BAP. A settlement occurs when a defaulted contractor and its surety agree upon a total amount and/or conditions which will satisfy the contractor's indebtedness to the surety, and which will result in closing the loss file. The surety must pay BAP its pro rata share of such settlement. BAP, immediately upon receipt of same, closes the file.
4. Reinstatement. A contractor's contractual relationship is with the surety company. Therefore, all matters pertaining to reinstatement must be arranged with and through the surety. BAP's contractual relationship is with the surety company only. Because of these relationships, BAP will neither negotiate nor discuss with a contractor amounts owed the surety by the contractor, or settlement thereof.

La. Admin. Code tit. 19, § II-911

Promulgated by the Department of Economic Development, Office of the Secretary, Division of Economically Disadvantaged Business Development, LR 24:432 (March 1998), amended by the Department of Economic Development, Office of Business Development, LR 29:549 (April 2003), LR 30:760 (April 2004).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 51:942.