La. Admin. Code tit. 13 § I-1120

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-1120 - Sales and Use Tax Rebate or Project Facility Expense Rebate
A. Project Facility Expense Rebate
1. The project facility expense rebate is earned in the year in which the project is placed in service, and is based upon all qualified capitalized expenditures related to the project as of the date it is placed in service.
a. Qualified expenditures include intangible costs such as architectural and/or engineering fees prior to the contract effective date.
b. The project facility expense rebate may not be elected if more than 50 percent of the qualified expenditures relating to the project are incurred before the filing of the advance notification.
2. The project facility expense rebate claim must be filed with the Department of Revenue, Taxpayer Compliance-SSEW Division, with the required documentation.
3. The project facility expense rebate may be taken on qualified expenditures that are related to the project and are placed in service during the project period. The project facility expense rebate applies to the assets that are related to the qualified expenditures, provided that the business reasonably intends for such assets to remain at the project site for their expected useful life. The assets may be recorded on the financial statements of a company that is an affiliate of the business.
4. The claim for the project facility expense rebate must be filed with the Department of Revenue no later than six months after the Department of Economic Development signs a project completion report and it is received by the Department of Revenue, the political subdivision, and the business. The project completion report shall not be signed until the project is complete and the contract has been approved by the board and the governor. Upon request, the business shall receive a 30-day extension of time in which to file its claim, provided such request for extension is received by the Department of Revenue prior to the expiration of such filing period. The Department of Revenue is also authorized to grant the business an additional extension of time, not to exceed 60 days, in which to file its claim provided that the business shows reasonable cause for granting such extension.
B. Sales and Use Tax Rebates
1. The Quality Jobs Program contract will not authorize the business to make tax exempt purchases from vendors. The Department of Revenue will advise the business on the proper procedures to obtain the state sales and use tax rebate. The request for rebate of sales and use taxes must be made by filing a claim with the Department of Revenue, Taxpayer Compliance-SSEW Division, and must include the following:
a. list of eligible purchases, including a brief description of each item, the vendor's name, date of the delivery, sales price and the amount of state sales and use tax paid. The listed items must have been purchased by the business, or by a builder, a contractor, or other party that contracted with the owner to provide materials, equipment, machinery, or software that is used by the business at the project site or by the contract holders named affiliates listed in the Quality Jobs Program contract. Invoices as required under R.S. 51:2457 shall also be required;
b. certification that the listed materials are reasonably expected to qualify for a rebate under the Quality Jobs Program; and
c. certification that state sales and use taxes have been paid on the listed items.
2. The request may be filed on the official Department of Revenue "claim for rebate" form or on other LDR approved forms prepared by the business. After the Department of Revenue has validated the information on the claim for rebate, a rebate check will be issued for the amount of substantiated state sales and use taxes paid.
3. The request for rebate must be filed with the Louisiana Department of Revenue, and the political subdivision rebating local sales and use tax, no later than six months after the Department of Economic Development signs a project completion report and sends it to the Department of Revenue, the political subdivision, and the business, or no later than 30 days after the end of the calendar year and must be accompanied by the signed project completion report. Upon request, the business shall receive a 30-day extension of time in which to file its claim, provided such request for extension is received by the Department of Revenue prior to the expiration of such filing period. The Department of Revenue is also authorized to grant the business an additional extension of time, not to exceed 60 days, in which to file its claim, provided that the business shows reasonable cause for granting such extension.
4. The business should contact the political subdivision issuing the endorsement resolution to determine the procedure for local sales and use tax rebate.

La. Admin. Code tit. 13, § I-1120

Promulgated by the Department of Economic Development, Office of Business Development, LR 4930 (1/1/2023), Repromulgated LR 49343 (2/1/2023).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 51:2451-2462 et seq.