La. Admin. Code tit. 13 § I-1107

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-1107 - Application Fees, Timely Filing
A. The applicant shall submit an advance notification on the prescribed form before locating the establishment or the creation of any new direct jobs in the state. All financial incentive programs for a given project shall be filed at the same time, on the same advance notification form. An advance notification fee of $250, for each program applied for, shall be submitted with the advance notification form. An advance notification filing shall be considered by the department to be a public record under Louisiana Revised Statutes, title 44, chapter 1, Louisiana Public Records Law, and subject to disclosure to the public.
B. An application for the Quality Jobs Program must be filed with the Office of Business Development, Business Incentives Services, through the department's online Fastlane portal no later than 24 months after the department has received the advance notification and fee, except that upon request, a business shall receive a thirty-day extension of time in which to file its application, provided that the request for extension is received by the Department no later than the filing deadline. Failure to file an application within the prescribed timeframe will result in the expiration of the advance notification.
1. The application shall include a detailed project description clearly stating the nature and scope of the proposed project. For example, whether the project is the construction of a new facility, renovation of an existing facility, or an increase in workforce. Where possible, identify specific project goals, milestones and costs that may be verified by both the department and LDR for subsequent contract compliance review.
2. Applications submitted by COVID-19 impacted retail businesses shall include support documentation evidencing a physical and active operation in Louisiana on March 13, 2020, and that it ceased operations due to either one of the governor's public health emergency proclamations or a mayor's proclamation or executive order related to the public health emergency, or a decrease in customer activity or the inability to retain sufficient staff due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
C. An application fee shall be submitted with the application based on the following:
1. 0.5 percent (.005) times the estimated total incentive rebates (see application fee worksheet to calculate);
2. the minimum application fee is $500 and the maximum application fee is $15,000 for a single project;
3. an additional application fee will be due if a project's employment or investment scope is or has increased, unless the maximum has been paid.
D. An application to renew a contract shall be submitted with an application fee and filed within six months prior to the initial contract expiring. The board may approve a request for renewal of an expired contract filed less than five years after expiration of the initial contract, and may impose a penalty for the late filing of the renewal request, including a reduction of the five year renewal period.
1. The application for renewal shall include a detailed project description stating the nature and scope of the project.
E. The advance notification, application, or annual certification is not deemed to be filed until all information requested on the form and the required fees are received by LED. Processing fees for advance notifications, applications, or annual certification that have been accepted for eligible projects shall not be refundable.
F. Applications may be deferred to a later board meeting date at the request of the applicant, but shall not exceed presentation at a board meeting occurring more than 12 months after the filing of the application, except as otherwise approved by LED.

La. Admin. Code tit. 13, § I-1107

Promulgated by the Department of Economic Development, Office of Commerce and Industry, Financial Incentives Division, LR 22:963 (October 1996), amended by the Department of Economic Development, Office of Business Development, Business Resources Division, LR 29:2308 (November 2003), amended by the Office of Business Development, LR 37:2591 (September 2011), Amended by LR 411085 (6/1/2015), Amended by the Office of Business Development, LR 42865 (6/1/2016), Amended by the Department of Economic Development, Office of Business Development, LR 4928 (1/1/2023), Repromulgated LR 49341 (2/1/2023).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 51:2451-2462 et seq.