As used in these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:
i = the individual renewable generation facility (source of the RECs)
n = the number of months the facility has been in operation over the past 24 months, with n representing at least 12 months
Ei,t = the total energy output (MWh) by renewable generation facility i during compliance period t
C i,t = the average total generator capacity (MW) by renewable generation facility i during compliance period t
The capacity factor shall be calculated for the source of the RECs, if possible. If the utility is unable to calculate the capacity factor for the source of the RECs, the capacity factor shall be the capacity factor of the utility's own renewable generation from the prior calendar year for the same or similar type of resource as the source of the RECs, if known. If the utility has multiple installations of the same or similar type of resource, the capacity factor shall be the average of the facilities. If the utility did not have the same or similar type of resource as the source of the RECs or if the source is unknown, the overall capacity factor of the utility's total renewable generation shall be used. In the absence of renewable resource generation, a default capacity factor of 34% shall be used.
For the purposes of K.S.A. 66-1257(d)(9)(A) and (B) and amendments thereto, the following shall apply:
Kan. Admin. Regs. § 82-16-1