Table 1
Radionuclide Concentration Curies/Cubic Meter
C-14 8
C-14 in activated metal 80
Ni-59 in activated metal 220
Nb-94 in activated metal 0.2
Tc-99 3
Alpha emitting transuranic nuclides with half-life greater than 5 years 100*
Pu-241 3,500*
Cm-242 20,000
* Units are nanocuries per gram
Table 2
Concentration, Curies/Cubic Meter
Radionuclide Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Total of all nuclides with less than 5 year half-life 700 ** **
H-3 40 ** **
Co-60 700 ** **
Ni-63 3.5 70 700
Ni-63 inactivated metal 35 700 7000
Sr-90 0.04 150 7000
Cs-137 1 44 4600
** There are no limits established for these radionuclides in Class B or Class C wastes. Practical considerations such as the effects of external radiation and internal heat generation on transportation, handling, and disposal will limit the concentrations for these wastes. These wastes shall be Class B unless the concentration of other nuclides in Table 2 independently determine the waste to be Class C.
Kan. Admin. Regs. § 28-35-223b