When used in any provision of 40 CFR part 124, parts 260 through 266, or part 268, 270, 273, or 279, as adopted by reference by K.A.R. 28-31-124 through 28-31-279, the following substitutions shall be made unless otherwise specified in K.A.R. 28-31-124 through 28-31-279:
(a) The following terms and phrases shall be replaced with "secretary," except as noted in subsection (b): (2) " [a]dministrator or State Director";(3) "applicable EPA Regional Administrator";(4) "appropriate Regional Administrator or state Director";(5) "[a]ssistant Administrator";(6) "[a]ssistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response";(7) "EPA Regional Administrator";(8) "EPA Regional Administrator(s)";(9) "EPA Regional Administrator (or his designated representative) or State authorized to implement part 268 requirements";(10) "EPA Regional Administrator for the Region in which the generator is located";(11) "EPA Regional Administrator(s) for the Region(s) in which the facility(ies) is(are) located";(12) "EPA Regional Administrator(s) of the EPA Region(s) in which the bonded facility(ies) is (are) located";(13) "EPA Regional Administrators of the Regions in which the facilities are located, or their designees";(14) "[r]egional Administrator";(15) "[r]egional Administrator(s)";(16) "[r]egional Administrator of every Region in which facilities for which financial responsibility is to be demonstrated through the financial test are located";(17) "[r]egional Administrator or state Director";(18) "[r]egional Administrator, or State Director, as the context requires, or an authorized representative ('director' as defined in 40 CFR 270.2) ";(19) "[r]egional Administrator, or State Director (if located in an authorized state)";(20) "[r]egional Administrator(s) of the EPA Region(s) in which the facility(ies) is(are) located"; and(21) "USEPA Regional Administrator for Region [Region #]."(b) The terms listed in subsection (a) shall not be replaced with "secretary" in the following federal regulations:(1)40 CFR 260.10, in the following definitions: (C) "hazardous waste constituent";(D) "industrial furnace"; and(E) "regional administrator";(2) 40 CFR part 261, in the following locations:(3) 40 CFR part 262, subparts E and H and the appendix;(4) 40 CFR part 264, in the following locations: (B)40 CFR 264.151(b), in the first paragraph of the financial guarantee bond;(C)40 CFR 264.151(c), in the first paragraph of the performance bond;and(5) 40 CFR part 268, in the following locations:(6) 40 CFR part 270, in the following locations:(A)40 CFR 270.2, in the following definitions: (ii) "corrective action management unit or CAMU";(v) "regional administrator"; and(vi) "state/EPA agreement";(C) 270.10(e)(2) and (3);Kan. Admin. Regs. § 28-31-100a
Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 65-3431; effective April 29, 2011.