Kan. Admin. Regs. § 26-52-24

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 40, October 3, 2024
Section 26-52-24 - Food service; ice and drinking water
(a) Each licensee shall develop and implement food service policies and procedures in each crisis intervention center that comply with this regulation. Food preparation and service shall meet the needs of patients and comply with physician orders regarding dietary plans and restricted diets. For purposes of this regulation, "food" shall include beverages.
(1) Each staff member and volunteer engaged in food preparation and food service shall use sanitary methods of food handling, food service, and storage. Only staff members and volunteers authorized by the administrative director shall be in the food preparation area.
(2) Each staff member and each volunteer who has any symptoms of an illness, including fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, shall be excluded from the food preparation area and shall remain excluded from the food preparation area until the staff member or volunteer has been asymptomatic for at least 24 hours or provides the administrative director with written documentation from a health care provider stating that the symptoms are from a noninfectious condition.
(3) Each staff member and each volunteer who contract any infectious or contagious disease specified in K.A.R. 28-1-6 or COVID-19 shall be excluded from the food preparation area and shall remain excluded from the food preparation area until the isolation period required for that disease is over or until the staff member or volunteer provides the administrative director with written documentation from a health care provider that the staff member or volunteer is no longer a threat to the health and safety of others when preparing or handling food.
(4) Each staff member and each volunteer with an open cut or abrasion on the hand or forearm or with a skin sore shall cover the sore, cut, or abrasion with a waterproof barrier before handling or serving food.
(c) Each staff member and each volunteer who is handling food shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) The hair of each staff member and each volunteer shall be restrained when the staff member or volunteer is handling food;
(2) each staff member and each volunteer shall comply with requirements for handwashing, including the following:
(A) Washing their hands and exposed portions of their arms before working with food, after using the toilet, and as often as necessary to keep the hands of the staff member or the volunteer clean and to minimize the risk of contamination; and
(B) using an individual towel, disposable paper towels, or an air dryer to dry the hands of the staff member or volunteer.
(A) Each staff member and each volunteer who is preparing or handling food shall minimize bare hand and bare arm contact with exposed food that is not in a ready-to-eat form. Except when washing fruits and vegetables, no staff member or volunteer handling or serving food may contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands.
(B) Each staff member and each volunteer shall use single-use gloves, food-grade tissue paper, dispensing equipment, or utensils, including spatulas and tongs, when handling or serving exposed, ready-to-eat food.
(1) If food is prepared on the center's premises, the food preparation area shall be separate from the eating area, activity area, laundry area, and bathrooms and shall not be used as a passageway during the hours of food preparation and cleanup.
(2) All surfaces used for food preparation and tables used for eating shall be made of smooth, nonporous material.
(3) Before and after each use, all food preparation surfaces shall be cleaned with soapy water and sanitized by use of a solution of one ounce of bleach to one gallon of water or a sanitizing solution used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(4) Before and after each use, the tables used for eating shall be cleaned by washing with soapy water.
(5) All floors shall be swept daily after each meal and whenever spills occur.
(6) Garbage shall be disposed of in a garbage disposal or in a covered container. If a container is used, the garbage shall be removed at the end of each day or more often as needed to prevent overflow or to control odor.
(7) Each food preparation area shall have handwashing fixtures equipped with soap and hot and cold running water with individual towels, paper towels, or air dryers. Each sink used for handwashing shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The water temperature shall not exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If the food preparation sink is used for handwashing, the sink shall be sanitized before using it for food preparation by use of a solution of one ounce of bleach to one gallon of water.
(8) Clean linen used for food preparation or service shall be stored separately from soiled linen.
(1) All food shall be stored and served in a way that protects the food from cross-contamination.
(A) All food not requiring refrigeration shall be stored at least six inches above the floor in a clean, dry, well-ventilated storeroom or cabinet in an area with no overhead drain or sewer lines and no vermin infestation.
(B) Dry bulk food that has been opened shall be stored in metal, glass, or food-grade plastic containers with tightly fitting covers and shall be labeled with the contents and the date opened.
(3) Food shall not be stored with poisonous or toxic materials. If cleaning agents cannot be stored in a room separate from food storage areas, the cleaning agents shall be clearly labeled and kept in locked cabinets not used for the storage of food.
(A) All perishables and potentially hazardous foods requiring refrigeration shall be continuously maintained at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower in the refrigerator or 0 degrees Fahrenheit in the freezer.
(B) Each refrigerator and each freezer shall be equipped with a visible, accurate thermometer.
(C) Each refrigerator and each freezer shall be kept clean inside and out.
(D) All food stored in the refrigerator shall be covered, wrapped, or otherwise protected from contamination. Unserved, leftover perishable foods shall be dated, refrigerated immediately after service, and eaten or disposed of within three days.
(E) Raw meat shall be stored in the refrigerator in a manner that prevents meat fluids from dripping on other foods.
(F) Ready-to-eat, commercially processed foods shall be eaten or disposed of within five days after opening the package.
(1) Hot foods that are to be refrigerated shall be transferred to shallow containers in layers less than three inches deep and shall be covered until cool.
(2) All cooked foods shall be cooled in a manner to allow the food to cool within two hours from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or within six hours from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
(g) All of the following requirements shall be met when meals or snacks are prepared on the center's premises:
(1) All dairy products shall be pasteurized. Powdered milk shall be used for cooking only.
(2) Meat shall be obtained from government-inspected sources.
(3) Raw fruits and vegetables shall be washed thoroughly before being eaten or used for cooking.
(4) Frozen foods shall be defrosted in the refrigerator, under cold running water, in a microwave oven using the defrost setting, or during the cooking process. Frozen foods shall not be defrosted by leaving them at room temperature or in standing water.
(5) Cold foods shall be maintained and served at temperatures of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less.
(6) Hot foods shall be maintained and served at temperatures of at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
(7) The following foods shall not be served or kept:
(A) Home-canned food;
(B) food from dented, rusted, bulging, or leaking cans;
(C) food from cans without labels;
(D) food returned on patients' trays; and
(E) expired food.
(h) The following requirements shall be met for each meal or snack that is not prepared on the center's premises:
(1) The snack or meal shall be obtained from a food service establishment or catering service licensed by the Kansas department of agriculture.
(2) If food is transported to the center, only food that has been transported promptly in clean, covered containers shall be served to patients.
(1) All table service, serving utensils, and food cooking or serving equipment shall be stored in a clean, dry location at least six inches above the floor. None of these items shall be stored under an exposed sewer line or a dripping water line or in a bathroom.
(2) Clean table service shall be provided to each patient, including dishes, cups or glasses, and forks, spoons, and knives, as appropriate for the food being served. Any restrictions on table service items provided to a patient shall require an order from a physician, physician's assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse.
(3) Clean cups, glasses, and dishes designed for repeat use shall be made of smooth, durable, and nonabsorbent material and shall be free from cracks and chips.
(4) Disposable, single-use table service shall be of food grade and at least medium weight and shall be disposed of after each use.
(5) If non-disposable table service and cooking utensils are used, the table service and cooking utensils shall be sanitized using either a manual washing method or a mechanical dishwasher.
(A) If using a manual washing method, the following requirements shall be met:
(i) A three-compartment sink with hot and cold running water to each compartment and a drainboard shall be used for washing, rinsing, sanitizing, and air-drying.
(ii) The dishes and utensils shall be washed in water at 140 degrees Fahrenheit and shall be rinsed in water at 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
(iii) An appropriate chemical test kit, a thermometer, or another device shall be used for testing the sanitizing solution and the water temperature.
(B) If using a mechanical dishwasher, the dishwasher shall be installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and shall be maintained in good repair.
(j) The food transportation equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized daily or after each use if uneaten food or unclean dishes are transported.
(k) The meals and snacks served at each center shall meet the nutritional needs of the patients. The meals and snacks shall include a variety of healthful foods, including fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. A sufficient quantity of food shall be prepared for each meal to allow each patient second portions of bread, milk, and either vegetables or fruits.
(l) Special diets shall be provided for patients for either of the following reasons:
(1) Medical indications; or
(2) accommodation of religious practice.
(m) Each meal shall be planned, and the menu shall be posted at least one week in advance. A copy of the menu of each meal served for the preceding month shall be kept on file and available for inspection.
(n) Each licensee shall ensure that ice and drinking water in the center are provided as follows:
(1) Ice from a water system shall be available and precautions shall be taken to prevent contamination. The ice scoop shall be stored in a sanitary manner outside of the ice container.
(2) Potable drinking water shall always be available to patients.
(3) The usage of common cups shall be prohibited.
(4) Ice delivered to patient areas in bulk shall be in nonporous, covered containers that shall be cleaned after each use or delivered in disposable containers.

Kan. Admin. Regs. § 26-52-24

Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 39-2004; effective, T-26-2-16-24, Feb. 16, 2024; effective, T-26-6-10-24, June 10, 2024; adopted by Kansas Register Volume 43, No. 24; effective 6/28/2024.