Current through Register Vol. 44, No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section 102-2-8 - Supervision(a) Supervision of nonlicensed social work service providers who participate in the delivery of social work services. (1) Social work consultation shall not meet the supervision requirements for any nonlicensed social work service provider.(2) Each licensee supervising one or more nonlicensed individuals who participate in the delivery of social work services shall specifically delineate the duties of each nonlicensed individual and provide a level of supervision that is consistent with the training and ability of the nonlicensed social work service provider.(3) Each licensee supervising one or more nonlicensed persons who participate in the delivery of social work services shall develop a written agreement. The agreement shall consist of specific goals and objectives, the means to attain the goals, and the manner in which the goals relate to the overall objective for supervision of the nonlicensed social work service provider. The licensee shall maintain the following documentation associated with the written agreement:(A) A copy of the written agreement signed by both the licensee and the nonlicensed person;(B) a summary of the types of clients and situations dealt with at each supervisory session;(C) a written explanation of the relationship of the goals and objectives of supervision to each supervisory session; and(D) the length of time spent in each supervisory session.(4) The supervisor shall provide no fewer than four hours of supervision per month for each supervisee.(5) The supervisor shall not have a dual relationship with the supervisee.(b) Supervision of nonlicensed student social work service providers.(1) Social work consultation shall not meet the supervision requirements for any nonlicensed student social work service provider.(2) Each licensee supervising one or more nonlicensed students in the delivery of social work services shall specifically delineate each student's duties and provide a level of supervision consistent with the training and ability of each student.(3) Each licensee supervising one or more nonlicensed students who participate in the delivery of social work services shall develop a written agreement for each student that is consistent with the requirements of the student's academic social work program.(4) The supervisor shall not have a dual relationship with the supervisee.(c) Supervision of holders of temporary social work licenses.(1) Social work consultation shall not meet the supervision requirements for any holder of a temporary social work license.(2) Each licensee supervising one or more individuals who hold a temporary social work license shall specifically delineate the duties of each temporary license holder and provide a level of supervision consistent with the training and ability of each individual.(3) Each licensee supervising a temporary social work license holder and that individual shall develop a written agreement. This agreement shall consist of specific goals and objectives, the means to attain the goals, and the manner in which the goals relate to the overall objective for supervision of that person. The licensee shall maintain the following documentation associated with the written agreement:(A) A copy of the written agreement signed by both the licensee and the temporary social work license holder;(B) a summary of the types of clients and situations dealt with at each supervisory session;(C) a written explanation of the relationship of the goals and objectives of supervision to each supervisory session; and(D) the length of time spent in each supervisory session.(4) At least one hour of supervision shall be provided for each 40 hours of service delivery.(5) The supervisor shall not have a dual relationship with the supervisee.(d) Supervision of persons engaged in private practice or persons seeking licensure as a specialist clinical social worker. (1) A licensed specialist clinical social worker shall supervise the practice or delivery of social work services by the following persons:(A) Any licensee who is attaining the two years of supervised experience required for licensure as a specialist clinical social worker; and(B) any licensee who is not a licensed specialist clinical social worker and who is engaged in private clinical practice.(2) Any person attaining the supervised experience required for licensure as a specialist clinical social worker may be supervised by a social worker who is licensed as a clinical social worker authorized to engage in the private, independent practice of social work in another state and who is otherwise qualified.(3) To qualify as a supervisor, a licensed specialist clinical social worker shall meet these requirements: (A) Have practiced as a specialist clinical social worker, in a position that included assessment, diagnoses, and psychotherapy, for two years beyond the date of clinical licensure. This requirement shall apply to each individual commencing a new supervisory relationship on or after April 15, 2009;(B) have, in full or in part, professional responsibility for the supervisee's practice of social work or delivery of social work services;(C) not have a dual relationship with the supervisee;(D) not be under sanction from a disciplinary proceeding, unless this prohibition is waived by the board for good cause shown by the proposed supervisor;(E) have knowledge of and experience with the supervisee's client population;(F) have knowledge of and experience with the methods of practice that the supervisee employs;(G) have an understanding of the organization and administrative policies and procedures of the supervisee's practice setting; and(H) be a member of the staff for that practice setting or meet the requirements of paragraph (d)(4).(4) If a qualified supervisor is not available from among staff in the supervisee's practice setting, the supervisee may secure an otherwise qualified supervisor outside of the practice setting if all of the following conditions are met:(A) The supervisor has a complete understanding of the practice setting's mission, policy, and procedures.(B) The extent of the supervisor's responsibility for the supervisee is clearly defined with respect to client cases to be supervised, the supervisor's role in personnel evaluation within the practice setting, and other aspects of the clinical supervision training plan.(C) The responsibility for payment for supervision is clearly defined.(D) If the supervisee pays the supervisor directly for the supervision, the supervisor maintains responsibility to the client and to the practice setting.(E) The parameters of client confidentiality are clearly defined and agreed to by the client.(5) Each social work practice supervisor shall perform these duties:(A) Meet according to K.A.R. 102-2-12(c)(4) with the supervisee for clinical supervision throughout the postgraduate supervised professional experience for at least one hour of clinical supervision for every 15 hours of direct client contact;(B) meet with not more than six supervisees at a time in the supervisory meetings;(C) provide oversight, guidance, and direction of the supervisee's practice of social work or delivery of social work services by assessing and evaluating the supervisee's performance;(D) conduct supervision as a process distinct from personal therapy, didactic instruction, or social work consultation;(E) ensure that the scope of the supervisor's own responsibility and authority in the practice setting has been clearly defined;(F) provide documentation of supervisory qualifications to the supervisee;(G) periodically evaluate the supervisee's role, use of a theoretical base, and use of social work principles;(H) provide supervision in accordance with the written clinical supervision training plan;(I) maintain documentation of supervision;(J) provide the documentation required by the board upon a supervisee's application for licensure in sufficient detail to enable the board to evaluate the extent and quality of the supervisee's supervised experience;(K) provide a level of supervision that is consistent with the education, training, experience, and ability of the supervisee; and(L) ensure that each client knows that the supervisee is practicing social work or participating in the delivery of social work services under supervision.(6) Each supervisor and supervisee shall develop and cosign a written clinical supervision training plan at the beginning of the supervisory relationship. The supervisee shall submit an official position description and the training plan to the board and shall receive board approval of the plan before any supervised professional experience hours for clinical licensure can begin to accrue. This plan shall clearly define and delineate the following items:(A) The supervisory context, which shall include the purpose of supervision;(B) a summary of the types of clients with whom and the situations in which the supervisee will typically work, as evidenced by the supervisee's official position description;(C) a plan that describes the supervision goals and objectives, the means to attain and evaluate progress towards the goals, and the manner in which the goals relate to the overall objective of supervision;(D) the format and schedule for supervision;(E) the supervisor's responsibilities;(F) the supervisee's responsibilities;(G) the plans for both the supervisee's and the supervisor's documentation of the date, length, method, content, and format of each supervisory meeting and the supervisee's progress toward the learning goals;(H) the plans for documenting the 3,000 hours of postgraduate supervised clinical social work experience, which shall include specifically documenting the 1,500 hours of direct client contact providing psychotherapy and assessment;(I) the plan for notifying clients of the following information:(i) The fact that the supervisee is practicing social work or participating in the delivery of social work services under supervision;(ii) the limits of client confidentiality within the supervisory process; and(iii) the name, address, and telephone number of the supervisor or other person with administrative authority over the supervisee;(J) a plan to address and remedy circumstances in which there is a conflict between the supervisor and the supervisee;(K) the date on which the supervisor and supervisee entered into the clinical supervision training plan, the time frame that the plan is intended to encompass, and the process for termination of the supervisory relationship by either party;(L) the steps for amending or renegotiating the clinical supervision training plan, if warranted, including submitting written notification of these changes to the board office as specified in paragraph (d)(7); and(M) a statement identifying the person who is responsible for payment, the terms of payment, and the mutual obligations and rights of each party with respect to compensation, if there is any compensation for supervisory services.(7) All changes to the clinical supervision training plan shall be submitted by the supervisee to the board for its approval. The changes shall be submitted no more than 45 days after the date on which the changes took effect. If the supervisee fails to submit the changes to the board within that 45-day period, no supervised hours of practice shall be accrued or credited for any practice, beginning on the date the changes took effect through the date on which the changes to the plan are approved by the board.Kan. Admin. Regs. § 102-2-8
Authorized by K.S.A. 74-7507; implementing K.S.A. 65-6303, K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 65-6306, as amended by 2022 SB 453, sec. 3, K.S.A. 65-6308, K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 65-6309 and K.S.A. 74-7507; effective, T-85-36, Dec. 19, 1984; effective May 1, 1985; amended May 1, 1986; amended May 1, 1987; amended Feb. 25, 1991; amended Oct. 24, 1997; amended Aug. 4, 2000; amended Aug. 13, 2004; amended April 22, 2005; amended Feb. 13, 2009; amended by Kansas Register Volume 41, No. 48; effective 12/16/2022.