Iowa Admin. Code r. 871-26.8

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 871-26.8 - [Effective until 1/29/2025] Withdrawals, dismissals, and postponements
(1) An appeal may be withdrawn at any time prior to the issuance of a decision upon the request of the appellant and with the approval of an administrative law judge or the manager or chief administrative law judge of the appeals bureau. Requests for withdrawal may be made in writing or orally, provided the oral request is tape-recorded by the presiding officer.

An appeal may be dismissed upon the request of a party or in the agency's discretion when the issue or issues on appeal have been resolved in the appellant's favor.

(2) A hearing may be postponed by the presiding officer for good cause, either upon the presiding officer's own motion or upon the request of any party in interest. A party's request for postponement may be in writing or oral, provided the oral request is tape-recorded by the presiding officer, and is made not less than three days prior to the scheduled hearing. A party shall not be granted more than one postponement except in the case of extreme emergency.
(3) If, for good cause, a party, having received due notice, is unable to attend a hearing or request postponement within the prescribed time, the presiding officer may, if no decision has been issued, reopen the record and, with notice to all parties, schedule another hearing.

"Good cause" for purposes of this rule is defined as an emergency circumstance that is beyond the control of the party and that prevents the party from being able to participate in the hearing. Examples of good cause include, but are not limited to, death, sudden illness, or accident involving the party or the party's immediate family (spouse, partner, children, parents, sibling) or other circumstances evidencing an emergency situation which was beyond the party's control and was not reasonably foreseeable. Examples of circumstances that do not constitute good cause include, but are not limited to, a lost or misplaced notice of hearing, confusion as to the date and time for the hearing, failure to follow the directions on the notice of hearing, oversleeping, or other acts demonstrating a lack of due care by the party.

(4) A request to reopen a record or vacate a decision must be made in writing. If necessary, the presiding officer may hear, ex parte, additional information regarding the request for reopening. The granting or denial of such a request may be used as a grounds for appeal to the employment appeal board of the department of inspections and appeals upon the issuance of the presiding officer's final decision in the case.
(5) If good cause for postponement or reopening has not been shown, the presiding officer may make a decision based upon whatever evidence is properly in the record or-in appropriate cases-may enter default as set forth in rule 871-26.14 (17A,96).

Iowa Admin. Code r. 871-26.8

Amended by IAB March 29, 2017/Volume XXXIX, Number 20, effective 5/3/2017
Amended by IAB June 30, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 27, effective 8/4/2021