For purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Approval" means the process for identifying service programs as meeting the criteria to become eligible for Iowa national service corps program benefits and technical assistance.
"Commission " means the Iowa commission on volunteer service.
"Host site " means the physical location where an Iowa national service corps member is based for the period of service in the Iowa national service corps program. The sponsoring organization may be the host site.
"Iowa national service corps approval application" means the application used to determine an applicant's designation as an approved Iowa national service program. The application contains information that can be used to determine an applicant's designation as an approved Iowa national service corps program.
"Iowa national service corps member " or"corps member " means a participant in an approved Iowa national service corps program.
"Iowa national service corps program " or"national service corps program " means a program that provides meaningful service opportunities to individuals, provided that the program meets the following requirements:
1. The program is approved via the automatic approval, reciprocal approval, or regular approval process.
2. The program is located in this state or has sites operating in the state.
3. The program is operated by one of the following entities: a state agency, a political subdivision of the state, or a private, nonprofit organization (state agencies or political subdivisions of the state may establish Iowa national service corps programs or contract with a third-party vendor to assist the agency or political subdivision in establishing such programs).
4. The program is developed to meet state and local needs and to provide more opportunities for Iowans to serve their state and country and foster a cultural expectation of service in Iowa through a unified service corps.
"Sponsoring organization " means the entity operating the Iowa national service corps program, which is responsible for submitting the Iowa national service corps approval application and meeting requirements for approved programs.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 817-14.2