Iowa Admin. Code r. 761-132.4

Current through Regsiter Vol. 46, No. 26, June 12, 2024
Rule 761-132.4 - Application and approval process
(1)Program cycle. The department may periodically announce a solicitation of applications for designation as demand and interest requires. Field inventories, evaluation, and rating of proposed routes will precede the designation of any new routes.
(2)Application. Application to designate a route as an Iowa Byway or to propose an extension or loop to an existing route shall be on a form provided by the department and shall be received by the department by the stated application deadline included in the solicitation. The application must be accompanied by a formal resolution described in subrule 132.3(4). Applications must provide some discussion of the planned administration and governance of the proposed Iowa Byway as well as how the byway will be marketed to visitors.
(3)Initial review. Applications shall be reviewed by the department. Program stakeholders will be consulted to gather information on the existence and quality of scenic, archaeological, cultural, historic, natural, and recreational resources along a proposed route; the proposed route's contribution to a diversity of experiences along designated routes; and the overall impact of the proposed route on the program's integrity.
(4)Field inventory. The department shall conduct a field inventory of proposed routes which will address the following qualities:
a. Scenic value. Types and qualities of views along the proposed route contributing to the scenic quality of the route shall be identified as well as views that distract from or negatively affect the scenic quality of the route. The field inventory will provide an assessment of the visual character of the proposed route along its length.
b.Cultural and historic resources. Known cultural and historic resources will be identified along the length of the proposed route. Such resources may include archaeological, architectural, historical or other cultural sites of national or state significance and may also include interesting or unique local cultures or architecture that may appeal to visitors.
c.Natural resources. Resources including but not limited to agricultural lands, forests, river basins, and other distinctive landforms will be identified.
d.Recreational resources. Public lands and facilities providing opportunities for organized sport, outdoor recreation, or other recreation will be identified.
e.Transportation. An assessment will be made of existing and future traffic conditions, planned improvements to the proposed route, and any safety concerns whether existing or anticipated. If the route is being considered for heritage byway designation, historic elements specific to transportation will be identified.
(5)Evaluation and rating. The department shall compile and evaluate the field inventory data for each proposed route, calculate an overall quality rating for each proposed route, and prepare a written report documenting these findings. The written report shall also consider the sustainability of the proposed route based on the information provided in the application for planned governance and marketing plans as well as how the proposed route will complement the existing Iowa Byways.
(6)Designation. The department shall review the evaluations and will consider designating routes as Iowa Byways based on this information.
(7)Signing. Upon the designation of Iowa Byways, the department will proceed with the initial design and installation of signage identifying new Iowa Byways.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 761-132.4

Amended by IAB August 30, 2017/Volume XL, Number 5, effective 10/4/2017
Amended by IAB March 8, 2023/Volume XLV, Number 18, effective 4/12/2023