Iowa Admin. Code r. 761-117.1

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 761-117.1 - [Effective 2/12/2025] Definitions

The definitions in Iowa Code section 306C.10 are adopted. In addition:

"Abandoned sign" means an advertising device for which the owner has failed to timely apply for the required outdoor advertising permit(s) or has failed to timely pay the required fee(s).

"Blank sign" means an advertising device for which any of the following conditions exist:

1. The face does not display advertising copy.
2. The face has been removed.
3. The entire advertising device has been removed or does not exist at the permitted location.

"Daylight area" means a triangular area formed by a line connecting two points each back (50 feet in city, 100 feet in unincorporated area) from the point where the right-of-way lines of the main traveled way and an intersecting street meet or would meet if extended.

"Destroyed" means that at least 60 percent of the supports are broken, if wooden, or broken, bent or twisted, if metal, such that normal repair practices would call for the replacement of the damaged supports.

"Face" means that part of an advertising device that is devoted to the display of advertising and that is visible to traffic proceeding in any one direction.

"Interchange" means the entire area constructed for a junction of two or more public streets or highways by a system of separate levels that permit traffic to pass from one level to another without the crossing of traffic streams. This includes all acceleration and deceleration lanes constructed to accommodate this movement of traffic.

"LED display" means a face, as defined herein, displaying a message that is formed by light-emitting diodes and that is changed by an electronic process. An LED display is a single face.

"Modification" means any addition to or change in dimensions, lighting, structure or advertising face, except as incidental to the customary maintenance of an advertising device.

1. A change in the number or type of support posts is a modification. A change in dimensions is a modification. However, the addition of extensions or cutouts, including forward projecting, is not a modification if the extensions or cutouts are added for a period of 90 days or less and if they are illuminated only by existing sign lighting and do not contain internal lighting.
2. A lawful change in advertising message is not a modification. The use of a vinyl overlay or wrap on either a poster panel or paint unit is a change in advertising message, not a modification.
3. On an advertising device that conforms to all current requirements, the replacement of one metalframed face with another metal-framed face of the same size, using dissimilar component parts or assembly methods, or both, is not a modification.
4. The addition of LED display capabilities to an advertising device is a modification.
5. The elimination of trim surrounding the area used for advertising copy is not a modification, provided the advertising copy retains the same dimensions as the original advertising copy.

"Nonconforming sign" means an advertising device that was lawfully erected and continues to be lawfully maintained, but that does not comply with current requirements due to changed conditions, such as a change in zoning, establishment of a new highway, or a similar change that affects compliance.

"Regularly used" means open for business and staffed by an owner or employee for at least 20 hours per week, on property assessed as commercial or industrial by the jurisdiction having authority, and with the hours of operation visibly posted on the premises. The department may delay action on the permit application for up to 180 days from the date of the application in order to conduct periodic checks on the site as necessary to determine whether the purported commercial or industrial activity meets this definition. A rental storage business is excepted from the staffing requirement if it has 24-hour access for customers and a minimum of 50 units, each occupying at least 50 square feet, individually separated, and enclosed by walls.

"Scenic area," as used in Iowa Code section 306C.13, means any area of particular scenic beauty or historical significance, as determined by the federal, state or local officials having jurisdiction of the area. It includes real property interests that have been acquired for the restoration, preservation and enhancement of scenic beauty.

"Tri-face device" means an advertising device with three singular faces attached to one common structure in a triangular configuration.

"Tri-vision device" means an advertising device that has an advertising face with a mechanical device that allows three advertising messages to be alternately visible to traffic proceeding in any one direction. Each message is attached to individual vertical or horizontal louvers, which are mechanically rotated to change the message.

"Widening," as used in Iowa Code section 306C.13, means the point at which it is detectable that a deceleration or exit ramp is beginning to form alongside the main traveled way, or an acceleration or merging ramp has tapered to a close alongside the main traveled way. In the case where an entrance ramp becomes an auxiliary lane and the auxiliary lane becomes an exit ramp at the adjacent interchange, the widening shall be the point at which a deceleration ramp completely separates from the main traveled way as evidenced by the inside lane marking of such ramp, or an acceleration ramp joins with the main traveled way as evidenced by the inside lane marking of the ramp intersecting with the outside lane marking of the main traveled way.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 761-117.1

Amended by IAB August 3, 2016/Volume XXXIX, Number 03, effective 9/7/2016
Amended by IAB March 11, 2020/Volume XLII, Number 19, effective 4/15/2020
Amended by IAB November 3, 2021/Volume XLIV, Number 9, effective 12/8/2021
Adopted by IAB January 8, 2025/Volume XLVII, Number 14, effective 2/12/2025