Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-22.41

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 721-22.41 - Public testing of optical scan systems

All automatic tabulating equipment (including equipment used to tabulate absentee ballots) shall be tested before use at any election, as required by Iowa Code section 52.35. The process and results of the test shall be documented and available for inspection.

(1) Each automatic tabulating device (including equipment that will be used for counting absentee ballots) shall be tested to determine the following:
a. The device and its programs will accurately tabulate votes for each candidate and question on the ballot.
b. Votes cast for more candidates for any office than the number to be elected will result in the rejection of all votes cast for that office on that ballot. Votes properly cast for other offices on the same ballot shall be counted.
c. The tabulating equipment records all votes cast and no others. A written tally of the test votes shall be prepared before the test. The results of the test voting shall be recorded. The results of the machine tabulation shall be printed and compared with the test plan.
d. The voter may cast as many write-in votes for each office on the ballot as there are positions to be filled, and the write-in votes are tallied correctly.
e. For primary elections, the tabulating equipment accurately records votes cast for all political parties.
(2) Conducting the test.
a. The commissioner shall follow the process described in rule 721-22.42 (52) for preparing test decks.
b. If, during the test, there are differences between the test plan and the results produced by the optical scan device, the cause of the discrepancy shall be determined. If the cause of the discrepancy cannot be determined and corrected, the faulty program or equipment shall not be used in the election.
c. The test decks, the preparer's tally, and the printed results of the test shall be kept with the records of the election and preserved as required by Iowa Code section 50.19.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 721-22.41

Amended by IAB November 8, 2017/Volume XL, Number 10, effective 12/13/2017