Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-405.8

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 701-405.8 - Filing for nonresident members-composite tax credits
(1)In general. Nonresident members included on a pass-through entity's composite return may still have an Iowa return filing requirement. The nonresident member shall receive a refundable composite tax credit for the composite return tax paid on the nonresident member's behalf by the pass-through entity. The nonresident member's composite tax credit shall be claimed for the same tax year that the nonresident member's Iowa-source income from the pass-through entity is required to be reported on the nonresident member's Iowa income or franchise return.
(2)Nonresident member-partnership. A nonresident member that is a partnership is required to file the Iowa partnership return (IA 1065). The partnership is also subject to the composite return requirements if it has one or more nonresident members for any period of time during the tax year or if it desires to claim a composite tax credit it received from another pass-through entity. The partnership shall claim its composite tax credit on its composite return. Subrule 405.8(4) contains information related to financial institutions organized as pass-through entities.
(3)Nonresident member-S corporation. A nonresident member that is an S corporation is required to file the Iowa income tax return for S corporations (IA 1120S). The S corporation is also subject to the composite return requirements if it has one or more nonresident members for any period of time during the tax year or if it desires to claim a composite tax credit it received from another pass-through entity. The S corporation shall claim its composite tax credit on its composite return. Subrule 405.8(4) contains information related to financial institutions organized as pass-through entities.
(4)Nonresident member-financial institution.
a. A nonresident member that is a financial institution as defined in Iowa Code section 422.61 is required to file the Iowa franchise return for financial institutions (IA 1120F). The financial institution shall claim its composite tax credit on its Iowa franchise return for financial institutions (IA 1120F).
b. If the nonresident financial institution is organized as a pass-through entity, it is also required to file the Iowa partnership return (IA 1065) or the Iowa income tax return for S corporations (IA 1120S), as applicable, and is subject to the composite return requirements if it has one or more nonresident members for any period of time during the tax year. In such instances, the financial institution may claim its composite tax credit on its Iowa franchise return for financial institutions (IA 1120F) or its composite return.
(5)Nonresident members-C corporation or tax-exempt entity. A nonresident member that is a C corporation, or a tax-exempt entity with unrelated business income, is required to file the Iowa corporation income tax return (IA 1120). The entity shall claim its composite tax credit on its Iowa corporation income tax return (IA 1120).
(6)Nonresident member-estate or trust. A nonresident member that is an estate or trust is required to file the Iowa fiduciary return (IA 1041) unless the estate's or trust's taxable income is below the Iowa return filing threshold in Iowa Code section 422.14. The estate or trust is also subject to the composite return requirement if its taxable income is above the Iowa return filing threshold in Iowa Code section 422.14 and if it has one or more nonresident members for any period of time during the tax year. The estate or trust may claim its composite tax credit on its Iowa fiduciary return (IA 1041) or its composite return.
(7)Nonresident members-individuals. A nonresident member that is an individual is required to file the Iowa individual income tax return (IA 1040) unless the individual's income is below the Iowa return filing threshold in Iowa Code section 422.13, or unless the individual's distributive share of pass-through entity income included on one or more composite returns is the individual's only Iowa-source income. The individual shall claim the composite tax credit on the individual's Iowa individual income tax return (IA 1040).

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 422.16B.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-405.8

ARC 6900C, IAB 2/22/23, effective 3/29/23