Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-285.43

Current through Regsiter Vol. 46, No. 26, June 12, 2024
Rule 701-285.43 - Written contract

On and after July 1, 1985, the gross receipts from certain additional services are subject to tax. However, these newly taxable services are exempt from tax if performed pursuant to a written services contract in effect on April 1, 1985. The exemption from taxation for these services expires June 30, 1986. The services to which this "written contract" exemption is applicable are the following: cable television; campgrounds; gun repair; janitorial and building maintenance or cleaning; lawn care, landscaping and tree trimming and removal; lobbying service; pet grooming; reflexology; security and detective services; tanning beds or salons; water conditioning and softening; the rental of recreational vehicles, recreational boats or motor vehicles subject to registration which are registered for a gross weight of 13 tons or less; and fees paid to cities and counties for the privilege of participating in any athletic sports.

A "written contract" is one which is entirely in writing, so that all of its essential terms and provisions exist in writing, and oral statements are not necessary to set out any essential term or provision, such as who the parties to the contract are or what their rights and duties are under the contract. However, if it is necessary to resort to oral statements to explain the meaning of a written provision in a contract, a "written contract" can still exist. A written contract need not consist of one document or instrument only. It can consist of two or more writings, if all the necessary provisions of the contract are contained in those writings. For the purposes of this rule, the following must be stated in writing if a written contract is to exist: The nature and specification of the service to be provided, the name of the party providing the service, the name of the party receiving the service, the "consideration" (amount and method of payment) for providing the service, the signature of one or both of the parties to the contract, depending upon circumstances, and the date upon which the contract became effective.

The written contract must be in effect on April 1, 1985, if the service to which the contract pertains is to be exempt from tax. If a contract is signed by only one of the parties to it, that contract is still a "written contract" if the party which has not signed the contract acquiesces in the promises which the party who has signed the document makes within it. McDermott v. Mahoney, 139 Iowa 292, 115 N.W. 32, (Iowa 1908).

EXAMPLE: A security agency sends a proposed agreement to a potential customer promising to provide the services of a uniformed security guard for the customer's business premises beginning March 15, 1985, and continuing until March 15, 1987. The agreement is signed by the security agency's president and dated February 15, 1985. The agreement is received by the potential customer's president, who does not sign it, but, on March 15, 1985, allows the security agency's uniformed guard on the premises, and makes payment for those services as stipulated in the agreement. This agreement is a "written contract"; the services of the uniformed guard are not subject to tax for the period beginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986. The services performed between July 1, 1986, and March 15, 1987, would be subject to tax.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code subsection 422.43(11).

Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-285.43

Editorial change: IAC Supplement 11/2/22