Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-7.8

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 701-7.8 - Identifying details, requests for redaction
(1)Information redacted by the department, subject to certain exceptions. Prior to being made available for public inspection, the department shall redact from an appeal or contested case the information required to be redacted in Iowa Code sections 422.20(5) and 422.72(8). "Make available for public inspection" means disclosure to the public by the department pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.3 or chapter 22.
(2)Process for requesting redaction of other details from a pleading, exhibit, attachment, motion, or written evidence. If a taxpayer desires information contained in a record, other than the information described in Iowa Code sections 422.20(5)"a" and 422.72(8)"a," to be redacted prior to public inspection, the taxpayer must file a motion and affidavit meeting the requirements below.
a. Process for filing a motion for redaction of other details during a contested case. Motions for redaction of other details from a pleading, exhibit, attachment, motion or written evidence filed after the notice of hearing is issued in a contested case must follow the requirements in subrule 7.17(5).
b.Process for filing a motion for redaction of other details prior to the commencement of a contested case.Motions for redaction of other details from a pleading, exhibit, attachment, motion or written evidence filed prior to a contested case must be filed with the clerk of the hearings section of the department. The motion must be filed separately from the appeal described in subrule 7.9(6).
c.Contents of motion. Motions filed under this rule, including those filed during contested cases, shall contain the following:
(1) The name of the person requesting redaction and the docket number of the proceeding.
(2) Clear and convincing evidence that the disclosure would reveal a trade secret or would constitute a clear, unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Corporations, limited liability companies, other business entities (including but not limited to partnerships and joint ventures), and trusts do not have protectible personal privacy interests.
(3) An unredacted copy of the document containing the information at issue and also a copy of the document with the desired redaction made. If a copy of the document is not in the possession of the taxpayer, the motion must contain a precise description of the document in the possession of the department from which the redaction is sought and a precise description of the information to be redacted. If redaction is sought from more than one document, each document and the information sought to be redacted shall be listed in separate paragraphs.
(4) For each item for which redaction is requested, an explanation of the legal basis for the redaction requested, including an explanation of why the release of the information sought to be redacted is a clear, unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or a trade secret.
(5) An affidavit in support of redaction. The affidavit must:
1. Be sworn to by a person familiar with the facts asserted within it and shall contain a clear and concise explanation of the facts justifying redaction, not merely the legal basis for redaction or conclusory allegations.
2. Contain a general and truthful statement that the information sought to be redacted is not available to the public from any source or combination of sources, direct or indirect, and a general statement that the release would serve no public purpose.
d.Burden of proof. The burden of showing that redaction is justified shall be on the movant. The burden is not carried by mere conclusory statements or allegations, for example, that the release of the material would be a clear, unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or that the material is a trade secret.
e.Contested case proceeding. That the information sought to be redacted is part of the pleadings, motions, evidence, and the record in a contested case proceeding otherwise open for public inspection and that the matter would otherwise constitute confidential tax information shall not be grounds for redaction.
(3)Process for requesting redaction of other details in a final order, decision, or ruling. Motions to redact information from a final order, decision, or ruling cannot be made until the order is issued and must be made within 30 days of the date of the order, decision, or ruling. The taxpayer must follow the requirements in paragraph 7.9(2)"c"and subrule 7.17(5). The department shall have 30 days to respond to the motion from the date the department's representatives receive notice from the presiding officer, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer.
(4)Rulings. Motions filed with the clerk of the hearings section will be ruled on by the director or may be referred by the director to an administrative law judge. Motions filed with the administrative law judge will be ruled on by the administrative law judge. In the case of motions before the director prior to contested case proceedings, the department may respond in writing to a motion on the request of the director or upon the initiative by department staff. Oral argument, including a hearing, may be held at the discretion of the presiding officer. The presiding officer may choose to close a hearing or other proceeding that may otherwise be open to the public due to the confidential nature of information covered by the motion during the pending motion.
(5)Limitation on motions. If the motion or request is denied, the movant may not submit a motion to redact the same identifying details unless the movant is in possession of new information that may support the requested redaction(s) that the movant was not or could not have been aware of at the time of the original motion.
(6)Handling of the file while the motion is pending. During the pendency of a motion, unless otherwise required or permitted by law, the department will treat the motion as if it has been granted and will not publicly release any information pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 22 or 17A sought to be kept confidential by the taxpayer.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 17A and sections 422.20(5) and 422.72(8).

Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-7.8

ARC 0251C, IAB 8/8/12, effective 9/12/12; ARC 5932C, IAB 10/6/21, effective 11/10/21; ARC 5940C, IAB 10/6/21, effective 11/10/21; ARC 6988C, IAB 4/19/23, effective 5/24/23