Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-7.33

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 701-7.33 - Mailing to the last-known address or personal delivery of notices of assessment and refund denial letters

Taxpayers must update their address with the department in order to receive notices of refunds of tax, notices of assessment, and notices of refund claim denials. When such a notice is sent to a taxpayer's last-known address, the notice is legally effective even if the taxpayer never receives it. A taxpayer's authorized representative is responsible for keeping the representative's address updated with the department. When such a notice is sent to a representative's last-known address, the notice is legally effective even if the representative never receives it.

(1)Failure by department to mail to last-known address or personally deliver.
a. If the department fails to either mail a notice of assessment to the taxpayer's last-known address or personally deliver the notice to the taxpayer, interest is waived for the month the failure occurs through the month of correct mailing or personal delivery.
b. In addition, if the department fails to either mail to the taxpayer's last-known address or personally deliver to the taxpayer a notice of assessment or denial of a claim for refund or fails to mail or personally deliver a copy of the notice to the taxpayer's authorized representative, if applicable, the time period to appeal the notice of assessment or a denial of a claim for refund is suspended until the notice or claim denial is correctly mailed or personally delivered or for a period not to exceed one year, whichever is the lesser period.
c. Collection activities, except in the case of a jeopardy assessment, shall be suspended and the statute of limitations for assessment and collection of the tax shall be tolled during the period in which interest is waived.
(2)Determination of last-known address.
a. A taxpayer's last-known address for a particular tax type shall be one of the following most recently updated in the department's records:
(1) The address provided in an application to register or receive a permit for a particular tax type;
(2) The address used on the most recent filed and processed Iowa tax return of a particular tax type;
(3) The address received by the department in a written, concise statement the taxpayer mailed to: Changes in Name or Address, Iowa Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 10465, Des Moines, Iowa 50306;
(4) The address provided by the taxpayer in GovConnectIowa;
(5) The address provided by the taxpayer in any correspondence to the department;
(6) The address the department receives from a third-party skip tracing service; a public or private utility company in response to a subpoena issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 421.17(32); or a federal, state, or local agency.
b. While the determination of last-known address may differ by tax type, a notice of assessment or refund claim denial will be considered to be mailed to the last-known address if it is mailed to the taxpayer's last-known address used for another tax type.
(3)Mail or personal delivery to a taxpayer. The following shall constitute personal delivery to a taxpayer:
a. Personal service upon a taxpayer by any method deemed sufficient to constitute personal service of an original notice pursuant to the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure.
b. Providing a notice of assessment or refund claim denial to the taxpayer by electronic means based on the taxpayer's election to receive electronic communications in GovConnectIowa.
c. Mailing to an address the department receives from a third-party skip tracing service; a public or private utility company in response to a subpoena issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 421.17(32); or a federal, state, or local agency.
d. By any other method that is reasonably calculated to result in the taxpayer's actually receiving the notice, if the taxpayer actually receives the notice.
(4)Mail or personal delivery to authorized representatives. The department may mail or personally deliver a copy of a notice to an authorized representative by one of the following methods:
a. Mailing to the address used on the most recently filed and processed written authorization as described in rule 701-7.6 (17A) for the taxpayer the authorized representative is representing;
b. In the case of fiduciary or inheritance tax matters, mailing to the address for the authorized representative contained on the most recently filed and processed return;
c. By providing the notice electronically through GovConnectIowa or similar method of electronic service;
d. By any method deemed sufficient to constitute personal service of an original notice pursuant to the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure;
e. By any other method that is reasonably calculated to result in the authorized representative's actually receiving a copy of the notice, if the authorized representative actually receives a copy of the notice.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 421.60.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-7.33

ARC 0251C, IAB 8/8/12, effective 9/12/12; ARC 5940C, IAB 10/6/21, effective 11/10/21; ARC 6550C, IAB 10/5/22, effective 11/14/22