Effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, a film qualified expenditure tax credit is available for corporation income tax. The tax credit cannot exceed 25 percent of the taxpayer's qualified expenditures in a film, television, or video project registered with the film office of the Iowa department of economic development (IDED). The film office may negotiate the amount of the tax credit. The administrative rules for the film qualified expenditure tax credit for IDED may be found at 261-Chapter 36.
A detailed list of all qualified expenditures for each of these categories is available from the film office of IDED.
If the taxpayer is a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, or estate or trust requesting a credit for individual or corporation income tax, the tax credit certificate will be issued to the partners, members, shareholders or beneficiaries based on each partner's, member's, shareholder's or beneficiary's pro rata share of earnings of the partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, or estate or trust.
To claim the tax credit, the taxpayer must include the tax credit certificate with the tax return for the tax period set forth on the certificate. Any tax credit in excess of the tax liability may be carried forward for five years or until the tax credit is used, whichever is the earlier. The tax credit cannot be carried back to a tax year prior to the year in which the taxpayer claimed the tax credit.
Within 90 days of transfer of the tax credit certificate, the transferee must submit the transferred tax credit certificate to the department of revenue, along with a statement which contains the transferee's name, address and tax identification number and the amount of the tax credit being transferred. Within 30 days of receiving the transferred tax credit certificate and the statement from the transferee, the department of revenue will issue a replacement tax credit certificate to the transferee. If the transferee is a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, or estate or trust claiming the credit for individual or corporation income tax, the transferee shall provide a list of the partners, members, shareholders or beneficiaries and information on how the film qualified expenditure tax credit should be divided among the partners, members, shareholders or beneficiaries. The transferee shall also provide the tax identification numbers and addresses of the partners, members, shareholders or beneficiaries. The replacement tax credit certificate must contain the same information as that on the original tax credit certificate and must have the same effective taxable year as the original tax credit certificate. The replacement tax credit certificate may reflect a different tax type than the original tax credit certificate.
The transferee may use the amount of the tax credit for any tax year for which the original transfer or could have claimed the tax credit. Any consideration received for the transfer of the tax credit certificate shall not be included in Iowa taxable income for individual income, corporation income or franchise tax purposes. Any consideration paid for the transfer of the tax credit certificate shall not be deducted from Iowa taxable income for individual income, corporation income or franchise tax purposes.
This rule is intended to implement 2012 Iowa Acts, House File 2337, sections 38 to 40, and Iowa Code section 42233. as amended by 2012 Iowa Acts, House File 2337, section 34.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 701-52.34