Iowa Admin. Code r. 681-13.12

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 681-13.12 - When authorization is required for use of facilities and grounds open for general use

To prevent conflicts in the use of facilities and grounds, groups or persons wishing to use facilities and grounds, whether indoors or outdoors, should schedule use of university facilities and grounds as provided in this rule. ISU has designated public forum areas with few restrictions. Public events require filing of a notice, or approval depending on the event. "Public events" are defined as outdoor events in which more than 50 persons are participating or at which the sponsor reasonably expects more than 50 persons to be involved, or indoor events in which more than 15 persons are participating or at which the sponsor reasonably expects more than 15 persons to be involved. Organizations and groups desiring to use university facilities and grounds should contact the offices listed in subrule 13.12(3) to determine availability and fees for use.

(1)Outdoor areas.
a. Designated public forums. The Edward S. Allen Area of Free Debate, located west and south of the Hub, and the area south of the Campanile have been designated as public forums for noncommercial expression. If these areas have not been reserved for use for university purposes or by student, faculty or staff organizations, any member of the public or of the university community may use these areas for expressive activities on a first-come, first-served basis. Signs or placards, each of which is carried by one or two persons, are permitted. Freestanding displays are permitted as long as the display occupies a space of less than 200 cubic feet and has a footprint of not more than 100 square feet, weighs less than 300 pounds and is accompanied at all times by an individual responsible for the display. Leafleting may be conducted if done in a way that avoids substantial littering of the campus.
b.Uses that require only notice. Student organizations, university departments, and others wishing to use outdoor areas other than a designated public forum for a public event must notify the Memorial Union Event Management office. If possible, such notice should be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the event but, in any case, must be submitted at least 3 hours prior to the event. No approval is necessary if the event meets the following criteria:
(1) On weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., the event will be held at least 100 feet away from buildings that normally hold classes;
(2) No other person or group has been authorized to use the area or has filed a notice of intent to use that area or an adjacent area;
(3) The organizers do not intend to use amplification equipment or equipment requiring use of electrical power connections. Hand-held megaphones are permitted if used so as to direct the sound away from nearby buildings that normally hold classes;
(4) Participants will not use displays other than signs or banners carried at all times by one or two participants (unattended displays may not be used without permission);
(5) If the event is not held at one of the two public forum areas, the event will occur only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.; and
(6) The sponsor of the event indicates that the event will comply with the general restrictions indicated above.
c.Uses that require approval. A public event not at a designated public forum, and which does not meet the above criteria, requires prior approval by the filing of an Online Event Authorization Request Form with the Student Activities Center when recognized student organizations make the request and with Facilities Planning and Management when university departments and nonuniversity entities make the request. It is preferred that the online request be made at least ten business days and not less than four business days in advance of the proposed event. The Student Activities Center or Facilities Planning and Management will make every effort to provide approval or nonapproval, with a statement of the reasons for nonapproval, in a timely manner. The sponsors of the event may request a waiver of the four-day requirement. A waiver may be granted if the Student Activities Center or Facilities Planning and Management determines that there are good reasons for an exception.
(1) Approval of events will be based upon whether the event meets the general rules indicated in rule 681-13.14 (262) and whether the event is appropriate for the location. Approval may be conditioned upon sponsors making reasonable assurances that the event will comply with the general rules. In addition, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions may be required. Unless the event will violate the law, events will not be disapproved based upon the content of proposed speaking or expressive activity. Persons denied authorization may appeal to the senior vice president for business and finance.
(2) Following approval of the event, the organization shall make particular arrangements regarding location, electrical power needs, custodial services, and provision for liability insurance as directed by the Student Activities Center or Facilities Planning and Management. If parking lots will be involved, the organization must receive clearance from the Parking Division, (515)294-3388. If streets will be involved, the organization must receive clearance from the office of the senior vice president for operations and finance, (515)294-6162. Preferred locations for outdoor events covered under this subrule are the areas south or north of the Campanile, west of Curtiss Hall, south of MacKay Hall, south of the Hub, south of the Parks Library, and west of Marston Hall provided the events do not conflict with university classes or scheduled activities and provided the events conform to appropriate uses for the area.
(2)Indoor areas.
a.General policy regarding use. Any use of indoor areas must not conflict with university programs and events and must be compatible with the purpose of the facility or the particular area to be used.
(1) Members of the general public and campus community are free to enter university facilities, other than restricted areas, during business hours as necessary to transact business, seek information about the university or deliver petitions or correspondence.
(2) Organizations and groups desiring to use university buildings and facilities for meetings, events, and conferences should contact the offices listed in 13.12(3) to determine availability and fees for use.
(3) Organizations (other than recognized campus and student organizations) using classrooms, auditoriums, and meeting rooms will be charged the customary rental of those facilities. All users will be responsible for costs incurred for setup, equipment use, cleanup and use of services and materials of the university.
(4) To avoid disruption, the following kinds of indoor areas are not available for non-university-related assembly or solicitation: hallways, stairways, waiting rooms, residence halls and apartments, dining facilities, workrooms, common areas provided around service windows, the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center and the Thielen Student Health Center. Atria and open areas in buildings are generally available for use except when they are used as waiting areas or common areas around service windows.
b.Uses that require scheduling. To avoid conflicts with university activities and permitted use by others, organized use of indoor areas by groups of 15 or fewer persons that will substantially exclude others from using the same or adjacent areas, other than transitory passage through public areas and hallways, requires scheduling through the Memorial Union Event Management Office when recognized student organizations make the request and with Facilities Planning and Management or Conference Planning and Management when university departments or nonuniversity entities make the request.
c.Uses that require approval. Organized or concerted assembly in or solicitation at indoor areas by groups involving more than 15 persons for non-university-related purposes must be approved by the filing of an Online Event Authorization Request Form with the Student Activities Center when recognized student organizations make the request and with Facilities Planning and Management or Conference Planning and Management when university departments or nonuniversity entities make the request. It is preferred that the online request be made at least ten business days and not less than four business days in advance of the activity. The Student Activities Center and Facilities Planning and Management or Conference Planning and Management will make every effort to provide approval or nonapproval, with a statement of the reasons for nonapproval, in a timely manner. The sponsors of the event may request waiver of the four-day requirement. A waiver may be granted if the Student Activities Center or Facilities Planning and Management or Conference Planning and Management determines that there are good reasons for an exception.
(1) Approval of events will be based upon whether the event meets the general rules indicated in rule 681-13.14 (262) and whether the event is appropriate for the facility.
(2) Approval may be conditioned upon sponsors making reasonable assurances that the event will comply with the general rules. In addition, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions may be required. Unless the event will violate the law, events will not be disapproved based upon the content of proposed speaking or expressive activity. Persons denied authorization may appeal to the senior vice president for business and finance.
(3)Facilities and grounds managed by separate university offices or organizations.
a. The Student Activities Center and users must coordinate use of these facilities with the listed offices:
(1) Common areas in buildings-building supervisor for the building can be found at;
(2) Rooms in academic or administrative buildings-Room Scheduling, General Services Building, (515)294-4493. Room Reservation Request Forms are available at;
(3) Memorial Union-Event Management Office, 3630 Memorial Union, (515)294-1437;
(4) Iowa State Center-Center Office, 4 Scheman Conference Center, (515)294-3347;
(5) Residence Halls-(515)294-2900 (general); (515)294-6428 (meeting rooms); (515)294-8384 (conferences);
(6) Schilletter and University Village (SUV) Office-(515)294-5360;
(7) Fredericksen Court Office-(515)294-2107;
(8) Recreation facilities and grounds-Recreation Services Administrative Office, 1180 State Gym, (515)294-4980. Recreation facilities and grounds are listed at;
(9) Howe Hall Auditorium-Engineering Distance Education, (515)294-7470;
(10) University Studios-(515)294-6014;
(11) Farm Bureau Pavilion-Animal Science, (515)294-5424;
(12) Athletics facilities and grounds-Athletic Department, Jacobson Athletic Building, (515)294-3662. Athletic facilities and grounds are listed at;
(13) Alumni Center-Alumni Association, 420 Beach Avenue, (515)294-4625;
(14) Reiman Gardens-1407 University Boulevard, (515)294-8994.
b. Students and student organizations have priority for use of residence facilities and grounds, recreation facilities and grounds and the Memorial Union. Students and student organizations may directly contact the offices listed above to schedule use of meeting rooms and other facilities and grounds.
c. Organizations (other than recognized campus and student organizations) using facilities and grounds will be charged the customary rental of those facilities and grounds. All users will be responsible for costs incurred for setup, equipment use, cleanup and use of services and materials of the university.
d. As part of the university's comprehensive effort to conserve energy and save money, activities will generally be scheduled in buildings normally open and operational in the evenings. More information may be obtained through the Room Scheduling Office, (515)294-5338. The ISU policy on facilities and grounds use after hours may be found in the policy library.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 681-13.12

ARC 8070B, IAB 8/26/09, effective 9/30/09; ARC 1078C, IAB 10/2/2013, effective 11/6/2013
Amended by IAB October 6, 2021/Volume XLIV, Number 7, effective 11/10/2021