There is established within the fire service training bureau of the state fire marshal division a firefighter certification program for the state of Iowa, which shall be known as the certification and accreditation program. The certification and accreditation program is accredited by the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (PROBOARD) and the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) to certify fire service personnel to accepted national standards. All certifications issued by the certification and accreditation program shall be based upon nationally accepted standards.
NOTE 1: Participation in the certification and accreditation program is voluntary, and state law does not require certification to work or volunteer as a firefighter in Iowa. However, some fire departments within the state require certification for continued employment or promotion. Inquiries regarding such requirements should be directed to the hiring or employing department.
NOTE 2: Inquiries and requests regarding the certification and accreditation program should be directed to the fire service training bureau.
EXCEPTION: Persons not meeting the requirement of membership in a fire, emergency, or rescue organization may be granted exceptions to this requirement on an individual basis. Individuals seeking such exceptions shall address these requests to the fire service training bureau.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 661-251.201