Iowa Admin. Code r. 655-2.1

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 655-2.1 - Definitions

"Approval" means recognition status given to nursing education programs based on the programs' compliance with the criteria specified in this chapter Approval may be granted or continued for any time period determined by the board for up to six years.

"Clinical facilities" means locations where students directly care for patients/clients under the supervision of a qualified faculty member

"Clinical instruction" means hands-on learning situations in which students directly care for patients/clients within a relevant setting, under the supervision of a qualified faculty member

"Content" means the subject matter in a given area of study.

"Controlling institution" means the institution that has authority over and administrative accountability for the program(s).

"Curriculum" means content, lab/simulation, observation and clinical experiences developed, implemented and evaluated by faculty to facilitate achievement of program outcomes and to meet the learning needs of students.

"Debriefing" means an activity that follows a simulation experience and that is led by a faculty member, encourages a participant's reflective thinking, and provides feedback regarding the participant's performance.

"Faculty" means the teaching staff in a nursing education program. This definition includes anyone who provides didactic, simulation, laboratory, or clinical instruction in nursing when assigned by the program to provide this instruction for courses included in the nursing curriculum. The definition applies regardless of the amount of time spent teaching, the level of payment, the type of contract, the temporary nature of the position, or the location of the learner

"Head of program" means the dean, chairperson, director, or coordinator of the nursing education program(s) who is responsible for the administration of the program(s).

"Improvement status" means the status on which a program is placed after three consecutive years of NCLEX® results below the 95 percent of the national NCLEX® passing percentage.

"Interim approval" means approval granted to a new nursing program, at which time students may be admitted into the program.

"Lab/simulation" means activities that mimic the reality of a clinical environment and that are designed to demonstrate procedures, decision making and critical thinking through interactive experiences.

"Learning experiences" means experiences that shall include content and clinical instruction and that may include components of lab/simulation, practicum, and observation.

"Located in Iowa" means a college or university that is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, that has made a substantial investment in a permanent Iowa campus and staff, and that offers a full range of courses leading to the degrees offered by the institution as well as a full range of student services.

"Master's degree" means the title conferred by a college or university upon completion of a program of graduate study that requires a level of academic accomplishment and subject mastery substantially beyond that required for a baccalaureate degree.

"National NCIEX® passing percentage" means the percentage of first-time testers who achieve a passing score on the NCLEX® examination for licensed practical nurse or registered nurse licensure, calculated on a calendar year basis.

"NCIEX®" means the National Council Licensure Examination, the examination currently used for initial licensure as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.

"NCIEX® passing percentage" means the percentage of first-time testers who achieve a passing score on the NCLEX® examination for licensed practical nurse or registered nurse licensure within six months of graduation from a nursing program, calculated on a calendar year basis.

"Observation" means learning experiences in a relevant setting that meet program outcomes but do not require on-site faculty supervision and where the student does not directly care for patients/clients.

"Out-of-state program" means an approved nursing program within United States jurisdiction that provides clinical experiences in Iowa.

"Practicum" means a course of study designed especially for the preparation of nurses that involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory.

"Preceptor" means a licensed individual who meets Iowa board of nursing qualifications as specified in this chapter, is on staff at the facility where the experience occurs, is selected by the nursing program in collaboration with the clinical facility, and is responsible for the on-site direction of the student over a period of time.

"Preceptorship" means an experience between a preceptor and a nursing student over a period of time that is congruent with program outcomes.

"Program" means a course of study by any method of instruction or delivery that leads to a nursing diploma, degree or certificate. Multiple-site programs offered by one controlling institution shall be considered one program if the philosophy and curriculum of all the sites are the same.

"Qualified nursing faculty" means individuals who meet board faculty qualifications as specified in this chapter and the qualifications of the parent institution.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 655-2.1

Amended by IAB December 6, 2017/Volume XL, Number 12, effective 1/10/2018
Amended by IAB November 18, 2020/Volume XLIII, Number 11, effective 12/23/2020