Iowa Admin. Code r. 650-7.1

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 650-7.1 - Petition for rule making
(1) An interested person may petition the board for the adoption, amendment or repeal of administrative rules.
(2) The petition shall be in writing, signed by or on behalf of the petitioner, and contain the following information:
a. A general statement of the rule the petitioner is requesting the board to adopt, amend, or repeal. Where amendment or repeal of an existing rule is sought, the rule number should be included but is not required. The petitioner is not required to enclose a draft of the proposed rule or proposed amendment being requested.
b. A statement of sufficient detail setting forth reasons for adoption, amendment, or repeal.
c. A statement showing how the petitioner would be affected by the requested action.
d. Name and address of petitioner.
(3) The petition is filed when it is received by the board. Within 14 days after the filing of a petition is received, the board shall submit a copy of the petition and any accompanying brief to the administrative rules coordinator and to the administrative rules review committee (ARRC).
(4) Upon receipt of the petition, the board shall take the petition under advisement. The board may request additional information from the petitioner or the board office. Upon request by the petitioner, the board shall schedule a brief and informal meeting between the petitioner and the board, a member of the board, or a member of board staff to discuss the petition. The board may also solicit comments from any person on the substance of the petition. Any person may submit to the board comments on the substance of the petition.
(5) If the petition raises an issue regarding the practice of dental hygiene, the petition shall be referred to the dental hygiene committee for review. The dental hygiene committee shall review the petition and timely submit its recommendations to the board. The board's review of the dental hygiene committee recommendation is subject to 650-Chapter 1.
(6) The board shall deny the petition or initiate rule-making procedures within 60 days after filing of the petition. In the case of a denial, the board shall state in writing its reasons for the denial. The petitioner and the ARRC shall be notified in writing of the board action taken.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 17A.3(1) and 17A.7.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 650-7.1

Amended by IAB June 30, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 27, effective 8/4/2021