"Abandoned" means that the building has been unoccupied for a minimum of six continuous months.
"Asbestos-containing material" or"ACM" means any material that contains more than 1 percent of asbestos.
"Building renovation " means repairs that stabilize or improve the structural integrity of the building, including but not limited to roof repair or replacement, building stabilization, and the tuck-pointing of exterior walls.
"Cost share " means the applicant's share of the eligible costs of the proposed project.
"Deconstruction " means the selective dismantlement of a building for the purpose of maximizing reuse and recycling opportunities through source separation while minimizing disposal costs.
"Demonstration project" means a project that is innovative or new to the state of Iowa.
"Department" means the Iowa department of natural resources.
"Derelict building grant eligibility" means any county or municipal government with a population of 5,000 or fewer is eligible to apply for a derelict building grant. An applicant may partner with a local nonprofit organization on a project.
"Eligible costs " means costs directly related to the project and for which financial assistance moneys may be used.
"Financial assistance " means monetary assistance in the form of grants, loans, or forgivable loans that is awarded under these rules to an applicant.
"Forgivable loan " means financial assistance that does not require repayment to the department.
"Indirect costs " means costs not directly arising from a specific product, function, or activity.
"Landfill diversion rate " means the weight of materials diverted from a sanitary landfill, divided by the total weight of the building and its contents, expressed as a percentage. Materials diverted from a sanitary landfill do not include material combusted without energy recovery or material dumped or discarded in violation of Iowa Code sections 455B307. and 455B307A..
"Loan " means an award of financial assistance with the requirement that the award be repaid including interest as applicable.
"Overhead costs" means expenses not chargeable to a particular part of the work or product, including but not limited to utilities, insurance, and rent.
"Phase I environmental assessment" means review of known environmental records and land use information about the site and vicinity.
"Phase II environmental assessment" means actual soil, groundwater and structural material sampling and testing to confirm or deny the presence of contamination.
"Recipient" means any applicant selected to receive financial assistance under these rules.
"Sanitary landfill" means a permitted disposal site where solid waste is buried between layers of earth.
"Solid waste alternatives program eligibility " means any unit of local government, public or private group, individual or business that has an interest in or has responsibility for solid waste management in Iowa and is currently in compliance with all applicable state statutes and regulations is eligible to apply for the solid waste alternatives program (SWAP).
"Waste reduction " means practices which reduce, avoid, or eliminate the generation of solid waste at the source. Waste reduction is not merely the shifting of a waste stream from one medium to another medium.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-209.3