Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-113.3

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 567-113.3 - Definitions

Unless otherwise noted, the definitions set forth in Iowa Code section 455B301. and 567-Chapter 100, which are incorporated by reference; the definitions that appear in specific rules within this chapter; and the following definitions shall apply to this chapter: [See Objection

at end of chapter]

"Active life" means the period of operation beginning with the initial receipt of solid waste and ending at completion of closure activities in accordance with rule 113.12(455B).

"Active portion " means that part of a facility or unit that has received or is receiving wastes and that has not been closed in accordance with rule 113.12(45 5B).

"Aquifer" has the same meaning as in 567-Chapter 100.

"Commercial solid waste " means all types of solid waste generated by stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other nonmanufacturing activities, excluding residential and industrial wastes.

"Existing MSWLF unit" means any municipal solid waste landfill unit that has received solid waste as of the most recent permit renewal.

"Facility " means all contiguous land and structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land used for the disposal of solid waste. The facility is formally defined in the permit issued by the department. Buffer lands around a facility are not required to be included in the permitted boundary of a facility.

"High water table" has the same meaning as in 567-Chapter 100.

"Household waste" means any solid waste (including garbage, trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas).

"Industrial solid waste " means solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes that is not a hazardous waste regulated under Subtitle C of RCRA. Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: electric power generation; fertilizer and agricultural chemicals; food and related products and by-products; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing and foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment. "Industrial solid waste" does not include mining waste or oil and gas waste.

"Lateral expansion " means a horizontal expansion of the waste boundaries of an existing MSWLF unit.

"Municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) unit" means a discrete area of land or an excavation that receives household waste, and that is not a land application site, surface impoundment, injection well, or waste pile, as those terms are defined under 40 CFR Part 257.2. An MSWLF unit also may receive other types of RCRA Subtitle D wastes, such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, construction and demolition debris, and industrial solid waste. An MSWLF unit may be publicly or privately owned. An MSWLF unit may be a new MSWLF unit, an existing MSWLF unit, or a lateral expansion. A construction and demolition landfill that receives residential lead-based paint waste and does not receive any other household waste is not an MSWLF unit.

"New MSWLF unit" means any municipal solid waste landfill unit that has not received waste prior to the most recent permit renewal.

"Open burning" has the same meaning as in 567-Chapter 100.

"Operator" has the same meaning as in 567-Chapter 100.

"Owner " means the person(s) who owns a facility or part of a facility.

"Point of compliance" or"POC" means the point at which the MSWLF owner or operator demonstrates compliance with the liner performance standard, if applicable, and with the groundwater protection standard. The point of compliance is a vertical surface located hydraulically downgradient of the waste management area that extends down into the uppermost aquifer underlying the regulated MSWLF unit(s) and where groundwater monitoring shall be conducted.

"Residential lead-based paint waste " means waste containing lead-based paint that is generated as a result of activities such as abatement, rehabilitation, renovation and remodeling in homes and other residences. "Residential lead-based paint waste" includes, but is not limited to, lead-based paint debris, chips, dust, and sludges.

"Runoff" means any rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over land from any part of a facility.

"Run-on " means any rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over land onto any part of a facility.

"Saturated zone " means that part of the earth's crust in which all voids are filled with water.

"Sewage sludge" has the same meaning as in 567-Chapter 67.

"Sludge " means any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated from a commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, or any other such waste having similar characteristics and effects exclusive of the treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant.

"Statistically significant increase " or"SSI" means a statistical difference large enough to account for data variability and not thought to be due to chance alone.

"Uppermost aquifer" means the geologic formation nearest the natural ground surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower aquifers that are hydraulically interconnected with this aquifer within the facility's property boundary.

"Vertical expansion" means additional waste placement on top of or against the side slopes of a previously filled MSWLF unit, whether active, closed, or inactive.

"Waste management unit boundary" means a vertical surface located at the hydraulically downgradient limit of the unit. This vertical surface extends down into the uppermost aquifer.

[Editorial change: IAC Supplement 2/25/09]

Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-113.3