Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-135.9

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 567-135.9 - Tier 1 site assessment policy and procedure
(1)General. The main objective of a Tier 1 site assessment is to reasonably determine the highest concentrations of chemicals of concern which would be associated with any suspected or confirmed release and an accurate identification of applicable receptors. The potential source of a release, nature of the substance released, site stratigraphy, depth to groundwater, and other appropriate factors must be considered when selecting the sample types, sample locations, and measurements methods. The placement and depth of borings and the construction of monitoring wells must be sufficient to determine the sources of all releases, the vertical extent of contamination, an accurate description of site stratigraphy, and a reliable determination of groundwater flow direction.
a.Pathway assessment. The pathways to be evaluated at Tier 1 are the groundwater ingestion pathway, soil leaching to groundwater pathway, groundwater vapor to enclosed space pathway, soil vapor to enclosed space pathway, soil to water line pathway, groundwater to water line pathway and the surface water pathway. Assessment requires a determination of whether a pathway is complete, an evaluation of actual and potential receptors, and a determination of whether conditions are satisfied for obtaining no further action clearance for individual pathways or for obtaining a complete site classification of "no action required." A pathway is considered complete if a chemical of concern has a route which could be followed to reach an actual or potential receptor.
b.Pathway clearance. If contaminant concentrations for an individual pathway do not exceed the applicable Tier 1 levels or if a pathway is incomplete, no further action is required to evaluate the pathway unless otherwise specified in these rules. If the contaminant concentrations for a pathway exceed the applicable Tier 1 level(s) in the "Iowa Tier 1 Look-up Table," the response is to conduct further assessment under Tier 2 or Tier 3 unless an effective institutional control is approved. In limited circumstances excavation of contaminated soils may be used as an option to obtain pathway clearance. If further site assessment indicates site data exceeds an applicable Tier 1 level(s) for a previously cleared pathway or the conditions justifying a determination of pathway incompleteness change, that pathway must be reevaluated as part of a Tier 2 or Tier 3 assessment.
c.Chemical group clearance. If concentrations for all chemicals of concern within a designated group of chemicals are below the Tier 1 levels, no further action is required as to the group of chemicals unless otherwise specified in these rules. Group one consists of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (BTEX). Group two consists of naphthalene, benzo(a)pyrene, benz(a)anthracene and chrysene; TEH default values are incorporated into the Iowa Tier 1 Look-Up Table and Appendix A for group two chemicals.
d.Site classification. A site can be classified as no action required only after all pathways have met the conditions for pathway clearance as provided in this rule.
e.Groundwater sampling procedure. Groundwater sampling and field screening must be conducted in accordance with department Tier 1 guidance. A minimum of three properly constructed groundwater monitoring wells must be installed, subject to the limitations on maximum drilling depths, for the purpose of identifying maximum concentrations of groundwater contamination, suspected sources of releases, and groundwater flow direction.
(1) Field screening must be used to locate suspected releases and to determine locations with the greatest concentrations of contamination. Field screening is required as per department guidance at each former and current tank basin, each former and current pump island, along the piping, and at any other areas of actual or suspected releases. In placing monitoring wells, the following must be considered: field screening data, available current and historical information regarding the releases, tank and piping layout, site conditions, and drilling data available from sites in the vicinity. At least one well must be placed at each suspected source of release which shall include at a minimum: the pump island with the greatest field screening level, each current and former underground storage tank basin, and if field screening shows greater levels than at the pump islands or tank basins, at other suspected sources of releases. As a general rule, wells should be installed outside of the tank basin through native soils but as close to the tank basin as feasible. A well must be installed in a presumed downgradient direction and within 30 feet of the sample with the greatest field screening level. Three of the wells must be placed in a triangular arrangement to determine groundwater flow direction.
(2) Where the circumstances which prompt a Tier 1 assessment identify a discrete source and cause of a release, and the groundwater professional is able to rule out other suspected sources or contributing sources such as pump islands, piping runs and tank basins, the application of field screening and groundwater well placement may be limited to the known source.
f.Soil sampling procedure. The objective of soil sampling is to identify the maximum concentrations of soil contamination in the vadose and saturated zones and to identify sources of releases. The same principles stated above apply to soil sampling. Soil samples must be taken from borings with the greatest field screening levels even if the boring will not be converted to a monitoring well. At a minimum, soil and groundwater samples must be collected for analysis from all borings which are converted to monitoring wells.

Iowa Tier 1 Look-Up Table


Exposure Pathway


Group 1

Group 2: TEH






Waste Oil

Groundwater (µg/L)

Groundwater Ingestion















Groundwater Vapor to Enclosed Space








Groundwater to Water Line

PVC or Gasketed Mains







PVC or Gasketed Service Lines







PE/PB/AC Mains or Service Lines







Surface Water








Soil (mg/kg)

Soil Leaching to Groundwater








Soil Vapor to Enclosed Space








Soil to Water Line








NA: Not applicable. There are no limits for the chemical for the pathway, because for groundwater pathways the concentration for the designated risk would be greater than the solubility of the pure chemical in water, and for soil pathways the concentration for the designated risk would be greater than the soil concentration if pure chemical were present in the soil.

TEH: Total Extractable Hydrocarbons. The TEH value is based on risks from naphthalene, benzo(a)pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, and chrysene. Refer to Appendix B for further details.

Diesel*: Standards in the Diesel column apply to all low volatile petroleum hydrocarbons except waste oil.

(2)Conditions requiring Tier 1 site assessment. Unless owners and operators choose to conduct a Tier 2 assessment, the presence of bedrock requires a Tier 2 assessment as provided in 135.8(5), or these rules otherwise require preparation of a Tier 2 site assessment, a Tier 1 site assessment must be completed in response to release confirmation as provided in rule 567-135.6 (455B), or tank closure investigation under 567-135.15 (455B), or other reliable laboratory analysis which confirms the presence of contamination above the action levels in 567-135.14(455B).
(3)Tier 1 assessment report. Unless directed to do otherwise by the department or the owners or operators choose to prepare a Tier 2 site cleanup report, owners and operators must assemble information about the site and the nature of the release in accordance with the department Tier 1 guidance, including information gained while confirming the release under 567-135.6 (455B), tank closure under 567-135.15 (455B) or completing the initial abatement measures in 135.7(1) and 135.7(2). This information must include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
a. Data on the nature and estimated quantity of release.
b. Results of any release investigation and confirmation actions required by subrule 135.6(3).
c. Results of the free product investigations required under 135.7(3)"a" (6), to be used by owners and operators to determine whether free product must be recovered under 135.7(5).
d. Chronology of property ownership and underground storage tank ownership, identification of the person(s) having control of, or having responsibility for the daily operation of the underground storage tanks and the operational history of the underground storage tank system. The operational history shall include, but is not limited to, a description of or suspected known subsurface or aboveground releases, past remediation or other corrective action, type of petroleum product stored, recent tank and piping tightness test results, any underground storage tank system repairs, upgrades or replacements and the underground storage tank and piping leak detection method being utilized. The operational history shall confirm that current release detection methods and record keeping comply with the requirements of 567-135.5 (455B), that all release detection records have been reviewed and report any evidence that a release detection standard has been exceeded as provided in 135.5(4) and 135.5(5).
e. Appropriate diagrams of the site and the underground storage tank system and surrounding land use, identifying site boundaries and existing structures and uses such as residential properties, schools, hospitals, child care facilities and a general description of relevant land use restrictions and known future land use.
f. Current proof of financial responsibility as required by 567-136.19 (455B) and 567-136.20 (455B) and the status of coverage for corrective action under any applicable financial assurance mechanism or other financial assistance program.
g. A receptor survey including but not limited to the following: existing buildings, enclosed spaces (basements, crawl spaces, utility vaults, etc.), conduits (gravity drain lines, sanitary and storm sewer mains and service lines), water lines and other utilities within 500 feet of the source. For conduits and enclosed spaces, there must be a description of construction material, conduit backfill material, slope of conduit and trenches (include flow direction of sewers), burial depth of utilities or subsurface enclosed spaces, and the relationship to groundwater elevations.
h. An explosive vapor survey of enclosed spaces where there may be the potential for buildup of explosive vapors. The groundwater professional must provide a specific justification for not conducting an explosive vapor survey.
i. A survey of all surface water bodies within 200 feet of the source.
j. A survey of all active, abandoned and plugged groundwater wells within 1,000 feet of the source with a description of construction and present or future use.
k. Accurate and legible site maps showing the location of all groundwater monitoring wells, soil borings, field screening locations and screening values, and monitoring well and soil boring construction logs.
l. A tabulation of all laboratory analytical results for chemicals of concern and copies of the laboratory analytical reports.
m. Results of hydraulic conductivity testing and description of the procedures utilized.
n. A Tier 1 site assessment in accordance with the department's Tier 1 guidance. The Tier 1 report shall be submitted on forms and in a format prescribed by this guidance.
(4)Groundwater ingestion pathway assessment. The groundwater ingestion pathway addresses the potential for human ingestion of petroleum-regulated substances from existing groundwater wells or potential drinking water wells.
a.Pathway completeness. This pathway is considered complete if:
(1) there is a drinking or non-drinking water well within 1,000 feet of the source(s) exhibiting the maximum concentrations of the chemicals of concern; or
(2) the first encountered groundwater is a protected groundwater source.
b.Receptor evaluation. A drinking or non-drinking water well within 1,000 feet of the source(s) is an actual receptor. The Tier 1 levels for actual receptors apply to drinking water wells and the Tier 1 levels for potential receptors apply to non-drinking water wells. Potential receptor points of exposure exist if the first encountered groundwater is a protected groundwater source but no actual receptors presently exist within 1,000 feet of the source.
c.Pathway clearance. If the pathway is incomplete, no further action is required for this pathway. If the Tier 1 level for actual or potential receptors is not exceeded, no further action is required for this pathway. Groundwater wells that are actual or potential receptors may be plugged in accordance with 567-Chapter 39 and 567-Chapter 49 and may result in no further action clearance if the groundwater is not a protected groundwater source and the pathway is thereby incomplete.
d.Corrective action response. If maximum concentrations exceed the applicable Tier 1 levels for either actual or potential receptors, a Tier 2 assessment must be conducted unless effective institutional controls are implemented as provided below. Technological controls are not acceptable at Tier 1 for this pathway. Abandonment and plugging of drinking and non-drinking water wells in accordance with 567-Chapters 39 and 49 is an acceptable corrective action response.
e.Use of institutional controls. To apply an effective institutional control, if drinking or non-drinking water wells are present within 1,000 feet of the source, and the applicable Tier 1 level is exceeded, the well(s) for which there is an exceedence must be properly plugged. If the groundwater is a protected groundwater source and the maximum concentrations do not exceed the Tier 1 level for potential receptors but do exceed the Tier 1 level for actual receptors, the owner or operator must provide notification of site conditions on a department form to the department water supply section, or if a county has delegated authority, then the designated county authority responsible for issuing private water supply construction permits or regulating non-public water well construction as provided in 567-Chapters 38 and 49.

If the groundwater is a protected source and the maximum concentrations exceed the Tier 1 level for potential receptors, the owner or operator must (1) implement an institutional control prohibiting the use of the groundwater for installation of drinking and non-drinking water wells within 1,000 feet of the source; and (2) provide notification as provided above. Ifan effective institutional control is not feasible, a Tier 2 assessment must be performed for this pathway in accordance with rule 567-135.10 (455B).

f.Receptor evaluation for public water supply wells. Rescinded IAB 3/11/09, effective 4/15/09.
(5)Soil leaching to groundwater pathway assessment. This pathway addresses the potential for soil contamination to leach to groundwater creating a risk of human exposure through the groundwater ingestion pathway.
a.Pathway completeness. If the groundwater ingestion pathway is complete, the soil leaching to groundwater pathway is considered complete.
b.Receptor evaluation. There is a single receptor type for this pathway and one applicable Tier 1 level.
c.Pathway clearance. If the pathway is incomplete or the pathway is complete and the maximum concentrations of chemicals of concern do not exceed the Tier 1 levels, no further action is required for assessment of this pathway.
d.Corrective action response. If the Tier 1 levels are exceeded for this pathway, a Tier 2 assessment must be conducted or alternatively, institutional controls or soil excavation may be undertaken in accordance with 135.9(7)"h."
e.Use of institutional controls. Institutional controls must satisfy the conditions applicable to the groundwater ingestion pathway as provided in 135.9(4)"e."
(6)Groundwater vapor to enclosed space pathway assessment. This pathway addresses the potential for vapors from contaminated groundwater to migrate to enclosed spaces where humans could inhale chemicals of concern at unacceptable levels. This pathway assessment assumes the health-based Tier 1 levels will adequately protect against any associated short- and long-term explosive risks.
a.Pathway completeness. This pathway is always considered complete for purposes of Tier 1 and must be evaluated.
b.Explosive vapor survey. An explosive vapor survey must be conducted in accordance with procedures outlined in the department Tier 1 guidance. If potentially explosive levels are detected, the groundwater professional must notify the owner or operator with instructions to report the condition in accordance with 567-Chapter 131. The owner or operator must begin immediate response and abatement procedures in accordance with 567-135.7 (455B) and 567-Chapter 133.
c.Receptor evaluation. For purposes of Tier 1, there is one receptor type for this pathway and the Tier 1 level applies regardless of the existence of actual or potential receptors.
d.Pathway clearance. No further action is required for this pathway, if the maximum groundwater concentrations do not exceed the Tier 1 levels for this pathway.
e.Corrective action response. If the maximum concentrations exceed the Tier 1 levels for this pathway, a Tier 2 assessment of this pathway must be conducted unless institutional controls are implemented. Technological controls are not acceptable at Tier 1 for this pathway.
f.Use of institutional controls. An institutional control must be effective to prohibit the placement of enclosed space receptors within 500 feet of the source.
(7)Soil vapor to enclosed space pathway assessment. This pathway addresses the potential for vapors from contaminated soils to migrate to enclosed spaces where humans could inhale chemicals of concern at unacceptable levels. This pathway assessment assumes health-based screening levels at Tier 1 will adequately protect against short- and long-term explosive risks.
a.Pathway completeness. This pathway is always considered complete for purposes of Tier 1 and must be evaluated.
b.Explosive vapor survey. An explosive vapor survey must be conducted in accordance with procedures outlined in the department Tier 1 guidance. If potentially explosive levels are detected, the groundwater professional must notify the owner or operator with instructions to report the condition in accordance with 567-Chapter 131. The owner or operator must begin immediate response and abatement procedures in accordance with 567-135.7 (455B) and 567-Chapter 133.
c.Receptor evaluation. For purposes of Tier 1, there is one receptor type for this pathway, and the Tier 1 level applies regardless of existing or potential receptors.
d.Pathway clearance. No further action is required for this pathway, if the maximum soil concentrations do not exceed the Tier 1 levels for this pathway. If the Tier 1 levels are exceeded, soil gas measurements may be taken in accordance with the Tier 2 guidance at the area(s) of maximum concentration. Subject to confirmation sampling, if the soil gas measurements do not exceed the target levels in 135.10(7)"f," no further action is required for this pathway. If the Tier 1 level is not exceeded but the soil gas measurement exceeds the target level, further action is required for the pathway.
e.Soil gas samples. To establish that the soil gas measurement is representative of the highest expected levels, a groundwater professional must obtain two soil gas samples taken at least two weeks apart. One of the samples should be collected beneath the frost line depth during a seasonal period of lowest groundwater elevation.
f.Corrective action response. If the maximum concentrations exceed the Tier 1 levels and the soil gas measurements exceed target levels for this pathway, or if no soil gas measurement was taken, a Tier 2 assessment of this pathway must be conducted unless institutional controls are implemented or soil excavation is conducted as provided below. Technological controls are not acceptable at Tier 1 for this pathway.
g.Use of institutional controls. An institutional control must be effective to eliminate the placement of enclosed space receptors within 500 feet of the source.
h. Soil excavation. Excavation of contaminated soils for the purpose of removing soils contaminated above the Tier 1 levels is permissible as an alternative to conducting a Tier 2 assessment. Adequate field screening methods must be used to identify maximum concentrations during excavation. At a minimum, one soil sample must be taken for field screening every 100 square feet of the base and each sidewall. Soil samples must be taken for laboratory analysis at least every 400 square feet of the base and each sidewall of the excavated area to confirm that remaining concentrations are below Tier 1 levels. If the base or a sidewall of the excavation is less than 400 square feet, a minimum of one sample must be analyzed for each sidewall and the base.
(8)Groundwater to water line pathway assessment. This pathway addresses the potential for creating a drinking water ingestion risk due to contact with water lines and causing infusion to the drinking water.
a.Pathway completeness and receptor evaluation.
(1) Actual receptors. This pathway is considered complete for an actual receptor if there is an existing water line within 200 feet of the source and the first encountered groundwater is less than 20 feet below ground surface.
(2) Potential receptors. This pathway is considered complete for a potential receptor if the first encountered groundwater is less than 20 feet below ground surface.
b.Pathway clearance. If the pathway is not complete, no further action is required for this pathway. If the pathway is complete and the maximum concentrations of all chemicals of concern do not exceed the Tier 1 levels for this pathway, no further action is required for this pathway.
c.Utility company notification. The utility company which supplies water service to the area must be notified of all actual and potential water line impacts as soon as knowledge of a potential risk is determined.
d.Corrective action response.
(1) For actual receptors, if the Tier 1 levels are exceeded for this pathway, all water lines within 200 feet must be replaced with water line materials and gasket materials of appropriate construction in accordance with current department standards set forth in 567-Chapter 43 and with no less than nitrile or FKM gaskets or as otherwise approved by the department, or the water lines must be relocated beyond the 200-foot distance from the source. A Tier 2 assessment must be conducted for this pathway if lines are not replaced or relocated.
(2) For potential receptors, upon utility company notification, no further action will be required for this pathway.
(9)Soil to water line pathway assessment. This pathway addresses the potential for creating a drinking water ingestion risk due to contact with water lines and infusion into the drinking water.
a.Pathway completeness and receptor evaluation.
(1) Actual receptors. This pathway is considered complete for an actual receptor if a water line exists within 200 feet of the source.
(2) Potential receptors. This pathway is always considered complete for potential receptors.
b.Pathway clearance. If the pathway is not complete for actual receptors, no further action is required for this pathway. If the pathway is complete for actual receptors and the maximum concentrations of all chemicals of concern do not exceed Tier 1 levels for this pathway, no further action is required. For potential receptors, upon utility company notification, no further action will be required for this pathway for potential receptors.
c.Utility company notification. The utility company which supplies water service to the area must be notified of all actual and potential water line impacts as soon as knowledge of a potential risk is determined.
d.Corrective action response. For actual receptors, if the Tier 1 levels are exceeded for this pathway, all water lines within 200 feet must be replaced with water line materials and gasket materials of appropriate construction in accordance with current department standards set forth in 567-Chapter 43 and with no less than nitrile or FKM gaskets or as otherwise approved by the department, or the water lines must be relocated beyond the 200-foot distance from the source. Excavation of soils to below Tier 1 levels may be undertaken in accordance with 135.9(7)"h." If none of these options is implemented, a Tier 2 assessment must be conducted for this pathway.
(10)Surface water pathway assessment. This pathway addresses the potential for contaminated groundwater to impact surface water bodies creating risks to human health and aquatic life.
a.Pathway completeness. This pathway is considered complete if a surface water body is present within 200 feet of the source. For purposes of Tier 1, surface water bodies include both general use segments and designated use segments as provided in 567-subrule 61.3(1).
b.Receptor evaluation. The Tier 1 levels for this pathway only apply to designated use segments of surface water bodies as provided in 567-subrules 61.3(1) and 61.3(5). The point of compliance is the source with the highest concentrations of chemicals of concern. General use segments of surface water bodies as provided in 567-paragraph 61.3(1)"a" are only subject to the visual inspection criteria.
c.Visual inspection requirements. A visual inspection of all surface water bodies within 200 feet of the source must be conducted to determine if there is evidence of a sheen on the water or there is evidence of petroleum residue along the bank. If a sheen or residue is evident or has been reported to be present, the groundwater professional must make a sufficient investigation to reasonably determine its source. If in the opinion of the groundwater professional, the sheen is not associated with the underground storage tank site, the professional must report and reasonably justify this opinion. If in the opinion of the groundwater professional the sheen is not a petroleum-regulated substance, a sample must be laboratory tested in accordance with 567-135.16(455B) to confirm it is not a petroleum-regulated substance.
d.Pathway clearance. If the pathway is not complete or it is complete and the maximum concentrations of all chemicals of concern at the point of compliance do not exceed the Tier 1 levels and there is no petroleum sheen or residue attributable to the site, no further action is required for assessment of this pathway.
e.Corrective action response. If a Tier 1 level is exceeded for any chemical of concern for a designated use segment within 200 feet of the source, or the groundwater professional determines the presence of a petroleum-regulated substance sheen or residue, a Tier 2 assessment of this pathway must be conducted.
(11)Tier 1 submission and review procedures.
a. Within 90 calendar days of release confirmation or another reasonable period of time determined by the department, owners and operators must submit to the department a Tier 1 report in a format prescribed by the department and in accordance with these rules and the department Tier 1 guidance.
b. If the owner or operator elects to prepare a Tier 2 site cleanup report instead of a Tier 1 assessment, the department must be notified in writing prior to the expiration of the Tier 1 submission deadline. The Tier 2 site cleanup report must be submitted to the department in accordance with rule 567-135.10 (455B) within 180 calendar days of release confirmation or another reasonable period of time determined by the department.
c. Tier 1 report completeness and accuracy. A Tier 1 report is considered to be complete if it contains all the information and data required by this rule and the department Tier 1 guidance. The report is accurate if the information and data is reasonably reliable based first on application of the standards in these rules and department guidance and second, generally accepted industry standards.
d. The certified groundwater professional shall include the following certification with the Tier 1 site assessment report:

I, __________________________________________, Groundwater Professional Certification

No. ________________, am familiar with all applicable requirements of Iowa Code section 455B.474 and all rules and procedures adopted thereunder including, but not limited to, 567-Chapter 135 and the Department of Natural Resources Tier 1 guidance. Based on my knowledge of those documents and information I have prepared and reviewed regarding this site, UST Registration No. ________________, LUST No.___________ I certify that this document is complete and accurate as provided in 567 IAC 135.9(11) "c" and meets the applicable requirements of the Tier 1 site assessment.



e. Upon receipt of the groundwater professional's certified Tier 1 report, the groundwater professional's proposed site classification for the site shall be determinative unless, within 90 days of receipt, the department identifies material information in the report that is inaccurate or incomplete. Material information may be data found to be inaccurate or incomplete or a report that lacks information which, if correct and complete, would result in a different site classification than proposed by the certified groundwater professional. If the department determines that the site cleanup report is inaccurate or incomplete, the department shall notify the groundwater professional of the inaccurate or incomplete information within 90 days of receipt of the report and shall work with the groundwater professional and the party responsible for cleanup to obtain correct information or additional information necessary to appropriately classify the site. If the groundwater professional recommends proceeding to Tier 2, or a Tier 2 site cleanup report is required pursuant to 135.7(5)"g," 135.8(5), or 567-135.9 (455B), the groundwater professional's site classification and pathway classification recommendations shall not be considered determinative until the Tier 2 report is submitted for review as provided in 135.10(11).
f. If a "no action required" site classification is proposed, the department shall review the report in accordance with 135.12(6) and the review standards in paragraph 135.9(11)"e."
(12)Tier 1 site classification and corrective action response.
a. No action required site classification. At Tier 1, a site is only eligible for a "no action required" classification. To be classified as no action required, each pathway must meet the requirements for pathway clearance as specified in this rule. If the department determines a no action required site classification is appropriate, a no further action certificate will be issued as provided in 135.12(10).
b. Where an individual pathway or a chemical group meets the requirements for clearance but the site is not entitled to a no action required classification, only those pathways and chemical groups which do not meet the no further action requirements must be evaluated as part of a Tier 2 assessment as provided in rule 567-135.10 (455B).
c. Compliance monitoring and confirmation sampling. Compliance monitoring is not an acceptable corrective action at Tier 1. Except for soil gas sampling under 135.9(7), confirmation sampling to verify a sample does not exceed a Tier 1 level is not required. However, the department retains the authority to require confirmation sampling from existing groundwater monitoring wells if a no action required classification is being proposed at Tier 1 and the department has a reasonable basis to question the representative validity of the samples based on, for example, the seasonal bias of the sampling, evidence of multiple sources of releases, marginal groundwater monitoring well locations and analytical variability.
d.Expedited corrective action. Expedited corrective action is permissible in accordance with 135.12(11).

Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-135.9

ARC 7621B, IAB 3/11/09, effective 4/15/09; ARC 9011B, IAB 8/25/10, effective 9/29/10; ARC 9331B, IAB 1/12/11, effective 2/16/11
Amended by IAB May 19, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 24, effective 6/23/2021