NOTE: The following codes of practice may be used to comply with subparagraph 135.3(1)"a" (1) : Underwriters Laboratories Standard 1316, "Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products, Alcohols, and Alcohol-Gasoline Mixtures" or Underwriters Laboratories of Canada S615, "Standard for Reinforced Plastic Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids."
NOTE: The following codes of practice may be used to comply with subparagraph 135.3(1)"a" (2):
* Steel Tank Institute "Specification STI-P3® Specification and Manual for External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks";
* Underwriters Laboratories Standard 1746, "External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Storage Tanks";
* Underwriters Laboratories of Canada S603, "Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids," and S603.1, "Standard for External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids," and S631, "Standard for Isolating Bushings for Steel Underground Tanks Protected with External Corrosion Protection Systems";
* Steel Tank Institute Standard F841, "Standard for Dual Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks"; or
* NACE International Standard Practice SP 0285, "External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Systems by Cathodic Protection," and Underwriters Laboratories Standard 58, "Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids."
NOTE: The following industry codes may be used to comply with subparagraph 135.3(1)"a" (3):
* Underwriters Laboratories Standard 1746, "Corrosion Protection Systems for Underground Storage Tanks";
* Steel Tank Institute ACT-100® Specification F894, "Specification for External Corrosion Protection of FRP Underground Storage Tanks";
* Steel Tank Institute ACT-100-U® Specification F961, "Specification for External Corrosion Protection of Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks"; or
* Steel Tank Institute Specification F922, "Steel Tank Institute Specification for Permatank®."
All piping must have secondary containment, installed according to manufacturer's specifications, and be compatible with the product stored and the environment to which it will be exposed. Piping must maintain its original specifications and structural integrity. Piping whose structural integrity has degraded must be replaced. All piping installations must meet National Fire Prevention Association Standard 30 and Standard 30A or the International Fire Code as adopted by the Iowa state fire marshal in 661-Chapter 221, "Flammable and Combustible Liquids."
NOTE: The following codes of practice may be used to comply with subparagraph 135.3(1)"b" (1):
* Underwriters Laboratories Standard 971, "Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable Liquids"; or
* Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Standard S6660, "Standard for Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable and Combustible Liquids."
NOTE: The following codes of practice may be used to comply with subparagraph 135.3(1)"b" (2):
* American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 1632, "Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems";
* Underwriters Laboratories Subject 971A, "Outline of Investigation for Metallic Underground Fuel Pipe";
* Steel Tank Institute Recommended Practice R892, "Recommended Practice for Corrosion Protection of Underground Piping Networks Associated with Liquid Storage and Dispensing Systems";
* NACE International Standard Practice SP 0169, "Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems";
* NACE International Standard Practice SP 0285, "External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection"; or
* National Fire Protection Association Standard 30, "Flammable or Combustible Liquids Code."
*Automatically shut off flow into the tank when the tank is no more than 95 percent full; or
* Alert the transfer operator when the tank is no more than 90 percent full by restricting the flow into the tank (not allowed for suction product delivery systems, for tanks with stage 1 vapor recovery or when product delivery is by pumping) or triggering a high-level alarm; or
* Restrict flow 30 minutes prior to overfilling, alert the transfer operator with a high-level alarm one minute before overfilling, or automatically shut off the flow into the tank so that none of the fittings located on top of the tank are exposed to product due to overfilling.
NOTE: Tank and piping system installation practices and procedures described in the following codes may be used to comply with the requirements of paragraph 135.3(1)"d" :
* American Petroleum Institute Publication 1615, "Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage System";
* Petroleum Equipment Institute Publication RP100, "Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems"; or
* National Fire Protection Association Standard 30, "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code," and 30A, "Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages."
Replacement or upgrade of a tank system on a petroleum contaminated site classified as a high or low risk in accordance with rule 567-135.12(455B) shall be a double wall tank or a tank equipped with a secondary containment system with monitoring of the space between the primary and secondary containment structures in accordance with paragraph 135.5(4)"g."
NOTE regarding paragraph 135.3(2)"b" : The following historical codes of practice were listed as options for complying with paragraph 135.3(2)"b" :
* American Petroleum Institute Publication 1631, "Recommended Practice for the Interior Lining of Existing Steel Underground Storage Tanks";
* National Leak Prevention Association Standard 631, "Spill Prevention, Minimum 10 Year Life Extension of Existing Steel Underground Tanks by Lining Without the Addition of Cathodic Protection";
* National Association of Corrosion Engineers Standard RP-02-85, "Control of External Corrosion on Metallic Buried, Partially Buried, or Submerged Liquid Storage Systems"; and
* American Petroleum Institute Publication 1632, "Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems."
NOTE regarding paragraph 135.3(2)"b" (1) "2": The following codes of practice may be used to comply with the periodic lining inspection requirement of this subrule:
* American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 1631, "Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks";
* National Leak Prevention Association Standard 631, Chapter B, "Future Internal Inspection Requirements for Lined Tanks";
* Ken Wilcox Associates Recommended Practice, "Recommended Practice for Inspecting Buried Lined Steel Tanks Using a Video Camera"; or
* Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1856 Underground Fuel Tank Internal Retrofit Systems.
NOTE: The codes of practice listed in the note following subparagraph 135.3(1)"b" (2) may be used to comply with this requirement.
If the department finds that any one of the following criteria has been satisfied, the department may initiate a delivery prohibition response action following the notice procedures outlined in paragraph"e" of this subrule. After initiation of the delivery prohibition response action, the department will offer the owner or operator an opportunity to establish reinstatement criteria by written documentation and, if requested, an in-person meeting.
REINSTATEMENT CRITERIA: The owner or operator must submit results of a passing UST system precision tightness test at the 0.1 gallon-per-hour leak rate in paragraphs 135.5(4)"c" and 135.5(5)"b." The owner or operator must also document installation and operation of an approved release detection system. This may include proof that a contract has been signed with a qualified statistical inventory reconciliation provider or that a qualified inventory control method has been implemented and training has been provided to onsite supervisory personnel.
REINSTATEMENT CRITERIA: The owner or operator must provide documentation of a passing line precision tightness test at the 0.1 gallon-per-hour leak rate in paragraph 135.5(5)"b" and a line leak detector test as provided in paragraph 135.5(5)"a."
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must provide documentation that overfill and spill protection equipment has been installed.
REINSTATEMENT CRITERIA: A manned entry tank integrity inspection must be completed prior to installation of a corrosion protection system, and the owner or operator must submit results of a passing UST system precision tightness test at the 0.1 gallon-per-hour leak rate in paragraphs 135.5(4)"c" and 135.5(5)"b." A corrosion protection analysis must be completed and approved by the department.
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must submit acceptable proof of financial responsibility in accordance with 567-Chapter 136.
REINSTATEMENT CRITERIA: The owner or operator must submit documentation that the leak detection method analysis sufficiently documents compliance and explains the reasons for the accuracy and reliability concerns. If necessary, the owner or operator must submit passing results of a UST system precision tightness test at the 0.1 gallon-per-hour leak rate in paragraphs 135.5(4)"c" and 135.5(5)"b."
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must submit documentation of a three-year corrosion protection test as provided in rule 567-135.3 (455B).
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must submit a compliance inspection report as provided in rule 567-135.20 (455B).
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must document compliance with the abatement provisions in subrules 135.7(2) and 135.7(3).
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must document release confirmation and system check as provided in paragraph 135.6(3)"a."
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must submit a copy of the certificates of training for Class A and B operators.
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must document secondary containment has been installed as provided in subrule 135.3(9).
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must pay the current and any previous unpaid tank management fees in addition to any late fees as provided in paragraph 135.3(5)"b."
REINSTATEMENT CRITERION: The owner or operator must provide a completed Return to Service form along with required documents.
The remedial action plan may include but is not limited to provisions for owner/operator training, development of a facility-specific compliance manual, more frequent third-party compliance inspections than otherwise required under rule 567-135.20(455B), monthly reporting, and retention of a third-party compliance manager/consultant. If the owner or operator and the department cannot reach agreement on a remedial action plan, the department may initiate enforcement action by issuance of an administrative order pursuant to 567-Chapter 10. This provision does not grant the owner or operator an entitlement to this procedure, and the department reserves all discretion to undertake an enforcement action and assess penalties as provided in Iowa Code sections 455B.476 and 455B.477.
If insufficient information is submitted to change the finding, the department will notify the owner or operator and a person in charge at the UST facility of the final decision to impose the delivery prohibition response action.
The department shall visit the site and affix a "red tag" to the fill pipes or fill pipe caps of all affected USTs. It is unlawful for any person to deposit or accept a regulated substance into a UST that has a "red tag" affixed to the fill pipe or fill pipe cap. The department may allow the owner and operator to dispense and sell the remainder of existing fuel unless the department determines there is an immediate risk of a release or other risk to human health, safety or the environment. The department shall confirm in writing the basis for the delivery prohibition response action, contacts made prior to the action, and steps the owner or operator must take to reinstate fuel delivery.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-135.3