Iowa Admin. Code r. 531-2.16

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, September 18, 2024
Rule 531-2.16 - Background and informational statements
(1)Criminal history and background checks.
a. All bidders for major procurements, as defined in Iowa Code Supplement section 99G.3, and any other bidders that the chief executive officer, in the chief executive officer's sole discretion, may require (hereinafter "bidder") shall submit to lottery business entity criminal history checks and background investigations (hereinafter "bidder investigations") as conditions for submission of a bid.
b. Bidders for major procurements shall be required to describe their organizational structure, identify key personnel, and subject key personnel to lottery bidder key personnel investigations.
c. Bidders that are not bidders for major procurements may be required to describe their organizational structure, identify key personnel, and subject key personnel to lottery bidder key personnel investigations.
d. For all bidders, any change in key personnel during the bidding process or during the contract term must be reported to the lottery authority before the change occurs. Replacement personnel will be subject to investigation.
e. If, during the course of any investigation, it is determined that either a bidder for a major procurement or any persons employed by or associated with a bidder for a major procurement who are the subjects of key personnel investigations in accordance with subrule 2.16(3) have been convicted of any state or federal felony related to the security or integrity of the lottery in Iowa or any other jurisdiction, the bidder will be automatically disqualified from the selection process without further investigation.
(2)Bidder investigations.
a. General provisions. The Iowa lottery major procurement business entity background investigation form (Class L form) must be completed for each bid submitted in response to a lottery major procurement solicitation.

The Class L form shall be posted on the lottery's Web site and is intended to serve both as a vehicle for collection of information pertaining to bidders and as an overview of the scope of the bidder investigations to be conducted.

The department of public safety division of criminal investigation shall utilize the information provided in the Class L form as the basis for developing the initial scope of the bidder investigation and due diligence to be conducted with respect to a bidder Should the division of criminal investigation desire to pursue avenues of inquiry beyond the parameters of the information requested by and furnished in the Class L form, the division of criminal investigation shall consult with the lottery chief executive officer, or the chief executive officer's designee, who shall determine the scope and extent of any further investigation to be pursued.

b. Class L form requirements. The Class L form shall solicit the following information:
(1)The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons who gathered information and prepared the Class L form on behalf of the bidder; the name, address and type of business entity on whose behalf the Class L form is furnished; and the name and telephone number of a contact person for purposes of the procurement.
(2)The location of the bidder's business records; the state and date of incorporation or establishment of the bidder; the federal and state employer identification numbers of the bidder; the names and addresses of any parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the bidder; whether the bidder's stock is publicly or closely held; and a copy of the articles of incorporation or charter, bylaws, organizational chart, corporate certificate, or partnership agreement of the bidder, as may be applicable.
(3)The following information for each corporate officer and director and, if not a publicly held corporation, each partner (general or limited) or stockholder holding 5 percent or more of the outstanding stock of the bidder: name; positions held; business and residence addresses and telephone numbers; date of birth; social security number; percentage of stock held; amount of compensation received from the bidder in excess of $10,000, including but not limited to salary or wages, director's fees, and stock options and dividends; and designation as to whether the named person will be empowered with signature authority to legally bind the bidder in the context of the procurement process with respect to which the disclosure of information is furnished.
(4)The identity of any other persons not named in subparagraph (3) above who will be empowered with signature authority to legally bind the bidder in the context of the procurement process with respect to which the disclosure of information is furnished.
(5)If the bidder is a publicly held corporation, a copy of the bidder's most recent annual report.
(6)The name and address of each officer, director, partner or stockholder actively involved in the conduct of the day-to-day operation of the bidder
(7)The name and address of the internal certified public accountant employed by the bidder and the name, address, and telephone number of the external certified public accountant employed by the bidder
(8) A list of all criminal proceedings and civil proceedings predicated in whole or part on alleged criminal activity involving the bidder during the ten-year period immediately preceding the submission date of the Class L form.
(9)Whether the bidder or any subsidiary, parent, intermediary, holding company or related corporation of the bidder is or has been the subject of a criminal or grand jury investigation, or has been indicted, convicted, or arrested for any criminal offense within the last seven years. An explanation of any such occurrence shall be furnished and shall include the dates of the occurrences, any governmental agencies involved, and descriptions of the nature and the dispositions of the investigations, indictments, convictions, or arrests.
(10) Whether any officer or director of the bidder or any subsidiary, parent, intermediary, holding company or related corporation of the bidder is or has ever been the subject of a criminal or grand jury investigation, or has been indicted, convicted, or arrested for any criminal offense. An explanation of any such occurrences shall be furnished and shall include the dates of the occurrences, any governmental agencies involved, and descriptions of the nature and the dispositions of the investigations, indictments, convictions, or arrests.
(11) A list of any proceedings within the last five years involving allegations against the bidder or its officers or directors of antitrust violations, trade regulation violations, security judgments, and insolvency proceedings.
(12) A list of any license denials, suspensions, or revocations within the last seven years involving any officers or directors of the bidder
(13) Whether the bidder has sustained a loss within the last ten years in which an insurance payment of $50,000 or more was received; if so, a detailed explanation listing the nature, date and disposition of the incident and the name and address of the insurance company that made the settlement.
(14) Whether the bidder sustained a loss by fire in which arson was suspected within the past ten years; if so, a detailed explanation listing circumstances surrounding the fire and the name and address of the investigating agency should also be included.
(15) A list of any application to or any permit, license, certificate or qualification from a licensing agency in Iowa or any other state or other jurisdiction in connection with any gambling venture in which the bidder or any subsidiary, parent, intermediary, holding company, or related corporation of the bidder has been involved. The list should include the date of application; the name and address of the licensing agency; the type and number of the license; and the disposition (approval, rejection, or withdrawal) of any such application. For purposes of this paragraph, "gambling venture" means all types of racing and gaming activities, including but not limited to dog track, horse track, greyhoimd racing, horse racing, lottery, casino, and pari-mutuel operations.
(16) Whether the bidder has ever petitioned for or declared bankruptcy or insolvency within the last seven years; if so, the filing date, docket number, and name and address of the court in which the petition or declaration was filed, and the name and address of the filing party and of the trustee should also be included.
(17)Copies of any audited financial statements and auditors' reports for the bidder and any subsidiaries for each entity's last fiscal year or, if the entity does not normally have its financial statements audited, copies of unaudited financial statements for the last two fiscal years.
(18) A list of all holding companies, business organizations, other business entities, or individuals that hold any financial interest of 5 percent or more in the bidder This list shall describe the nature.

type, terms, covenants, and priorities of any outstanding bonds, loans, mortgages, trust deeds, notes, debentures, or other forms of indebtedness issued or executed, which mature more than one year from the date of issuance.

(19) A list and copies of all notes and mortgages or other instruments of outstanding long-term debt of the bidder, with the name and address of the entity owed and the amount and purpose of each such mortgage or debt.
(20) A list of all dormant or shell company names used or owned by the bidder within the past ten years.
(21) A list of any financial or ownership interest in any gambling venture in any jurisdiction that the bidder and any parent or subsidiary owns or holds and a description of the nature and the percentage of each interest owned or held. For purposes of this paragraph, "gambling venture" means all types of racing and gaming activities, including but not limited to dog track, horse track, greyhound racing, horse racing, lottery, casino and pari-mutuel operations.
(22) A list of all political contributions made by or on behalf of the bidder and any parent or subsidiary to any candidate for any office or position in any jurisdiction in the state of Iowa during the last two years. The list should include the candidate's name, the office or position for which the candidate is or was running, and the amount and date of the contribution.
(23) A list of all Iowa lobbyists and political consultants utilized by the bidder and any parent or subsidiary of the bidder, the names of individuals employed by the bidder and any parent or subsidiary who act as liaisons with the lobbyists or political consultants, and descriptions of fee arrangements made with the lobbyists or political consultants. Also included should be a statement identifying any cash fund established with respect to an Iowa lobbyist or political consultant, any pledge of any items of monetary value to a lobbyist or political consultant as a reward for obtaining commission approval of a contract, and any cash transferred in any manner to an attorney's trust account for disbursement to an Iowa lobbyist or political consultant.
(24) An organizational chart of the bidder showing its relationship to existing parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies.
(25) A list of all persons or business entities with which the bidder has contracts or agreements worth $1 million or more that exceed one year in duration.
(26) Authorization, in any form or forms approved by the division of criminal investigation and executed by a competent signatory of the bidder, for a review, full disclosure, and release of any and all records concerning the bidder, including but not limited to verification of filing and outstanding balance status of federal income tax returns.
(3)Bidder key personnel investigations.
a. General provisions. The chief executive officer may require a full lottery Class L-1 department of public safety division of criminal investigation background investigation for any person identified as an officer, director, trustee, partner, sole proprietor, employee or other person by the lottery or the division of criminal investigation as a key person in a sensitive position or relationship with a bidder in a major procurement, as defined in rule 2.I(99G).

The lottery Class L-I form shall be posted on the lottery's Web site, and is intended to serve as a vehicle for collection of background information and as an overview of the scope of the background investigations to be conducted.

The division of criminal investigation shall utilize the information provided in the lottery Class L-1 form as the basis for developing the initial scope of the key personnel investigation and due diligence to be conducted. Should the division of criminal investigation desire to pursue avenues of inquiry beyond the parameters of the information requested by and furnished in the lottery Class L-1 form, the division of criminal investigation shall consult with the chief executive officer, or the chief executive officer's designee, who shall determine the scope and extent of any further investigation to be pursued.

b. Class L-1 form requirements. The lottery Class L-1 form shall solicit the following information about key personnel selected to be investigated (hereinafter "subject"):
(1) The subject's name, business and residence addresses and telephone numbers, date and place of birth, social security number, height, weight, eye color, sex, and any past or present aliases used.
(2) The name and address of the subject's present employer, the subject's job title and a summary of duties, and the subject's supervisor
(3) The subject's citizenship or alien residence status.
(4) A ten-year residential history of the subject, including addresses, dates, ownership or rental status, and landlord's or mortgage holder's name(s), address(es), and telephone number(s).
(5) The subject's marital status and, if applicable, the subject's spouse's full name, including maiden (if applicable), business and residence addresses and telephone numbers, date and place of birth, occupation, and the name and address of the spouse's present employer
(6) Whether the subject has been divorced, legally separated, or had a marriage annulled and, if applicable, the name, birth date, and current address, if known, of the subject's spouse or former spouse, the date and place of any applicable judicial order, and the nature of the action.
(7) The full names, including maiden (if applicable), dates of birth, and addresses of all the subject's children, including stepchildren and adopted children.
(8) The full names, including maiden (if applicable), dates of birth, most recent occupations, or retired status (if appropriate), and addresses of all parents, parents-in-law, legal guardians, and siblings of the subject. If any such person is deceased, that person's date of death, last address, and last occupation should also be given.
(9) The subject's educational background, including the names, types, and locations of any schools attended, dates of attendance, and graduation status, certificates, or degrees obtained. For purposes of this paragraph, "schools" includes all secondary, postsecondary, graduate, and professional educational institutions.
(10) If applicable, information regarding the subject's military service, including dates of service, type of discharge, and details of any court-martial proceedings in which the subject was involved.
(11) A list of all political contributions made by or on behalf of the subject to any candidate for any office or position in any jurisdiction in the state of Iowa during the last two years. Such list should include the candidate's name, the office or position for which the candidate ran or is running, and the amount and date of the contribution.
(12) The state, license number, date of expiration, and name and address shown on the subject's current driver's license.
(13) A list of three personal references, including a name, address, and telephone number for each reference as well as a brief statement describing the relationship between the subject and each reference and how long the subject has been acquainted with each reference.
(14) A summary of the subject's employment record for the last ten years, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of prior employers, dates of employment, and positions held.
(15) A list of personal litigation during the last ten years other than divorce, legal separation, or annulment proceedings to which the subject has been a party.
(16) A list of any litigation within the past ten years wherein a business entity owned by the subject, or in which the subject held an ownership interest or served as an officer or director, was a defendant and in which the defendant's conduct was allegedly criminal.
(17) A description of any known criminal investigations and dispositions thereof regarding the subject or any business entity in which the subject holds or has held an ownership interest of 5 percent or more. The description should include the name and address of the investigating agency, the nature of the investigation, and the approximate dates on which the investigation commenced and concluded.
(18) A list of any arrest, indictment, charge or conviction, or any naming as an unindicted party or coconspirator in a criminal offense involving the subject or any of the following family members of the subject: children, including stepchildren and adopted children; parents; parents-in-law; legal guardians; or siblings. The list should include the name of the family member (if applicable); the nature of the charge, conviction or proceeding; the name and address of the governmental agency or court involved; and the disposition.
(19) A list of any pardon for any criminal offense in Iowa or any other jurisdiction pertaining to the subject or any of the following family members of the subject: children, including stepchildren and adopted children; parents; parents-in-law; legal guardians; or siblings. This list should include the name of the family member (if applicable), the offense, the reason for and date of the pardon, and the name and address of the pardoning authority.
(20) A list of any personal or business loss within the past ten years involving an insurance payment of more than $10,000.
(21) A list of and explanation regarding any personal or business property owned by the subject that was destroyed by fire or an explosion.
(22) A list of any application to and any permit, license, certificate, or qualification from a licensing agency in Iowa or any other state or other jurisdiction in connection with any gambling venture in which the subject is or has been involved. The list should include the date of application, the name and address of the licensing agency, the type and number of licenses, and the disposition (approval, rejection or withdrawal) of any such application, together with a description of any financial or ownership interest in any such gambling venture. For purposes of this paragraph, "gambling venture" means all types of racing and gaming activities, including but not limited to dog track, horse track, greyhound racing, horse racing, lottery, casino and pari-mutuel operations.
(23) A description of the extent of involvement, if any, the subject has or anticipates having in participation in the management or operation of the bidder
(24) Information regarding the filing and status of state and federal income tax returns for the previous three years. Copies of said returns should also be included.
(25) A statement regarding any financial or ownership interest of 5 percent or more that the subject has or had in any active or dormant companies and any failed or abandoned business projects in which the subject was invested in 5 percent or more of the business project or was a significant planner, to the extent that such interest or interests are within the scope of a gambling venture or with an Iowa lottery vendor
(26)Such sworn consents and authorizations as may be requested by the division of criminal investigation to gain access to records pertaining to the subject for use in investigating the information furnished by the subject in the lottery Class L-1 form and any derivation thereof, including without limitation the subject's federal and state tax records and any other records, public or private, including confidential and criminal history records.
(4)Alternative sources for business entity investigations. In lieu of a division of criminal investigation lottery business entity investigation or any component thereof, the lottery chief executive officer, at the chief executive officer's discretion and in cooperation with the division of criminal investigation, may accept a report furnished by authorities in another state of a recent, comparable investigation conducted by said authorities commimicated between law enforcement agencies, which may be updated with any information reflecting changes during the interim between the Iowa and the earlier investigations.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code Supplement sections 99G.7, 99G.9, 99G.21, 99G.22, and 99G.23.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 531-2.16