For members retiring on and after July 1, 1990, dividends are payable as follows.
(1)Allocation of favorable experience. The system shall, following the first annual actuarial evaluation in which IPERS is found to be fully funded, determine by rule the allocation of the system's favorable actuarial experience, if any, between the reserve account created under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(2) and the remainder of the retirement fund. Effective July 1,2006, IPERS shall in no event credit amounts attributable to favorable experience to the FED reserve account, unless IPERS is fully funded and will remain fully funded after such amounts are credited to the FED reserve account. "Fully funded" means that the funded ratio as determined under Iowa Code section 97B.1A (11 A) remains at least 100 percent following the allocation of favorable experience to the FED reserve account.
(2)Determination of applicable percentage. The system shall have sole discretion to determine the applicable percentages that will be used in calculating favorable experience dividends payable under this rule, if any, subject to the actuary's certification that the resulting favorable experience dividends meet the requirements of Iowa Code section 97B.49F(2) and this rule. a. The system's annual applicable percentage target for calculating dividends under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(2) shall be equal to the applicable percentage used in calculating dividends payable to retired members under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(1). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the system may set a greater or lesser applicable percentage for calculating dividends under this rule depending on the funding adequacy of the reserve account. In no event shall the applicable percentage exceed 3 percent.b. In determining the annual applicable percentage, the system shall consider, but not be limited to, the value of the reserve account, distributions made from the reserve account in previous years, and the likelihood of future credits to and distributions from the reserve account. The system shall make its annual applicable percentage decisions using at least a rolling five-year period.c. If for any year the system cannot afford an applicable percentage equal to that payable to retired members under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(1), the system may use applicable percentages in succeeding years that are higher than those used in calculating dividends for retired members under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(1) (but not in excess of 3 percent).d. An applicable percentage in excess of the applicable percentage declared under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(1) made for catch-up purposes shall not reduce the funding of the reserve account below the amount the system's actuary determines is necessary to pay the maximum favorable experience dividend for each of the next five years, based on reasonable actuarial assumptions.(3)Calculation of FED for individual members and beneficiaries. A member must be retired for one full year to qualify for a favorable experience dividend. In determining whether a member has been retired one full year, the system shall count the member's first month of entitlement as the first month of the one-year period. The month in which the favorable experience dividend is payable shall be included in determining whether a member meets the eligibility requirements. An eligible member's favorable experience dividend shall be calculated by multiplying the retirement allowance payable to the retired member, beneficiary, or contingent annuitant for the previous December, or such other month as determined by the system, by 12, and then multiplying that amount by the number of complete years the member has been retired or would have been retired if living on the date the dividend is payable, and by the applicable percentage set by the system. The number of complete years the member has been retired shall be determined by rounding down to the nearest whole year.
For otherwise eligible retired reemployed members who chose to suspend their monthly allowance under 495-paragraph 12.8(2)"c, " the suspension shall have no effect on the calculation of FED.
(4)FED for eligible members and beneficiaries who die before the January distribution date. If a member or beneficiary receiving monthly payments would have been eligible for a FED distribution in the following January but dies prior to the January distribution date, IPERS will pay a FED to the member's or beneficiary's account for the calendar year in which the death occurred. The FED shall be calculated using the monthly payments received in the calendar year the death occurred. A lump sum death benefit shall not constitute a monthly payment for purposes of determining FED eligibility or in making FED calculations. The FED percentage applied to the monthly payments received in the calendar year of death shall be the most recently declared FED percentage in effect at the time of the FED payment to the member or beneficiary. This subrule shall not be construed to permit a FED distribution to a member where the total monthly benefits received by the member, counting the month of death, is less than 12, even if a period of 12 months has elapsed between the first payment of monthly benefits to the member and the January distribution date.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if IPERS determines in January of a given year that, based on reasonable actuarial assumptions, there is a reasonable likelihood that a FED will not be declared for the next following January, IPERS may defer paying FED distributions under this subrule until the determination is made. If IPERS subsequently determines that no FED will be declared for a given year, no FED will be payable to a person whose death occurs during the applicable calendar year.
Effective July 1, 2000, a retired member or beneficiary eligible for a FED payment must, in addition to all other applicable requirements, be living on January 1 in order to receive a FED payment otherwise payable in that January.
(5)Limit on transfers of favorable experience. Rescinded IAB 11/22/06, effective 12/27/06.(6)Determination of sufficiency of FED reserve account. The system is charged in Iowa Code section 97B.49F(2) "d" with determining whether the reserve account is sufficiently funded to make a distribution. The system shall make this determination in the following manner. a. The system shall declare the value of the FED reserve account balance as specified in the Allocation of Net Assets Held in Trust in the financial statements for the fiscal year that ended immediately preceding a January FED payment. The value shall include, but is not limited to, investment income and expenses and certain noninvestment income that are properly recorded for the FED reserve balance based on standard accounting rules used to determine a final balance at the conclusion of a fiscal year.b. The above-declared reserve account balance shall be compared to the total estimated FED payment for the following January as calculated pursuant to rule 495-15.2 (97B) utilizing a 1 percent multiplier.c. The reserve account shall be declared not sufficiently funded when the estimated FED payment as determined in paragraph"b " of this subrule is equal to or greater than the declared reserve account balance as defined in paragraph"a" of this subrule.(7)Determination of FED distribution if reserve account is not sufficiently funded.a. When the system has determined pursuant to subrule 15.2(6) that the reserve account is not sufficiently funded, the system shall declare a multiplier to be used in the formula pursuant to rule 495-15.2 (97B) that is best estimated to approximate a full distribution of the declared reserve account balance as of the preceding June 30 fiscal year end.b. No investment gains or losses shall change this balance between July 1 and the FED payment in January of the fiscal year in which the remaining balance of the reserve account will be paid by IPERS.c. Any remaining reserve account balance shall be credited among the membership groups in the net assets held in trust, and the reserve account balance will be zero at the end of the fiscal year in which a FED payment is made pursuant to this subrule.d. Any funds the system collects from a FED payment to a member or beneficiary because of an erroneous FED payment made by IPERS shall be deposited in the IPERS trust fund.e. Payments under this subrule will represent a final distribution of the balance of the reserve account as determined in rule 495-15.2 (97B) effectively halting any future FED payment, unless and until the reserve account is funded again pursuant to subrule 15.2(1).f. No claim or administrative appeal will be allowed under this subrule if made more than 30 calendar days following the date on which IPERS made a FED payment to a member or beneficiary based upon the date of the EFT or the date IPERS mailed a state warrant to the member or beneficiary.g. No payment will occur after January 31 in the year of the FED payment under this subrule for any adjustment to any previous fiscal years' FED payment to a member or beneficiary.Iowa Admin. Code r. 495-15.2
ARC 0662C, IAB 4/3/2013, effective 5/8/2013