Iowa Admin. Code r. 495-14.12
Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 495-14.12 - Preretirement death benefits(1)Death prior to first month of entitlement. Where an active member, or an inactive member vested by service, dies prior to the first month of entitlement, the lump sum death benefit shall be the greater of the amount provided in subrule 14.12(3) or 14.12(4). Sole beneficiaries may elect, in lieu of the lump sum amount, to receive a single life annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of such lump sum amount. Where an inactive member, not vested by service, dies prior to the first month of entitlement, the lump sum death benefit shall be as provided in subrule 14.12(7).(2)Death benefits under Iowa Code section 97B.52(1).a.Definitions."Accrued benefit" means the monthly amount that would have been payable to the deceased member under IPERS Option 2 at the member's earliest normal retirement age, based on the member's covered wages and service credits at the date of death. If a deceased member's wage record consists of a combination of regular and special service credits, the monthly amount that would have been payable to the deceased member under Option 2 at the member's earliest normal retirement age shall be determined separately for regular and special service credits, and then combined.
"Nearest age" means a member's or beneficiary's age expressed in whole years, after rounding for partial years of age. Ages shall be rounded down to the nearest whole year if less than six complete months have passed following the month of the member's or beneficiary's last birthday, and shall be rounded up if six complete months or more have passed following the month of the member's or beneficiary's last birthday.
b.Process for applying.(1) A claim for a single life annuity under this subrule must be filed as follows: 1. A nonspouse beneficiary must file a claim for a single life annuity within 12 months of the member's death.2. A beneficiary who is a surviving spouse must file a claim for a single life annuity within 12 months of the member's death, or by the date that the member would have attained the age of 72, whichever period is later.(2) Elections to receive the lump sum amount or single life annuity shall be irrevocable once the first payment is made.(3) No further benefits will be payable following the death of any beneficiary who qualifies and elects to receive the single life annuity provided under this subrule.(4) The provisions of this subrule shall not apply to members who died before January 1, 2001.(3)Accumulated contributions lump sum benefit. An accumulated contribution lump sum death benefit is equal to the accumulated contributions of the member plus the product of an amount equal to the highest year of covered wages of the deceased member and the number of years of membership service divided by the "applicable denominator," as provided in Iowa Code section 97B.52(1)"a." The calculation of the highest year of covered wages shall use the highest calendar year of covered wages reported to IPERS.(4)Present value lump sum. A lump sum death benefit equal to the present value of the member's accrued benefit is calculated as follows: a. IPERS shall calculate a member's retirement benefit at earliest normal retirement age under IPERS Option 2, based on the member's covered wages and service credits at the date of death and the retirement benefit formula in effect in the month following the date of death.b. For purposes of determining the "member date of death annuity factor" under the conversion tables supplied by IPERS' actuary, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the member's nearest age at the member's date of death.c. For purposes of determining the "member unreduced retirement annuity factor" under the conversion tables supplied by IPERS' actuary, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the member's nearest age at the member's earliest normal retirement date. If a member had already attained the member's earliest normal retirement date, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the member's nearest age at the date of death.(5)Single life annuity benefit. Procedures and assumptions for converting the actuarial equivalent of a lump sum death benefit to a single life annuity are as follows: a. For purposes of determining the "age of beneficiary annuity factor" under the conversion tables supplied by IPERS' actuary, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the beneficiary's nearest age as of the beneficiary's first month of entitlement.b. A beneficiary's first month of entitlement is the month after the date of the member's death.c. Effective for claims filed after June 30, 2004, no retroactive payments of the single life annuity shall be made under this subrule.d. Effective for claims filed after June 30, 2004, the beneficiary whose single life annuity is less than $600 per year shall be able to receive only the lump sum payment under this rule.e. Any sole beneficiary who is eligible for and elects to receive a single life annuity under this subrule shall also qualify for the favorable experience dividend (FED) payments authorized under rule 495-15.2 (97B), subject to the requirements of that rule.(6)Retired reemployed members and aged 70 members who retire without terminating employment. Preretirement death benefits for retired reemployed members and aged 70 members who retire without terminating employment shall be calculated as follows:a. For beneficiaries of such members who elect IPERS Option 4 or 6 at retirement, IPERS shall recompute (for retired reemployed members) or recalculate/recompute (for aged 70 members who retired without terminating employment) the member's monthly benefits as though the member had elected to terminate employment as of the date of death, to have the member's benefits adjusted for postretirement wages, and then lived into the recomputation or recalculation/recomputation (as applicable) first month of entitlement.b. The recomputation provided under paragraph 14.12(6) "a" shall apply only to beneficiaries of members who elected IPERS Option 4 or 6, where the member's monthly benefit would have been increased by the period of reemployment, and is subject to the limitations of Iowa Code sections 97B.48A, 97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, and 97B.49G. The recalculation/recomputations provided under paragraph 14.12(6)"a" shall apply only to beneficiaries of members who elected IPERS Option 4 or 6, where the member's monthly benefit would have been increased by the period of employment after the initial retirement, and is subject to the limitations of Iowa Code sections 97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, and 97B.49G. In all other cases, including cases where members previously received a lump sum payment under Iowa Code section 97B.48(1) in lieu of a monthly retirement allowance, preretirement death benefits under this paragraph shall be the lump sum amount equal to the accumulated employee and accumulated employer contributions.c. Beneficiaries of members who had elected IPERS Option 4 or 6 may also elect to receive the accumulated employer and accumulated employee contributions described in paragraph 14.12(6)"b" in lieu of the increased monthly annuity amount. Notwithstanding paragraph 14.12(6)"b" above, if the member elected IPERS Option 5 at retirement, the lump sum amount payable under this paragraph shall be the greater of the applicable commuted lump sum or the accumulated employee and accumulated employer contributions.(7)Inactive member, not vested by service death benefit.a. For deaths occurring after June 30, 2004, and before July 1, 2012, for inactive members who have less than 16 quarters of service credit, preretirement death benefits shall be provided solely under Iowa Code section 97B.52(1)"a," and shall only be payable in lump sum amounts. For purposes of this paragraph, an inactive member is a member as defined under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(12).b. For deaths occurring after June 30, 2012, preretirement death benefits shall be provided solely under Iowa Code section 97B.52(l) "a" and shall only be payable in lump sum amounts for inactive members who are not vested by service. For purposes of this paragraph, an inactive member is a member as defined under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(12).Iowa Admin. Code r. 495-14.12
ARC 0017C, lAB 2/22/12, effective 3/28/12Amended by IAB February 17, 2016/Volume XXXVIII, Number 17, effective 3/23/2016Amended by IAB April 8, 2020/Volume XLII, Number 21, effective 5/13/2020