Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 481-68.15 - Involuntary transfer from the program(1)Program initiation of transfer If a program initiates the involuntary transfer of a tenant and the action is not the result of a monitoring, including a complaint investigation or program-reported incident investigation, by the department and if the tenant or tenant's legal representative contests the transfer, the following procedures shall apply: a. The program shall notify the tenant or tenant's legal representative, in accordance with the occupancy agreement, of the need to transfer the tenant and of the reason for the transfer and shall include the contact information for the tenant advocate.b. The program shall immediately provide to the tenant advocate, by certified mail, a copy of the notification and notify the tenant's treating physician, if any.c. Pursuant to statute, the tenant advocate shall offer the notified tenant or tenant's legal representative assistance with the program's internal appeal process. The tenant or tenant's legal representative is not required to accept the assistance of the tenant advocate.d. If, following the internal appeal process, the program upholds the transfer decision, the tenant or tenant's legal representative may utilize other remedies authorized by law to contest the transfer(2)Transfer pursuant to results of monitoring or complaint or program-reported incident investigation by the department. If one or more tenants are identified as exceeding the admission and retention criteria for tenants and need to be transferred as a result of a monitoring or a complaint or program-reported incident investigation conducted by the department, the following procedures shall apply:a. 'Notification of the program. Within 20 working days of the monitoring or complaint or program-reported incident investigation, the department shall notify the program, in writing, of the identification of any tenant who exceeds admission and retention criteria.b. Notification of others. Each identified tenant, the tenant's legal representative, if applicable, and other providers of services to the tenant shall be notified of their opportunity to provide responses including: specific input, written comment, information, and documentation directly addressing any agreement or disagreement with the identification. All responses shall be provided to the department within 10 days of receipt of the notice.c. Program agreement with the department's finding. If the program agrees with the department's finding and the program begins involuntary transfer proceedings, the program's internal appeal process in subrule 68.15(1) shall be utilized for appeals.d. Program disagreement with the department's finding. If the program does not agree with the department's finding that the tenant exceeds admission and retention criteria, the program may collect and submit all responses to the department, including those from other interested parties. In the program's response, the program shall identify the tenant, list the known responses from others, and note the program's agreement or disagreement with the responses from others. The program's response shall be submitted to the department within 10 working days of the receipt of the notice. Submission of a response does not eliminate the applicable requirements including submission of a plan of correction under 481-subrule 67.10(5). Other persons may also submit information directly to the department.(1) Consideration of response. Within 10 working days of receipt of the program's response for each identified tenant, the department shall consider the response and make a final finding regarding the continued retention of a tenant.(2) Amending the regulatory insufficiency. If the department's determination is to amend the regulatory insufficiency based on the response, the department shall modify the report of findings.(3) Retaining regulatory insufficiency. If the department retains the regulatory insufficiency, the department shall review the plan of correction in accordance with this chapter and 481-Chapter 67. The department shall notify the program of the opportunity to appeal the report findings as they relate to the admission and retention decision. In addition, the department shall provide to the tenant or the tenant's legal representative the contact information for the tenant advocate. A copy of the final report shall also be sent to the tenant advocate.(4) Effect of the filing of an appeal. If an appeal is filed, the tenant who exceeds admission and retention criteria shall be allowed to continue living in the EGH until all administrative appeals have been exhausted. Appeals filed that relate to the tenant's exceeding admission and retention criteria shall be heard within 30 days of receipt, and appropriate services to meet the tenant's needs shall be provided during that period of time.(5) Request for waiver of criteria for retention of a tenant in a program. To allow a tenant to remain in the program, the program may request a waiver of criteria for retention of a tenant pursuant to rule 481-67.7 (231B,231C,231D) from the department within 10 working days of the receipt of the report.Iowa Admin. Code r. 481-68.15
ARC 8175b, lAB 9/23/09, effective 1/1/10