Iowa Admin. Code r. 481-63.12

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 481-63.12 - Residency agreement.
(1) Each residency agreement shall:
a. State the base rate or scale per day or per month, the services included, and the method of payment. (Ill)
b. Contain a complete schedule of all offered services for which a fee may be charged in addition to the base rate. (Ill) Furthermore, the agreement shall:
(1) Stipulate that no further additional fees shall be charged for items not contained in the complete schedule of services; (III)
(2) State the method of payment for additional charges; (III)
(3) Contain an explanation of the method of assessment of such additional charges and an explanation of the method of periodic reassessment, if any, resulting in changing such additional charges; (III)
(4) State that additional fees may be charged to the resident for nonprescription drugs, other personal supplies, and services provided by a barber, beautician, and such. (Ill)
c. Contain an itemized list of services to be provided to the resident based on an assessment at the time of the resident's admission and in consultation with the administrator and including the specific fee the resident will be charged for each service and the method of payment. (Ill)
d. Include the total fee to be charged initially to the resident. (Ill)
e. State the conditions whereby the facility may make adjustments to its overall fees for resident care as a result of changing costs. (II, III) Furthermore, the agreement shall provide that the facility shall give:
(1) Written notification to the resident, or the responsible party when appropriate, of changes in the overall rates of both base and additional charges at least 30 days prior to the effective date of such changes; (II, III)
(2) Notification to the resident, or the responsible party when appropriate, of changes in additional charges, based on a change in the resident's condition. Notification must occur prior to the date such revised additional charges begin. If notification is given orally, subsequent written notification must also be given within a reasonable time, not to exceed one week, listing specifically the adjustments made. (II, III)
f. State the terms of agreement in regard to a refund of all advance payments in the event of the transfer, death, or voluntary or involuntary discharge of the resident. (II, III)
g. State the terms of agreement concerning the holding of and charging for a bed when a resident is hospitalized or leaves the facility temporarily for recreational or therapeutic reasons. The terms shall contain a provision that the bed will be held at the request of the resident or the resident's responsible party. (II, III)
(1) The facility shall ask the resident or responsible party whether the resident's bed should be held. This request shall be made before the resident leaves or within 48 hours after the resident leaves. The inquiry and the response shall be documented. (II, III)
(2) The facility shall inform the resident or responsible party that, when requested, the bed may be held beyond the number of days designated by the funding source, as long as payments are made in accordance with the agreement. (II, III)
h. State the conditions under which the involuntary discharge or transfer of a resident would be effected. (II, III)
i. Set forth any other matters deemed appropriate by the parties to the agreement. No agreement or any provision thereof shall be drawn or construed so as to relieve any health care facility of any requirement or obligation imposed upon it by this chapter or any standards or rules in force pursuant to this chapter. (II, III)
(2) Each party to the residency agreement shall be provided a copy of the signed agreement. (II, III)

Iowa Admin. Code r. 481-63.12

Amended by IAB April 11, 2018/Volume XL, Number 21, effective 5/16/2018