Definitions in rule 481-100.l(lOA,99B) and 481-105.1 (lOA,99B) are incorporated by reference in this chapter.
The following definitions apply to the possession and use of amusement devices.
"Amusement device " means an electrical or mechanical device possessed and used in accordance with Iowa Code chapter 99B. An amusement device is not a game of skill or chance as defined in Iowa Code section 99B.l, a gambling device, or a device that plays poker, blackjack, or keno. Roulette wheels, slot machines, and other devices specified in Iowa Code section 725.9 as gambling devices are not amusement devices.
"Gambling device " means a device possessed or used or designed to be used for gambling and includes, but is not limited to, roulette wheels, klondike tables, punchboards, faro layouts, keno layouts, numbers tickets, slot machines, pachislo skill-stop machine or any other similar machine or device, push cards, jar tickets, pull-tabs, and video machines or other devices that do not comply with Iowa Code chapter 99B.
"Knock-off switch" means a mechanism or other method that releases free games or credits accumulated toward the award of merchandise.
"Prize " means a ticket(s) or token(s) that is dispensed by an amusement device as an award for use and that is worth up to $50 in merchandise.
"Progressive games " means games in which the value of the prizes increases an incremental amount with each game.
"Slot machine" means a mechanical, electronic, or video gambling device into which a player deposits coins, tokens or currency and from which certain credits, tickets, tokens or coins are paid out when a particular, random configuration of symbols appears on the reels, simulated reels, or screen of the device. The slot machine may have a lever, buttons, or other means to activate or stop the play.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 481-104.1