(3)Staff training. An agency shall provide orientation training on the agency's purpose, policies and procedures within one month of hire and 24 hours of training in the first year of employment for all employed and contracted casework staff. The 24 hours of training shall include: training on family foster care services, adoption services, supervised apartment living services, or children and families' mental health topics, and 2 hours of training related to the identification and reporting of child abuse for all employed or contracted casework staff in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.69. An agency shall provide 12 hours of training per year after the first year of employment for all employed or contracted casework staff. The 12 hours of training shall include: training on family foster care services, adoption services, supervised apartment living services, or children and families' mental health topics and child abuse training every three years in accordance with Iowa Code section 232.69. The training formats that shall qualify as training are as follows: in-service training, seminars, conferences, workshops, institutes, visiting other facilities, and meeting with consultants.
The training provided shall be documented. The documentation shall include the training topic, format, date and number of hours.