Iowa Admin. Code r. 441-75.1

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, October 2, 2024
Rule 441-75.1 - Persons covered
(1)Persons receiving refugee cash assistance. Medical assistance shall be available to all recipients of refugee cash assistance. Recipient means a person for whom a refugee cash assistance (RCA) payment is received and includes persons deemed to be receiving RCA. Persons deemed to be receiving RCA are:
a. Persons denied RCA because the amount of payment would be less than $10.
b. Rescinded IAB 7/30/08, effective 10/1/08.
c. Persons who are eligible in every respect for refugee cash assistance (RCA) as provided in 441-Chapter 60, but who do not receive RCA because they did not make application for the assistance.
(2) Rescinded IAB 10/8/97, effective 12/1/97.
(3)Persons who are ineligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) because of requirements that do not apply under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. Medicaid shall be available to persons who would be eligible for SSI except for an eligibility requirement used in that program which is specifically prohibited under Title XIX.
(4)Beneficiaries of Title XVI of the Social Security Act (supplemental security income for the aged, blind and disabled) and mandatory state supplementation. Medical assistance will be available to all beneficiaries of the Title XVI program and those receiving mandatory state supplementation.
(5)Persons receiving care in a medical institution who were eligible for Medicaid as of December 31, 1973. Medicaid shall be available to all persons receiving care in a medical institution who were Medicaid members as of December 31, 1973. Eligibility of these persons will continue as long as they continue to meet the eligibility requirements for the applicable assistance programs (old-age assistance, aid to the blind or aid to the disabled) in effect on December 31, 1973.
(6)Persons who would be eligible for supplemental security income (SSI), state supplementary assistance (SSA), or the family medical assistance program (FMAP) except for their institutional status. Medicaid shall be available to persons receiving care in a medical institution who would be eligible for SSI, SSA, or FMAP if they were not institutionalized.
(7)Persons receiving care in a medical facility who would be eligible under a special income standard.
a. Subject to paragraphs"b " and"c " below, Medicaid shall be available to persons who:
(1) Meet level of care requirements as set forth in rules 441-78.3 (249A), 441-81.3 (249A), and 441-82.7(249A).
(2) Receive care in a hospital, nursing facility, psychiatric medical institution, intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, or Medicare-certified skilled nursing facility.
(3) Have gross countable monthly income that does not exceed 300 percent of the federal supplemental security income benefits for one.
(4) Either meet all supplemental security income (SSI) eligibility requirements except for income or are under age 21. FMAP policies regarding income and age do not apply when determining eligibility for persons under the age of 21.
b. For all persons in this coverage group, income shall be considered as provided for SSI-related coverage groups under subrule 75.13(2). In establishing eligibility for persons aged 21 or older for this coverage group, resources shall be considered as provided for SSI-related coverage groups under subrule 75.13(2).
c. Eligibility for persons in this group shall not exist until the person has been institutionalized for a period of 30 consecutive days and shall be effective no earlier than the first day of the month in which the 30-day period begins. A "period of 30 days" is defined as being from 12 a.m. of the day of admission to the medical institution, and ending no earlier than 12 midnight of the thirtieth day following the beginning of the period.
(1) A person who enters a medical institution and who dies prior to completion of the 30-day period shall be considered to meet the 30-day period provision.
(2) Only one 30-day period is required to establish eligibility during a continuous stay in a medical institution. Discharge during a subsequent month, creating a partial month of care, does not affect eligibility for that partial month regardless of whether the eligibility determination was completed prior to discharge.
(3) A temporary absence of not more than 14 full consecutive days during which the person remains under the jurisdiction of the institution does not interrupt the 30-day period. In order to remain "under the jurisdiction of the institution" a person must first have been physically admitted to the institution.
(8)Certain persons essential to the welfare of Title XVI beneficiaries. Medical assistance will be available to the person living with and essential to the welfare of a Title XIX beneficiary provided the essential person was eligible for medical assistance as of December 31, 1973. The person will continue to be eligible for medical assistance as long as the person continues to meet the definition of "essential person" in effect in the public assistance program on December 31, 1973.
(9)Individuals receiving state supplemental assistance. Medical assistance shall be available to all recipients of state supplemental assistance as authorized by Iowa Code chapter 249.
(10)Individuals under age 21 living in a licensed foster care facility or in a private home pursuant to a subsidized adoption arrangement for whom the department has financial responsibility in whole or in part. When Iowa is responsible for foster care payment for a child pursuant to Iowa Code section 234.35 and rule 441-156.20 (234) or has negotiated an adoption assistance agreement for a child pursuant to rule 441-201.5 (600), medical assistance shall be available to the child if:
a. The child lives in Iowa and is not otherwise eligible under a category for which federal financial participation is available; or
b. The child lives in another state and is not eligible for benefits from the other state pursuant to a program funded under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act, notwithstanding the residency requirements of 441-75.10 (249A) and 441-75.53 (249A).
(11)Individuals living in a court-approved subsidized guardianship home for whom the department has financial responsibility in whole or in part. When Iowa is responsible for a subsidized guardianship payment for a child pursuant to 441-Chapter 204, medical assistance will be available to the child under this subrule if the child is living in a court-approved subsidized guardianship home and either:
a. The child lives in Iowa and is not eligible for medical assistance under a category for which federal financial participation is available due to reasons other than:
(1) Failure to provide information, or
(2) Failure to comply with other procedural requirements; or
b. Notwithstanding the residency requirements of 441-75.10 (249A) and 441-75.53 (249A), the child lives in another state and is not eligible for benefits from the other state pursuant to a program funded under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act due to reasons other than:
(1) Failure to provide information, or
(2) Failure to comply with other procedural requirements.
(12)Persons ineligible due to October 1, 1972, social security increase. Medical assistance will be available to individuals and families whose assistance grants were canceled as a result of the increase in social security benefits October 1, 1972, as long as these individuals and families would be eligible for an assistance grant if the increase were not considered.
(13)Persons who would be eligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance but for social security cost-of-living increases received. Medical assistance shall be available to all current social security recipients who meet the following conditions:
a. They were entitled to and received concurrently in any month after April 1977 supplemental security income and social security or state supplementary assistance and social security, and
b. They subsequently lost eligibility for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance, and
c. They would be eligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance if all of the social security cost-of-living increases which they and their financially responsible spouses, parents, and dependent children received since they were last eligible for and received social security and supplemental security income (or state supplementary assistance) concurrently were deducted from their income. Spouses, parents, and dependent children are considered financially responsible if their income would be considered in determining the applicant's eligibility.
(14)Family medical assistance program (FMAP). Medicaid shall be available to children who meet the provisions of rule 441-75.54 (249A) and to the children's specified relatives who meet the provisions of subrule 75.54(2) and rule 441-75.55 (249A) if the following criteria are met.
a. In establishing eligibility of specified relatives for this coverage group, resources are considered in accordance with the provisions of rule 441-75.56 (249A) and shall not exceed $2,000 for applicant households or $5,000 for member households. In establishing eligibility for children for this coverage group, resources of all persons in the eligible group, regardless of age, shall be disregarded.
b. Income is considered in accordance with rule 441-75.57 (249A) and does not exceed needs standards established in rule 441-75.58 (249A).
c. Rescinded IAB 11/1/00, effective 1/1/01.
(15)Child medical assistance program (CMAP). Medicaid shall be available to persons under the age of 21 if the following criteria are met:
a. Financial eligibility shall be determined for the family size of which the child is a member using the income standards in effect for the family medical assistance program (FMAP) unless otherwise specified. Income shall be considered as provided in rule 441-75.57 (249A). Additionally, the earned income disregards as provided in paragraphs 75.57(2)"a, " "b, " "c, " and"d" shall be allowed for those persons whose income is considered in establishing eligibility for the persons under the age of 21 and whose needs must be included in accordance with paragraph 75.58(1)"a" but who are not eligible for Medicaid. Resources of all persons in the eligible group, regardless of age, shall be disregarded. Unless a family member is voluntarily excluded in accordance with the provisions of rule 441-75.59 (249A), family size shall be determined as follows:
(1) If the person under the age of 21 is pregnant and the pregnancy has been verified in accordance with rule 441-75.17 (249A), the unborn child (or children if more than one) is considered a member of the family for purposes of establishing the number of persons in the family.
(2) A "man-in-the-house" who is not married to the mother of the unborn child is not considered a member of the unborn child's family for the purpose of establishing the number of persons in the family. His income and resources are not automatically considered, regardless of whether or not he is the legal or natural father of the unborn child. However, income and resources made available to the mother of the unborn child by the "man-in-the-house" shall be considered in determining eligibility for the pregnant individual.
(3) Unless otherwise specified, when the person under the age of 21 is living with a parent(s), the family size shall consist of all family members as defined by the family medical assistance program in accordance with paragraph 75.57(8)"c" and subrule 75.58(1).

Application for Medicaid shall be made by the parent(s) when the person is residing with them. A person shall be considered to be living with the parent(s) when the person is temporarily absent from the parent's(s') home as defined in subrule 75.53(4). If the person under the age of 21 is married or has been married, the needs, income and resources of the person's parent(s) and any siblings in the home shall not be considered in the eligibility determination unless the marriage was annulled.

(4) When a person is living with a spouse the family size shall consist of that person, the spouse and any of their children, including any unborn children.
(5) Siblings under the age of 21 who live together shall be considered in the same filing unit for the purpose of establishing eligibility under this rule unless one sibling is married or has been married, in which case, the married sibling shall be considered separately unless the marriage was annulled.
(6) When a person is residing in a household in which some members are receiving FMAP under the provisions of subrule 75.1(14) or MAC under the provisions of subrule 75.1(28), and when the person is not included in the FMAP or MAC eligible group, the family size shall consist of the person and all other family members as defined above except those in the FMAP or MAC eligible group.
b. Rescinded IAB 9/6/89, effective 11/1/89.
c. Rescinded IAB 11/1/89, effective 1/1/90.
d. A person is eligible for the entire month in which the person's twenty-first birthday occurs unless the birthday falls on the first day of the month.
e. Living with a specified relative as provided in subrule 75.54(2) shall not be considered when determining eligibility for persons under this coverage group.
(16)Children receiving subsidized adoption payments from states providing reciprocal medical assistance benefits. Medical assistance shall be available to children under the age of 21 for whom an adoption assistance agreement with another state is in effect if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The child is residing in Iowa in a private home with the child's adoptive parent or parents.
b. Benefits funded under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act are not being paid for the child by any state.
c. Another state currently has an adoption assistance agreement in effect for the child.
d. The state with the adoption assistance agreement:
(1) Is a member of the interstate compact on adoption and medical assistance (ICAMA); and
(2) Provides medical assistance benefits pursuant to a program funded under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, under the optional group at Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(VIII) of the Act, to children residing in that state (at least until age 18) for whom there is a state adoption assistance agreement in effect with the state of Iowa other than under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
(17)Persons who meet the income and resource requirements of the cash assistance programs. Medicaid shall be available to the following persons who meet the income and resource guidelines of supplemental security income or refugee cash assistance, but who are not receiving cash assistance:
a. Aged and blind persons, as defined at subrule 75.13(2).
b. Disabled persons, as defined at rule 441-75.20 (249A).

In establishing eligibility for children for this coverage group based on eligibility for SSI, resources of all persons in the eligible group, regardless of age, shall be disregarded. In establishing eligibility for adults for this coverage group, resources shall be considered as provided for SSI-related coverage groups under subrule 75.13(2) or as under refugee cash assistance.

(18)Persons eligible for waiver services. Medicaid shall be available to recipients of waiver services as defined in 441-Chapter 83.
(19)Persons and families terminated from aid to dependent children (ADC) prior to April 1, 1990, due to discontinuance of the $30 or the $30 and one-third earned income disregards. Rescinded IAB 6/12/91, effective 8/1/91.
(20)Newborn children. Medicaid shall be available without an application to newborn children of women who are determined eligible for Medicaid for the month of the child's birth or for three-day emergency services for labor and delivery for the child's birth. Effective April 1, 2009, eligibility begins with the month of the birth and continues through the month of the first birthday as long as the child remains an Iowa resident.
a. The department shall accept any written or verbal statement as verification of the newborn's birth date unless the birth date is questionable.
b. In order for Medicaid to continue after the month of the first birthday, a redetermination of eligibility shall be completed.
(21)Persons and families ineligible for the family medical assistance program (FMAP) in whole or in part because of child or spousal support. Medicaid shall be available for an additional four months to persons and families who become ineligible for FMAP because of income from child support, alimony, or contributions from a spouse if the person or family member received FMAP in at least three of the six months immediately preceding the month of cancellation.
a. The four months of extended Medicaid coverage begin the day following termination of FMAP eligibility.
b. When ineligibility is determined to occur retroactively, the extended Medicaid coverage begins with the first month in which FMAP eligibility was erroneously granted.
c. Rescinded IAB 10/11/95, effective 10/1/95.
(22)Refugee spend down participants. Rescinded IAB 10/11/95, effective 10/1/95.
(23)Persons who would be eligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance but for increases in social security benefits because of elimination of the actuarial reduction formula and cost-of-living increases received. Medical assistance shall be available to all current social security recipients who meet the following conditions. They:
a. Were eligible for a social security benefit in December of 1983.
b. Were eligible for and received a widow's or widower's disability benefit and supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance for January of 1984.
c. Became ineligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance because of an increase in their widow's or widower's benefit which resulted from the elimination of the reduction factor in the first month in which the increase was paid and in which a retroactive payment of that increase for prior months was not made.
d. Have been continuously eligible for a widow's or widower's benefit from the first month the increase was received.
e. Would be eligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance benefits if the amount of the increase from elimination of the reduction factor and any subsequent cost-of-living adjustments were disregarded.
f. Submit an application prior to July 1, 1988, on Form 470-0442, Application for Medical Assistance or State Supplementary Assistance.
(24)Postpartum eligibility for pregnant women. Medicaid shall continue to be available, without an application, for 60 days beginning with the last day of pregnancy and throughout the remaining days of the month in which the 60-day period ends, to a woman who had applied for Medicaid prior to the end of her pregnancy and was subsequently determined eligible for Medicaid for the month in which the pregnancy ended.
a. Postpartum Medicaid shall only be available to a woman who is not eligible for another coverage group after the pregnancy ends.
b. The woman shall not be required to meet any income or resource criteria during the postpartum period.
c. When the sixtieth day is not on the last day of the month the woman shall be eligible for Medicaid for the entire month.
(25)Persons who would be eligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance except that they receive child's social security benefits based on disability. Medical assistance shall be available to persons who receive supplemental security income (SSI) or state supplementary assistance (SSA) after their eighteenth birthday because of a disability or blindness which began before age 22 and who would continue to receive SSI or SSA except that they become entitled to or receive an increase in social security benefits from a parent's account.
(26) Rescinded IAB 10/8/97, effective 12/1/97.
(27)Widows and widowers who are no longer eligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance because of the receipt of social security benefits. Medicaid shall be available to widows and widowers who meet the following conditions:
a. They have applied for and received or were considered recipients of supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance.
b. They apply for and receive Title II widow's or widower's insurance benefits or any other Title II old age or survivor's benefits, if eligible for widow's or widower's benefits.
c. Rescinded IAB 5/1/91, effective 4/11/91.
d. They were not entitled to Part A Medicare hospital insurance benefits at the time of application and receipt of Title II old age or survivor's benefits. They are not currently entitled to Part A Medicare hospital insurance benefits.
e. They are no longer eligible for supplemental security income or state supplementary assistance solely because of the receipt of their social security benefits.
(28)Pregnant women, infants and children (Mothers and Children (MAC)). Medicaid shall be available to all pregnant women, infants (under one year of age) and children who have not attained the age of 19 if the following criteria are met:
a. Income.
(1) Family income shall not exceed 300 percent of the federal poverty level for pregnant women and for infants (under one year of age). Family income shall not exceed 133 percent of the federal poverty level for children who have attained one year of age but who have not attained 19 years of age. Income to be considered in determining eligibility for pregnant women, infants, and children shall be determined according to family medical assistance program (FMAP) methodologies except that the three-step process for determining initial eligibility and the two-step process for determining ongoing eligibility, as described at rule 441-75.57 (249A), shall not apply. "Family income" is the income remaining after disregards and deductions have been applied as provided in rule 441-75.57 (249A).
(2) Moneys received as a lump sum, except as specified in subrules 75.56(4) and 75.56(7) and paragraphs 75.57(8)"b " and"c, " shall be treated in accordance with paragraphs 75.57(9)"b " and"c. "
(3) Unless otherwise specified, when the person under the age of 19 is living with a parent or parents, the family size shall consist of all family members as defined by the family medical assistance program.

Application for Medicaid shall be made by the parents when the person is residing with them. A person shall be considered to be living with the parents when the person is temporarily absent from the parent's home as defined in subrule 75.53(4). If the person under the age of 19 is married or has been married, the needs, income and resources of the person's parents and any siblings in the home shall not be considered in the eligibility determination unless the marriage was annulled.

(4) When a person under the age of 19 is living with a spouse, the family size shall consist of that person, the spouse, and any of their children.
(5) Siblings under the age of 19 who live together shall be considered in the same filing unit for the purpose of establishing eligibility under this subrule unless one sibling is married or has been married, in which case the married sibling shall be considered separately unless the marriage was annulled.
b. For pregnant women, resources shall not exceed $10,000 per household. In establishing eligibility for infants and children for this coverage group, resources of all persons in the eligible group, regardless of age, shall be disregarded. In establishing eligibility for pregnant women for this coverage group, resources shall be considered in accordance with department of public health 641-subrule 75.4(2).
c. Rescinded IAB 9/6/89, effective 11/1/89.
d. Eligibility for pregnant women under this rule shall begin no earlier than the first day of the month in which conception occurred and in accordance with 441-76.5(249A).
e. The unborn child (children if more than one fetus exists) shall be considered when determining the number of persons in the household.
f. An infant shall be eligible through the month of the first birthday unless the birthday falls on the first day of the month. A child shall be eligible through the month of the nineteenth birthday unless the birthday falls on the first day of the month.
g. Rescinded IAB 11/1/89, effective 1/1/90.
h. When determining eligibility under this coverage group, living with a specified relative as specified at subrule 75.54(2) and the student provisions specified in subrule 75.54(1) do not apply.
i. A woman who had applied for Medicaid prior to the end of her pregnancy and was subsequently determined eligible for assistance under this coverage group for the month in which her pregnancy ended shall be entitled to receive Medicaid through the postpartum period in accordance with subrule 75.1(24).
j. If an infant loses eligibility under this coverage group at the time of the first birthday due to an inability to meet the income limit for children or if a child loses eligibility at the time of the nineteenth birthday, but the infant or child is receiving inpatient services in a medical institution, Medicaid shall continue under this coverage group for the duration of the time continuous inpatient services are provided.
(29)Persons who are entitled to hospital insurance benefits under Part A of Medicare (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary program). Medicaid shall be available to persons who are entitled to hospital insurance under Part A of Medicare to cover the cost of the Medicare Part A and B premiums, coinsurance and deductibles, providing the following conditions are met:
a. The person's monthly income does not exceed 100 percent of the federal poverty level (as defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981) applicable to a family of the size involved.
(1) The amount of income shall be determined as under the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.
(2) Income shall not include any amount of social security income attributable to the cost-of-living increase through the month following the month in which the annual revision of the official poverty line is published.
b. The person's resources do not exceed the maximum amount of resources that a person may have to obtain the full low-income subsidy for Medicare Part D drug benefits. The amount of resources shall be determined as under the SSI program unless the person lives and is expected to live at least 30 consecutive days in a medical institution and has a spouse at home. Then the resource determination shall be made according to subrules 75.5(3) and 75.5(4).
c. The effective date of eligibility is the first of the month after the month of decision.
(30)Presumptive eligibility for pregnant women. A pregnant woman who is determined by a qualified provider to be presumptively eligible for Medicaid, based only on her statements regarding family income, shall be eligible for ambulatory prenatal care. Eligibility shall continue until the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination unless the pregnant woman is determined to be ineligible for Medicaid during this period based on a Medicaid application filed either before the presumptive eligibility determination or during this period. In this case, presumptive eligibility shall end on the date Medicaid ineligibility is determined. A pregnant woman who files a Medicaid application but withdraws that application before eligibility is determined has not been determined ineligible for Medicaid. The pregnant woman shall complete Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), Health Services Application, in order for the qualified provider to make the presumptive eligibility determination. The qualified provider shall complete Form 470-2629, Presumptive Medicaid Income Calculation, in order to establish that the pregnant woman's family income is within the prescribed limits of the Medicaid program.

If the pregnant woman files a Medicaid application in accordance with rule 441-76.1 (249A) by the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination, Medicaid shall continue until a decision of ineligibility is made on the application. Payment of claims for ambulatory prenatal care services provided to a pregnant woman under this subrule is not dependent upon a finding of Medicaid eligibility for the pregnant woman.

a. A qualified provider is defined as a provider who is eligible for payment under the Medicaid program and who meets all of the following criteria:
(1) Provides one or more of the following services:
1. Outpatient hospital services.
2. Rural health clinic services (if contained in the state plan).
3. Clinic services furnished by or under the direction of a physician, without regard to whether the clinic itself is administered by a physician.
(2) Has been specifically designated by the department in writing as a qualified provider for the purposes of determining presumptive eligibility on the basis of the department's determination that the provider is capable of making a presumptive eligibility determination based on family income.
(3) Meets one of the following:
1. Receives funds under the Migrant Health Centers or Community Health Centers (subsection 329 or subsection 330 of the Public Health Service Act) or the Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Programs (Title V of the Social Security Act) or the Health Services for Urban Indians Program (Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act).
2. Participates in the program established under the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (subsection 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966) or the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (subsection 4(a) of the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973).
3. Participates in a state perinatal program.
4. Is an Indian health service office or a health program or facility operated by a tribe or tribal organization under the Indian Self-Determination Act.
b. The provider shall complete Form 470-2579, Application for Authorization to Make Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility Determinations, and submit it to the department for approval in order to become certified as a provider qualified to make presumptive eligibility determinations. Once the provider has been approved as a provider qualified to make presumptive Medicaid eligibility determinations, Form 470-2582, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Iowa Department of Human Services and a Qualified Provider, shall be signed by the provider and the department.
c. Once the qualified provider has made a presumptive eligibility determination for a pregnant woman, the provider shall:
(1) Contact the department to obtain a state identification number for the pregnant woman who has been determined presumptively eligible.
(2) Notify the department in writing of the determination within five working days after the date the presumptive determination is made. A copy of the Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility Notice of Decision, Form 470-2580 or 470-2580(S), shall be used for this purpose.
(3) Inform the pregnant woman in writing, at the time the determination is made, that if she chose not to apply for Medicaid on the Health Services Application, Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), she has until the last day of the month following the month of the preliminary determination to file an application with the department. A Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility Notice of Decision, Form 470-2580, shall be issued by the qualified provider for this purpose.
(4) Forward copies of the Health Services Application, Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), to the appropriate offices for eligibility determinations if the pregnant woman indicated on the application that she was applying for any of the other programs listed on the application. These copies shall be forwarded within two working days from the date of the presumptive determination.
d. In the event that a pregnant woman needing prenatal care does not appear to be presumptively eligible, the qualified provider shall inform the pregnant woman that she may file an application at the local department office if she wishes to have a formal determination made.
e. Presumptive eligibility shall end under any of the following conditions:
(1) The woman fails to file an application for Medicaid in accordance with rule 441-76.1 (249A) by the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination.
(2) The woman files a Medicaid application by the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination and has been found ineligible for Medicaid.
(3) Rescinded IAB 5/1/91, effective 7/1/91.
f. The adequate and timely notice requirements and appeal rights associated with an application that is filed pursuant to rule 441-76.1 (249A) shall apply to an eligibility determination made on the Medicaid application. However, notice requirements and appeal rights of the Medicaid program shall not apply to a woman who is:
(1) Issued a presumptive eligibility decision by a qualified provider.
(2) Determined to be presumptively eligible by a qualified provider and whose presumptive eligibility ends because the woman fails to file an application by the last day of the month following the month of the initial presumptive eligibility determination.
(3) Rescinded IAB 5/1/91, effective 7/1/91.
g. A woman shall not be determined to be presumptively eligible for Medicaid more than once per pregnancy.
(31)Persons and families canceled from the family medical assistance program (FMAP) due to the increased earnings of the specified relative in the eligible group. Medicaid shall be available for a period of up to 12 additional months to families who are canceled from FMAP as provided in subrule 75.1 (14) because the specified relative of a dependent child receives increased income from employment.

For the purposes of this subrule, "family" shall mean individuals living in the household whose needs and income were included in determining the FMAP eligibility of the household members at the time that the FMAP benefits were terminated. "Family" also includes those individuals whose needs and income would be taken into account in determining the FMAP eligibility of household members if the household were applying in the current month.

a. Increased income from employment includes:
(1) Beginning employment.
(2) Increased rate of pay.
(3) Increased hours of employment.
b. In order to receive transitional Medicaid coverage under these provisions, an FMAP family must have received FMAP during at least three of the six months immediately preceding the month in which ineligibility occurred.
c. The 12 months' Medicaid transitional coverage begins the day following termination of FMAP eligibility.
d. When ineligibility is determined to occur retroactively, the transitional Medicaid coverage begins with the first month in which FMAP eligibility was erroneously granted, unless the provisions of paragraph"f" below apply.
e. Rescinded IAB 8/12/98, effective 10/1/98.
f. Transitional Medicaid shall not be allowed under these provisions when it has been determined that the member received FMAP in any of the six months immediately preceding the month of cancellation as the result of fraud. Fraud shall be defined in accordance with Iowa Code Supplement section 239B. 14.
g. During the transitional Medicaid period, assistance shall be terminated at the end of the first month in which the eligible group ceases to include a child, as defined by the family medical assistance program.
h. If the family receives transitional Medicaid coverage during the entire initial six-month period and the department has received, by the twenty-first day of the fourth month, a complete Notice of Decision/Quarterly Income Report, Form 470-2663 or 470-2663(S), Medicaid shall continue for an additional six months, subject to paragraphs"g" and"i" of this subrule.
(1) If the department does not receive a completed form by the twenty-first day of the fourth month, assistance shall be canceled.
(2) A completed form is one that has all items answered, is signed, is dated, and is accompanied by verification as required in paragraphs 75.57(1)"f" and 75.57(2)"/. "
i. Medicaid shall end at the close of the first or fourth month of the additional six-month period if any of the following conditions exists:
(1) The department does not receive a complete Notice of Decision/Quarterly Income Report, Form 470-2663 or 470-2663 (S), by the twenty-first day of the first month or the fourth month of the additional six-month period as required in paragraph 75.1(31)"/?," unless the family establishes good cause for failure to report on a timely basis. Good cause shall be established when the family demonstrates that one or more of the following conditions exist:
1. There was a serious illness or death of someone in the family.
2. There was a family emergency or household disaster, such as a fire, flood, or tornado.
3. The family offers a good cause beyond the family's control.
4. There was a failure to receive the department's notification for a reason not attributable to the family. Lack of a forwarding address is attributable to the family.
(2) The specified relative had no earnings in one or more of the previous three months, unless the lack of earnings was due to an involuntary loss of employment, illness, or there were instances when problems could negatively impact the client's achievement of self-sufficiency as described at 441-subrule 93.133(4).
(3) It is determined that the family's average gross earned income, minus child care expenses for the children in the eligible group necessary for the employment of the specified relative, during the immediately preceding three-month period exceeds 185 percent of the federal poverty level as defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981.
j. These provisions apply to specified relatives defined at paragraph 75.55(1)"a, " including:
(1) Any parent who is in the home. This includes parents who are included in the eligible group as well as those who are not.
(2) A stepparent who is included in the eligible group and who has assumed the role of the caretaker relative due to the absence or incapacity of the parent.
(3) A needy specified relative who is included in the eligible group.
k. The timely notice requirements as provided in 441-subrule 76.4(1) shall not apply when it is determined that the family failed to meet the eligibility criteria specified in paragraph"g " or"i" above. Transitional Medicaid shall be terminated beginning with the first month following the month in which the family no longer met the eligibility criteria. An adequate notice shall be provided to the family when any adverse action is taken.
(32)Persons and families terminated from refugee cash assistance (RCA) because of income earned from employment. Refugee medical assistance (RMA) shall be available as long as the eight-month limit for the refugee program is not exceeded to persons who are receiving RMA and who are canceled from the RCA program solely because a member of the eligible group receives income from employment.
a. An RCA recipient shall not be required to meet any minimum program participation time frames in order to receive RMA coverage under these provisions.
b. A person who returns to the home after the family became ineligible for RCA may be included in the eligible group for RMA coverage if the person was included on the assistance grant the month the family became ineligible for RCA.
(33)Qualified disabled and working persons. Medicaid shall be available to cover the cost of the premium for Part A of Medicare (hospital insurance benefits) for qualified disabled and working persons.
a. Qualified disabled and working persons are persons who meet the following requirements:
(1) The person's monthly income does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty level applicable to the family size involved.
(2) The person's resources do not exceed twice the maximum amount allowed under the supplemental security income (SSI) program.
(3) The person is not eligible for any other Medicaid benefits.
(4) The person is entitled to enroll in Medicare Part A of Title XVIII under Section 1818 A of the Social Security Act (as added by Section 6012 of OBRA 1989).
b. The amount of the person's income and resources shall be determined as under the SSI program.
(34)Specified low-income Medicare beneficiaries. Medicaid shall be available to persons who are entitled to hospital insurance under Part A of Medicare to cover the cost of the Medicare Part B premium, provided the following conditions are met:
a. The person's monthly income exceeds 100 percent of the federal poverty level but is less than 120 percent of the federal poverty level (as defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981) applicable to a family of the size involved.
b. The person's resources do not exceed the maximum amount of resources that a person may have to obtain the full low-income subsidy for Medicare Part D drug benefits.
c. The amount of income and resources shall be determined as under the SSI program unless the person lives and is expected to live at least 3 0 consecutive days in a medical institution and has a spouse at home. Then the resource determination shall be made according to subrules 75.5(3) and 75.5(4). Income shall not include any amount of social security income attributable to the cost-of-living increase through the month following the month in which the annual revision of the official poverty level is published.
d. The effective date of eligibility shall be as set forth in rule 441-76.5 (249A).
(35)Medically needy persons.
a. Coverage groups. Subject to other requirements of this chapter, Medicaid shall be available to the following persons:
(1) Pregnant women. Pregnant women who would be eligible for FMAP-related coverage groups except for excess income or resources. For FMAP-related programs, pregnant women shall have the unborn child or children counted in the household size as if the child or children were born and living with them.
(2) FMAP-related persons under the age of 19. Persons under the age of 19 who would be eligible for an FMAP-related coverage group except for excess income.
(3) CMAP-related persons under the age of 21. Persons under the age of 21 who would be eligible in accordance with subrule 75.1(15) except for excess income.
(4) SSI-related persons. Persons who would be eligible for SSI except for excess income or resources.
(5) FMAP-specified relatives. Persons whose income or resources exceed the family medical assistance program's limit and who are a specified relative as defined at subrule 75.55(1) living with a child who is determined dependent.
b. Resources and income of all persons considered.
(1) Resources of all specified relatives and of all potentially eligible individuals living together, except as specified at subparagraph 75.1(35)"b "(2) or who are excluded in accordance with the provisions of rule 441-75.59 (249A), shall be considered in determining eligibility of adults. Resources of all specified relatives and of all potentially eligible individuals living together shall be disregarded in determining eligibility of children. Income of all specified relatives and of all potentially eligible individuals living together, except as specified at subparagraph 75.1(35)"b "(2) or who are excluded in accordance with the provisions of rule 441-75.59 (249 A), shall be considered in determining eligibility.
(2) The amount of income of the responsible relative that has been counted as available to an FMAP household or SSI individual shall not be considered in determining the countable income for the medically needy eligible group.
(3) The resource determination shall be according to subrules 75.5(3) and 75.5(4) when one spouse is expected to reside at least 30 consecutive days in a medical institution.
c. Resources.
(1) The resource limit for adults in SSI-related households shall be $10,000 per household.
(2) Disposal of resources for less than fair market value by SSI-related applicants or members shall be treated according to policies specified in rule 441-75.23 (249A).
(3) The resource limit for FMAP- or CMAP-related adults shall be $10,000 per household. In establishing eligibility for children for this coverage group, resources of all persons in the eligible group, regardless of age, shall be disregarded. In establishing eligibility for adults for this coverage group, resources shall be considered according to department of public health 641-subrule 75.4(2).
(4) The resources of SSI-related persons shall be treated according to SSI policies.
(5) When a resource is jointly owned by SSI-related persons and FMAP-related persons, the resource shall be treated according to SSI policies for the SSI-related person and according to FMAP policies for the FMAP-related persons.
d. Income. All unearned and earned income, unless specifically exempted, disregarded, deducted for work expenses, or diverted shall be considered in determining initial and continuing eligibility.
(1) Income policies specified in subrules 75.57(1) through 75.57(8) and paragraphs 75.57(9)"b, " "c, " "g, " "h, " and"i" regarding treatment of earned and unearned income are applied to FMAP-related and CMAP-related persons when determining initial eligibility and for determining continuing eligibility unless otherwise specified. The three-step process for determining initial eligibility and the two-step process for determining ongoing eligibility, as described at rule 441-75.57 (249A), shall not apply to medically needy persons.
(2) Income policies as specified in federal SSI regulations regarding treatment of earned and unearned income are applied to SSI-related persons when determining initial and continuing eligibility.
(3) The monthly income shall be determined prospectively unless actual income is available.
(4) The income for the certification period shall be determined by adding both months' net income together to arrive at a total.
(5) The income for the retroactive certification period shall be determined by adding each month of the retroactive period to arrive at a total.
e. Medically needy income level (MNIL).
(1) The MNIL is based on 133 1/3 percent of the schedule of basic needs, as provided in subrule 75.58(2), with households of one treated as households of two, as follows:

Number of Persons






















Each additional person $116

(2) When determining household size for the MNIL, all potential eligibles and all individuals whose income is considered as specified in paragraph 75.1(35)"b " shall be included unless the person has been excluded according to the provisions of rule 441-75.59(249A).
(3) The MNIL for the certification period shall be determined by adding both months' MNIL to arrive at a total. The MNIL for the retroactive certification period, when applicable, shall be determined by adding each month of the retroactive period to arrive at a total.
(4) The total net countable income for the certification period shall be compared to the total MNIL for the certification period based on family size as specified in subparagraph (2).

If the total countable net income is equal to or less than the total MNIL, the medically needy individuals shall be eligible for Medicaid.

If the total countable net income exceeds the total MNIL, the medically needy individuals shall not be eligible for Medicaid unless incurred medical expenses equal or exceed the difference between the net income and the MNIL.

(5) Effective date of approval. Eligibility during the certification period or the retroactive certification period when applicable shall be effective as of the first day of the first month of the certification period or the retroactive certification period when the medically needy income level (MNIL) is met.
f.Verification of medical expenses to be used in spenddown calculation. The applicant or member shall submit evidence of medical expenses that are for noncovered Medicaid services and for covered services incurred prior to the certification period to the department on a claim form, which shall be completed by the medical provider. In cases where the provider is uncooperative or where returning to the provider would constitute an unreasonable requirement on the applicant or member, the form shall be completed by the worker. Verification of medical expenses for the applicant or member that are covered Medicaid services and occurred during the certification period shall be submitted by the provider to the Iowa Medicaid enterprise on a claim form. The applicant or member shall inform the provider of the applicant's or member's spenddown obligation at the time services are rendered or at the time the applicant or member receives notification of a spenddown obligation. Verification of allowable expenses incurred for transportation to receive medical care as specified in rule 441-78.13(249A) shall be verified on Form 470-0394, Medical Transportation Claim.

Applicants who have not established that they met spenddown in the current certification period shall be allowed 12 months following the end of the certification period to submit medical expenses for that period or 12 months following the date of the notice of decision when the certification period had ended prior to the notice of decision.

g. Spenddown calculation.
(1) Medical expenses that are incurred during the certification period may be used to meet spenddown. Medical expenses incurred prior to a certification period shall be used to meet spenddown if not already used to meet spenddown in a previous certification period and if all of the following requirements are met. The expenses:
1. Remain unpaid as of the first day of the certification period.
2. Are not Medicaid-payable in a previous certification period or the retroactive certification period.
3. Are not incurred during any prior certification period with the exception of the retroactive period in which the person was conditionally eligible but did not meet spenddown.

Notwithstanding numbered paragraphs "1" through "3," paid medical expenses from the retroactive period can be used to meet spenddown in the retroactive period or in the certification period for the two months immediately following the retroactive period.

(2) Order of deduction. Spenddown shall be adjusted when a bill for a Medicaid-covered service incurred during the certification period has been applied to meet spenddown if a bill for a covered service incurred prior to the certification period is subsequently received. Spenddown shall also be adjusted when a bill for a noncovered Medicaid service is subsequently received with a service date prior to the Medicaid-covered service. Spenddown shall be adjusted when an unpaid bill for a Medicaid-covered service incurred during the certification period has been applied to meet spenddown if a paid bill for a covered service incurred in the certification period is subsequently received with a service date prior to the date of the notice of spenddown status.

If spenddown has been met and a bill is received with a service date after spenddown has been met, the bill shall not be deducted to meet spenddown.

Incurred medical expenses, including those reimbursed by a state or political subdivision program other than Medicaid, but excluding those otherwise subject to payment by a third party, shall be deducted in the following order:

1. Medicare and other health insurance premiums, deductibles, or coinsurance charges. Exception: When some of the household members are eligible for full Medicaid benefits under the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (HIPP), as provided in rule 441-75.21(249A), the health insurance premium shall not be allowed as a deduction to meet the spenddown obligation of those persons in the household in the medically needy coverage group.
2. An average statewide monthly standard deduction for the cost of medically necessary personal care services provided in a licensed residential care facility shall be allowed as a deduction for spenddown. These personal care services include assistance with activities of daily living such as preparation of a special diet, personal hygiene and bathing, dressing, ambulation, toilet use, transferring, eating, and managing medication.

The average statewide monthly standard deduction for personal care services shall be based on the average per day rate of health care costs associated with residential care facilities participating in the state supplementary assistance program for a 30.4-day month as computed by multiplying the previous year's average per day rate by the inflation factor increase during the preceding calendar year ending December 31 of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

3. Medical expenses for necessary medical and remedial services that are recognized under state law but not covered by Medicaid, chronologically by date of submission.
4. Medical expenses for acupuncture, chronologically by date of submission.
5. Medical expenses for necessary medical and remedial services that are covered by Medicaid, chronologically by date of submission.
(3) When incurred medical expenses have reduced income to the applicable MNIL, the individuals shall be eligible for Medicaid.
(4) Medical expenses reimbursed by a public program other than Medicaid prior to the certification period shall not be considered a medical deduction.
h. Medicaid services. Persons eligible for Medicaid as medically needy will be eligible for all services covered by Medicaid except:
(1) Care in a nursing facility or an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded.
(2) Care in an institution for mental disease.
(3) Care in a Medicare-certified skilled nursing facility.
i. Reviews. Reviews of eligibility shall be made for SSI-related, CMAP-related, and FMAP-related medically needy members with a zero spenddown as often as circumstances indicate but in no instance shall the period of time between reviews exceed 12 months.

SSI-related, CMAP-related, and FMAP-related medically needy persons shall complete Form 470-3118 or 470-3118(S), Medicaid Review, as part of the review process when requested to do so by the department.

j. Redetermination. When an SSI-related, CMAP-related, or FMAP-related member who has had ongoing eligibility because of a zero spenddown has income that exceeds the MNIL, a redetermination of eligibility shall be completed to change the member's eligibility to a two-month certification with spenddown. This redetermination shall be effective the month the income exceeds the MNIL or the first month following timely notice.
(1) The Health Services Application, Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), or the Health and Financial Support Application, Form 470-0462 or Form 470-0466 (Spanish), shall be used to determine eligibility for SSI-related medically needy when an SSI recipient has been determined to be ineligible for SSI due to excess income or resources in one or more of the months after the effective date of the SSI eligibility decision.
(2) All eligibility factors shall be reviewed on redeterminations of eligibility.
k. Recertifications. A new application shall be made when the certification period has expired and there has been a break in assistance as defined at rule 441-75.25 (249A). When the certification period has expired and there has not been a break in assistance, the person shall use the Medicaid Review, Form 470-3118 or 470-3118(S), to be recertified.
l.Disability determinations. An applicant receiving social security disability benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act or railroad retirement benefits based on the Social Security Act definition of disability by the Railroad Retirement Board shall be deemed disabled without any further determination. In other cases under the medically needy program, the department shall conduct an independent determination of disability unless the applicant has been denied supplemental security income benefits based on lack of disability and does not allege either (1) a disabling condition different from or in addition to that considered by the Social Security Administration, or (2) that the applicant's condition has changed or deteriorated since the most recent Social Security Administration determination.
(1) In conducting an independent determination of disability, the department shall use the same criteria required by federal law to be used by the Social Security Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in determining disability for purposes of Supplemental Security Income under Title XVI of the Social Security Act. The disability determination services bureau of the division of vocational rehabilitation shall make the initial disability determination on behalf of the department.
(2) For an independent determination of disability, the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative shall complete, sign and submit Form 470-4459 or 470-4459(S), Authorization to Disclose Information to the Department of Human Services, and either:
1. Form 470-2465, Disability Report for Adults, if the applicant is aged 18 or over; or
2. Form 470-3912, Disability Report for Children, if the applicant is under the age of 18.
(3) In connection with any independent determination of disability, the department shall determine whether reexamination of the person's medical condition will be necessary for periodic redeterminations of eligibility. When reexamination is required, the member or the member's authorized representative shall complete and submit the same forms as required in subparagraph (2).
(36)Expanded specified low-income Medicare beneficiaries. As long as 100 percent federal funding is available under the federal Qualified Individuals (QI) Program, Medicaid benefits to cover the cost of the Medicare Part B premium shall be available to persons who are entitled to Medicare Part A provided the following conditions are met:
a. The person is not otherwise eligible for Medicaid.
b. The person's monthly income is at least 120 percent of the federal poverty level but is less than 135 percent of the federal poverty level (as defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981) applicable to a family of the size involved.
c. The person's resources do not exceed the maximum amount of resources that a person may have to obtain the full low-income subsidy for Medicare Part D drug benefits.
d. The amount of the income and resources shall be determined the same as under the SSI program unless the person lives and is expected to live at least 30 consecutive days in a medical institution and has a spouse at home. Then the resource determination shall be made according to subrules 75.5(3) and 75.5(4). Income shall not include any amount of social security income attributable to the cost-of-living increase through the month following the month in which the annual revision of the official poverty level is published.
e. The effective date of eligibility shall be as set forth in rule 441-76.5(249A).
(37)Home health specified low-income Medicare beneficiaries. Rescinded IAB 10/30/02, effective 1/1/03.
(38)Continued Medicaidfor disabled children from August 22, 1996. Medical assistance shall be available to persons who were receiving SSI as of August 22, 1996, and who would continue to be eligible for SSI but for Section 211(a) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 ( P.L. 104-193).
(39)Working persons with disabilities.
a. Medical assistance shall be available to all persons who meet all of the following conditions:
(1) They are disabled as determined pursuant to rule 441-75.20 (249A), except that being engaged in substantial gainful activity will not preclude a determination of disability.
(2) They are less than 65 years of age.
(3) They are members of families (including families of one) whose income is less than 250 percent of the most recently revised official federal poverty level for the family. Family income shall include gross income of all family members, less supplemental security income program disregards, exemptions, and exclusions, including the earned income disregards. However, income attributable to a social security cost-of-living adjustment shall be included only in determining eligibility based on a subsequently published federal poverty level.
(4) They receive earned income from employment or self-employment or are eligible under paragraph 75.1(39)"c. "
(5) They would be eligible for medical assistance under another coverage group set out in this rule (other than the medically needy coverage groups at subrule 75.1(35)), disregarding all income, up to $10,000 of available resources, and any additional resources held by the disabled individual in a retirement account, a medical savings account, or an assistive technology account. For this purpose, disability shall be determined as under subparagraph 75.1(39)"a"(l) above.
(6) They have paid any premium assessed under paragraph 75.1(39)"b " below.
b. Eligibility for a person whose gross income is greater than 150 percent of the federal poverty level for an individual is conditional upon payment of a premium. Gross income includes all earned and unearned income of the conditionally eligible person, except that income attributable to a social security cost-of-living adjustment shall be included only in determining premium liability based on a subsequently published federal poverty level. A monthly premium shall be assessed at the time of application and at the annual review. The premium amounts and the federal poverty level increments above 150 percent of the federal poverty level used to assess premiums will be adjusted annually on August 1.
(1) Beginning with the month of application, the monthly premium amount shall be established based on projected average monthly income. The monthly premium established shall not be increased for any reason before the next eligibility review. The premium shall not be reduced due to a change in the federal poverty level but may be reduced or eliminated prospectively before the next eligibility review if a reduction in projected average monthly income is verified.
(2) Eligible persons are required to complete and return Form 470-3118 or 470-3118(S), Medicaid Review, with income information during the twelfth month of the annual enrollment period to determine the premium to be assessed for the next 12-month enrollment period.
(3) Premiums shall be assessed as follows:



150% of Federal Poverty Level


165% of Federal Poverty Level


180% of Federal Poverty Level


200% of Federal Poverty Level


225% of Federal Poverty Level


250% of Federal Poverty Level


300% of Federal Poverty Level


350% of Federal Poverty Level


400% of Federal Poverty Level


450% of Federal Poverty Level


550% of Federal Poverty Level


650% of Federal Poverty Level


750% of Federal Poverty Level


850% of Federal Poverty Level


1000% of Federal Poverty Level


1150% of Federal Poverty Level


1300% of Federal Poverty Level


1480% of Federal Poverty Level


1550% of Federal Poverty Level


(4) Eligibility is contingent upon the payment of any assessed premiums. Medical assistance eligibility shall not be made effective for a month until the premium assessed for the month is paid. The premium must be paid within three months of the month of coverage or of the month of initial billing, whichever is later, for the person to be eligible for the month.
(5) When the department notifies the applicant of the amount of the premiums, the applicant shall pay any premiums due as follows:
1. The premium for each month is due the fourteenth day of the month the premium is to cover. EXCEPTIONS: The premium for the month of initial billing is due the fourteenth day of the following month; premiums for any months prior to the month of initial billing are due on the fourteenth day of the third month following the month of billing.
2. If the fourteenth day falls on a weekend or a state holiday, payment is due the first working day following the holiday or weekend.
3. When any premium payment due in the month it is to cover is not received by the due date, Medicaid eligibility shall be canceled.
(6) Payments received shall be applied in the following order:
1. To the month in which the payment is received if the premium for the current calendar month is unpaid.
2. To the following month when the payment is received after a billing statement has been issued for the following month.
3. To prior months when a full payment has not been received. Payments shall be applied beginning with the most recent unpaid month before the current calendar month, then the oldest unpaid prior month and forward until all prior months have been paid.
4. When premiums for all months above have been paid, any excess shall be held and applied to any months for which eligibility is subsequently established, as specified in numbered paragraphs "1," "2," and "3" above, and then to future months when a premium becomes due.
5. Any excess on an inactive account shall be refunded to the client after two calendar months of inactivity or of a zero premium or upon request from the client.
(7) An individual's case may be reopened when Medicaid eligibility is canceled for nonpayment of premium. However, the full premium must be received by the department on or before the last day of the month following the month the premium is to cover.
(8) Premiums may be submitted in the form of money orders or personal checks to the address printed on the coupon attached to Form 470-3902, MEPD Billing Statement.
(9) Once an individual is canceled from Medicaid due to nonpayment of premiums, the individual must reapply to establish Medicaid eligibility unless the reopening provisions of this subrule apply.
(10) When a premium due in the month it is to cover is not received by the due date, a notice of decision will be issued to cancel Medicaid. The notice will include reopening provisions that apply if payment is received and appeal rights.
(11) Form 470-3902, MEPD Billing Statement, shall be used for billing and collection.
c. Members in this coverage group who become unable to work due to a change in their medical condition or who lose employment shall remain eligible for a period of six months from the month of the change in their medical condition or loss of employment as long as they intend to return to work and continue to meet all other eligibility criteria under this subrule. Members shall submit Form 470-4856, MEPD Intent to Return to Work, to report on the end of their employment and their intent to return to employment.
d. For purposes of this subrule, the following definitions apply:

"Assistive technology" is the systematic application of technologies, engineering, methodologies, or scientific principles to meet the needs of and address the barriers confronted by individuals with disabilities in areas that include education, rehabilitation, technology devices and assistive technology services.

"Assistive technology accounts" include funds in contracts, savings, trust or other financial accounts, financial instruments or other arrangements with a definite cash value set aside and designated for the purchase, lease or acquisition of assistive technology, assistive technology devices or assistive technology services. Assistive technology accounts must be held separate from other accounts and funds and must be used to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire assistive technology, assistive technology services or assistive technology devices for the working person with a disability when a physician, certified vocational rehabilitation counselor, licensed physical therapist, licensed speech therapist, or licensed occupational therapist has established the medical necessity of the device, technology, or service and determined the technology, device, or service can reasonably be expected to enhance the individual's employment.

"Assistive technology device " is any item, piece of equipment, product system or component part, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities or address or eliminate architectural, communication, or other barriers confronted by persons with disabilities.

"Assistive technology service " means any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device or other assistive technology. It includes, but is not limited to, services referred to or described in the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, 29 U.S.C. 3002(4).

"Family " if the individual is under 18 and unmarried, includes parents living with the individual, siblings under 18 and unmarried living with the individual, and children of the individual who live with the individual. If the individual is 18 years of age or older, or married, "family" includes the individual's spouse living with the individual and any children living with the individual who are under 18 and unmarried. No other persons shall be considered members of an individual's family. An individual living alone or with others not listed above shall be considered to be a family of one.

"Medical savings account" means an account exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to Section 220 of the United States Internal Revenue Code ( 26 U.S.C. § 220) .

"Retirement account" means any retirement or pension fund or account, listed in Iowa Code section 627.6(8)"f" as exempt from execution, regardless of the amount of contribution, the interest generated, or the total amount in the fund or account.

(40)People who have been screened and found to need treatment for breast or cervical cancer.
a. Medical assistance shall be available to people who:
(1) Have been screened for breast or cervical cancer under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program established under Title XV of the Public Health Service Act and have been found to need treatment for either breast or cervical cancer (including a precancerous condition);
(2) Do not otherwise have creditable coverage, as that term is defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ( 42 U.S.C. Section 300gg(c)(l)) , and are not eligible for medical assistance under Iowa Code section 249A.3(1); and
(3) Are under the age of 65.
b. Eligibility established under paragraph"a" continues until the person is:
(1) No longer receiving treatment for breast or cervical cancer;
(2) No longer under the age of 65; or
(3) Covered by creditable coverage or eligible for medical assistance under Iowa Code section 249A.3(1).
c. Presumptive eligibility. A person who has been screened for breast or cervical cancer under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program established under Title XV of the Public Health Service Act, who has been found to need treatment for either breast or cervical cancer (including a precancerous condition), and who is determined by a qualified provider to be presumptively eligible for medical assistance under paragraph"a " shall be eligible for medical assistance until the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination if no Medicaid application is filed in accordance with rule 441-76.1 (249A) by that day or until the date of a decision on a Medicaid application filed in accordance with rule 441-76.1 (249A) by the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination, whichever is earlier.

The person shall complete Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), Health Services Application, in order for the qualified provider to make the presumptive eligibility determination. Presumptive eligibility shall begin no earlier than the date the qualified Medicaid provider determines eligibility.

Payment of claims for services provided to a person under this paragraph is not dependent upon a finding of Medicaid eligibility for the person.

(1) A provider who is qualified to determine presumptive eligibility is defined as a provider who:
1. Is eligible for payment under the Medicaid program; and
2. Either:

* Has been named lead agency for a county or regional local breast and cervical cancer early detection program under a contract with the department of public health; or

* Has a cooperative agreement with the department of public health under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program established under Title XV of the Public Health Service Act to receive reimbursement for providing breast or cervical cancer screening or diagnostic services to participants in the Care for Yourself Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program; and

3. Has made application and has been specifically designated by the department in writing as a qualified provider for the purpose of determining presumptive eligibility under this rule.
(2) The provider shall complete Form 470-3864, Application for Authorization to Make Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility Determinations (BCCT), and submit it to the department for approval in order to be designated as a provider qualified to make presumptive eligibility determinations. Once the department has approved the provider's application, the provider and the department shall sign Form 470-3865, Memorandum of Understanding with a Qualified Provider for People with Breast or Cervical Cancer Treatment. When both parties have signed the memorandum, the department shall designate the provider as a qualified provider and notify the provider.
(3) When a qualified provider has made a presumptive eligibility determination for a person, the provider shall:
1. Contact the department to obtain a state identification number for the person who has been determined presumptively eligible.
2. Notify the department in writing of the determination within five working days after the date the presumptive eligibility determination is made. The provider shall use a copy of Form 470-2580 or 470-25 80(S), Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility Notice of Decision, for this purpose.
3. Inform the person in writing, at the time the determination is made, that if the person has not applied for Medicaid on Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), Health Services Application, the person has until the last day of the month following the month of the preliminary determination to file the application with the department. The qualified provider shall use Form 470-2580 or 470-2580(S), Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility Notice of Decision, for this purpose.
4. Forward copies of Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), Health Services Application, to the appropriate department office for eligibility determination if the person indicated on the application that the person was applying for any of the other programs. The provider shall forward these copies and proof of screening for breast or cervical cancer under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program within two working days from the date of the presumptive eligibility determination.
(4) In the event that a person needing care does not appear to be presumptively eligible, the qualified provider shall inform the person that the person may file an application at the county department office if the person wishes to have an eligibility determination made by the department.
(5) Presumptive eligibility shall end under either of the following conditions:
1. The person fails to file an application for Medicaid in accordance with rule 441-76.1 (249A) by the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination.
2. The person files a Medicaid application by the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination and is found ineligible for Medicaid.
(6) Adequate and timely notice requirements and appeal rights shall apply to an eligibility determination made on a Medicaid application filed pursuant to rule 441-76.1(249A). However, notice requirements and appeal rights of the Medicaid program shall not apply to a person who is:
1. Denied presumptive eligibility by a qualified provider.
2. Determined to be presumptively eligible by a qualified provider and whose presumptive eligibility ends because the person fails to file an application by the last day of the month following the month of the presumptive eligibility determination.
(7) A new period of presumptive eligibility shall begin each time a person is screened for breast or cervical cancer under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program established under Title XV of the Public Health Service Act, is found to need treatment for breast or cervical cancer, and files Form 470-2927 or 470-2927(S), Health Services Application, with a qualified provider.
(41)Persons eligible for family planning services under demonstration waiver. Rescinded IAB 10/11/17, effective 10/1/17.
(42)Medicaid for independent young adults. Medical assistance shall be available, as assistance related to the family medical assistance program, to a person who left a foster care placement on or after May 1, 2006, and meets all of the following conditions:
a. The person is at least 18 years of age and under 21 years of age.
b. On the person's eighteenth birthday, the person resided in foster care and Iowa was responsible for the foster care payment pursuant to Iowa Code section 234.35.
c. The person is not a mandatory household member or receiving Medicaid benefits under another coverage group.
d. The person has income below 200 percent of the most recently revised federal poverty level for the person's household size.
(1) "Household" shall mean the person and any of the following people who are living with the person and are not active on another Medicaid case:
1. The person's own children;
2. The person's spouse; and
3. Any children of the person's spouse who are under the age of 18 and unmarried.

No one else shall be considered a member of the person's household. A person who lives alone or with others not listed above, including the person's parents, shall be considered a household of one.

(2) The department shall determine the household's countable income pursuant to rule 441-75.57 (249A). Twenty percent of earned income shall be disregarded.
(3) A person found to be income-eligible upon application or upon annual redetermination of eligibility shall remain income-eligible for 12 months regardless of any change in income or household size.
(43)Medicaid for children with disabilities. Medical assistance shall be available to children who meet all of the following conditions on or after January 1, 2009:
a. The child is under 19 years of age.
b. The child is disabled as determined pursuant to rule 441-75.20 (249A) based on the disability standards for children used for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits under Title XVI of the Social Security Act, but without regard to any income or asset eligibility requirements of the SSI program.
c. The child is enrolled in any group health plan available through the employer of a parent living in the same household as the child if the employer contributes at least 50 percent of the total cost of annual premiums for that coverage. The parent shall enroll the child and pay any employee premium required to maintain coverage for the child.
d. The child's household has income at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty level applicable to a family of that size.
(1) For this purpose, the child's household shall include any of the following persons who are living with the child and are not receiving Medicaid on another case:
1. The child's parents.
2. The child's siblings under the age of 19.
3. The child's spouse.
4. The child's children.
5. The children of the child's spouse.
(2) Only those persons identified in subparagraph (1) shall be considered a member of the child's household. A person who receives medically needy coverage with a spenddown or limited benefits such as Medicare savings programs only is not considered to be "receiving Medicaid" for the purposes of subparagraph (1). A child who lives alone or with persons not identified in subparagraph (1) shall be considered as having a household of one.
(3) For this purpose, the income of all persons included in the child's household shall be determined as provided for SSI-related groups under subrule 75.13(2).
(4) The federal poverty levels used to determine eligibility shall be revised annually on April 1.
(44)Presumptive eligibility for children. Medical assistance shall be available to children under the age of 19 who are determined by a qualified entity to be presumptively eligible for medical assistance pursuant to this subrule.
a. Qualified entity. A "qualified entity" is an entity described in paragraphs (1) through (10) of the definition of the term at 42 CFR 435.1101, as amended to October 1, 2008, that:
(1) Has been determined by the department to be capable of making presumptive determinations of eligibility, and
(2) Has signed an agreement with the department as a qualified entity.
b. Application process. Families requesting assistance for children under this subrule shall apply with a qualified entity using the form specified in 441-paragraph 76.1(1) "f " The qualified entity shall use the department's web-based system to make the presumptive eligibility determination, based on the information provided in the application.
(1) All presumptive eligibility applications shall be forwarded to the department for a full Medicaid or hawki eligibility determination, regardless of the child's presumptive eligibility status.
(2) The date a valid application was received by the qualified entity establishes the date of application for purposes of determining the effective date of Medicaid or hawki eligibility unless the qualified entity received the application on a weekend or state holiday. Applications received by the qualified entity on a weekend or a state holiday shall be considered to be received on the first business day following the weekend or state holiday.
(3) The qualified entity shall issue Form 470-2580 or 470-2580(S), Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility Notice of Decision, to inform the applicant of the decision on the application as soon as possible but no later than within two working days after the date the determination is made.
(4) Timely and adequate notice requirements and appeal rights of the Medicaid program shall not apply to presumptive eligibility decisions made by a qualified entity.
c. Eligibility requirements. To be determined presumptively eligible for medical assistance, a child shall meet the following eligibility requirements.
(1) Age. The child must be under the age of 19.
(2) Household income. Household income must be less than 300 percent of the federal poverty level for a household of the same size. For this purpose, the household shall include the applicant child and any sibling (of whole or half blood, or adoptive), spouse, parent, or stepparent living with the applicant child. This determination shall be based on the household's gross income, with no deductions, diversions, or disregards.
(3) Citizenship or qualified alien status. The child must be a citizen of the United States or a qualified alien as defined in subrule 75.11(2).
(4) Iowa residency. The child must be a resident of Iowa.
(5) Prior presumptive eligibility. A child shall not be determined presumptively eligible more than once in a 12-month period. The first month of the 12-month period begins with the month the application is received by the qualified entity.
d. Period of presumptive eligibility. Presumptive eligibility shall begin with the date that presumptive eligibility is determined and shall continue until the earliest of the following dates:
(1) The last day of the next calendar month;
(2) The day the child is determined eligible for Medicaid;
(3) The last day of the month that the child is determined eligible for hawki; or
(4) The day the child is determined ineligible for Medicaid and hawki. Withdrawal of the Medicaid or hawki application before eligibility is determined shall not affect the child's eligibility during the presumptive period.
e. Services covered. Children determined presumptively eligible under this subrule shall be entitled to all Medicaid-covered services, including early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment (EPSDT) services. Payment of claims for Medicaid services provided to a child during the presumptive eligibility period, including EPSDT services, is not dependent upon a determination of Medicaid or hawki eligibility by the department.
(45)Medicaid for former foster care youth Effective January 1, 2014, medical assistance shall be available to a person who meets all of the following conditions:
a. The person is at least 18 years of age (or such higher age to which foster care is provided to the person) and under 26 years of age;
b. The person is not described in or enrolled under any of Subclauses (I) through (VII) of Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i) of Title XIX of the Social Security Act or is described in any of such subclauses but has income that exceeds the level of income applicable under Iowa's state Medicaid plan for eligibility to enroll for medical assistance under such subclause;
c. The person was in foster care under the responsibility of Iowa on the date of attaining 18 years of age or such higher age to which foster care is provided; and
d. The person was enrolled in the Iowa Medicaid program under Title XIX of the Social Security Act while in such foster care.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 249A.3, 249A.4 and 249A.6.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 441-75.1

Amended by IAB June 11, 2014/Volume XXXVI, Number 25, effective 8/1/2014.
Amended by IAB June 10, 2015/Volume XXXVII, Number 25, effective 8/1/2015
Amended by IAB June 8, 2016/Volume XXXVIII, Number 25, effective 8/1/2016
Amended by IAB June 7, 2017/Volume XXXIX, Number 25, effective 8/1/2017
Amended by IAB October 11, 2017/Volume XL, Number 8, effective 10/1/2017
Amended by IAB January 3, 2018/Volume XL, Number 14, effective 2/7/2018
Amended by IAB July 4, 2018/Volume XLI, Number 1, effective 8/8/2018
Amended by IAB July 31, 2019/Volume XLII, Number 3, effective 9/4/2019
Amended by IAB February 12, 2020/Volume XLII, Number 17, effective 3/18/2020
Amended by IAB September 9, 2020/Volume XLIII, Number 6, effective 11/1/2020