Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 421-40.4 - Meetings of the commissions(1) Commissions shall meet as required by Iowa Code sections 216A.12, 216A.53, 216A.74, 216A.113, 216A.142, 216A.152, and 216A.162. No later than October 1, commissions shall establish and make public an annual schedule of required meetings for the following calendar year. A commission may alter its schedule with an affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the commission. The public shall be notified of alterations to the schedule within two business days of the official vote for alteration. A commission may hold additional special meetings with an affirmative vote of a majority of the membership of the commission. All meetings, including special meetings, shall be public meetings unless a closed session is approved pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5. All official commission communication shall include each member of the commission, including the ex officio member, and the administrator.(2) Meeting agendas shall be posted as required by Iowa Code section 21.4. Meeting agendas will be available on the department website at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting unless the meeting meets criteria established in Iowa Code section 21.4 for an emergency meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be posted on the department website upon approval by the commission.(3) Members of the public attending a commission meeting shall request any necessary reasonable accommodations for their attendance at least five business days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Accommodations requested after this time frame will be made if reasonably possible. Accommodations may be made using appropriate services at the discretion of the department, with consideration of the needs of the public in attendance.(4) All commission meetings shall provide an opportunity for public comment. Commissions shall not limit public comment to persons who have preregistered with the commission. All members of the public addressing the commission shall be present at the meeting in person or via conference call or provide written comments. All members of the public addressing the commission in person, via conference call or in writing shall provide their full name, mailing address or other appropriate information to allow future correspondence, and city and state of residence. Commissions may limit the duration of public comment in total or per individual. The time and duration of public comment will be published on the meeting agenda at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The chairperson, vice chairperson, director, administrator, or member of the division may exclude any person from the meeting for comments or behavior that disrupts or obstructs the meeting.(5) Members of the public requesting to be placed on the commission agenda for a specific topic and duration shall make that request in person, by phone, by email or via the U.S. postal service to the commission chairperson or the division no later than three business days in advance of the commission meeting. The chairperson shall accept or deny a request and shall inform the individual making the request and the division of the decision no later than two business days in advance of the meeting using the same method of communication through which the request was received, followed by a written confirmation via U.S. postal service. The chairperson has sole discretion to accept or deny a request to appear on the agenda; however, denial of a scheduled time on the agenda does not preclude a member of the public from participating in the public comment portion of a meeting.(6) Substantial alterations to a published draft commission agenda shall be subject to an affirmative vote of the majority of a commission.(7) Positions of the commission, and publicly communicated messages regarding those positions from the commission, require an affirmative vote of the majority of a commission in a public meeting.Iowa Admin. Code r. 421-40.4
Adopted by IAB December 29, 2021/Volume XLIV, Number 13, effective 2/2/2022